baoˋ zhe˙ xi¯ wangˋ bingˋ buˊ fanˋ faˇ
It's not illegal to hope, There's no law against hoping
抱著 Hug, Hold, Embrace
baoˋ zhe˙
希望 Hope, Hoped, Hoping, Want, Wanted, Wanting
xi¯ wangˋ
抱著希望 Hoping, Hold on to hope
baoˋ zhe˙ xi¯ wangˋ
犯法 Crime, A crime, Illegal, Break the law, Breaks the law, Breaking the law, Broke the law
fanˋ faˇ
不犯法 Not illegal, It's not breaking the law
buˊ fanˋ faˇ
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