Index for words including 拘


Arrest, Apprehend, Detain, Restrained, Confined, Restricted, Inflexible, Rigid, Unbendable, Stubborn, Narrow Minded, Pedantic

Word Links for words containing 拘 (sorted via character pairs)

拘 ju¯
Arrest, Apprehend, Detain, Restrained, Confined, Restricted, Inflexible, Rigid, Unbendable, Stubborn, Narrow Minded, Pedantic

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


拘留 Detain, Arrest

拘留 Jail


拘謹 Prim, Restrained


拘束 Restrain, Tie down, Tied down, Timid, Awkward, Not comfortable

受到拘束 Tied down, Suffer the constraints of

不願受到拘束 Unwilling to be tied down, Unwilling to be restrained

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