Index for words including 持


Hold, Grasp, Support, Manage, Direct, Maintain

Word Links for words containing 持 (sorted via character pairs)

持 chiˊ
Hold, Grasp, Support, Manage, Direct, Maintain

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


持繼 Continue, Continuous, Lasting

沒有持繼 Did not continue

沒有持繼很久 Did not last very long


持續 Continued, Went on, Continuous, Uninterrupted

進行持續 Act continuously, Continuously, Continue to act

持續 Continuous, Uninterrupted, Consistant

持續不斷 Steady, Continuous, Non-stop

持續加速 Sped onwards

一直持續增強 Keeps getting stronger

持續加速飛行 Flew quickly onwards

不會再持續太久 Won't stay like this for long, Won't be like this for much longer

持續了一段時間 Lasted for a while

持續不斷給予的禮物 Gift that keeps on giving

在那之後他持續和我聯繫 After that he kept in contact with me

持續如此 Stay that way, Stay like this

大概會持續如此 Would probably stay like this

持續進行 Continuous, Continuously carried out, Continuously in action

對焦便持續進行 Focusing will then be continuous

持續發現更多 Went on to discover even more

持續發現更多 And went on to discover even more

進行持續對焦 Continuously focus, Focus continuously, Continue to keep in focus

以向主體進行持續對焦 Act to keep subject continuously in focus


持刀 Holding a knife, With a knife

持刀的人 The person with a knife, The person holding a knife

持刀的女人 The woman with a knife, The woman holding a knife


持久 Hold out, Last for a long time, Lasting, Durable


持候 As a child, While (still) young


持得 Capacity for holding or maintaining


持之以恆 Persevere


持劍的人 Person holding the sword, Swordsman, Swordsmen, Sword wielder, Men who wield swords

持劍的人甚至早晚 Sooner or later, even the person holding the sword


持平 Level, Keep level


持本 If this bill or invoice


穩固握持相 Hold camera steady


持有 Hold, Possess


維持 Keep, Guard, Sustain, Maintain, Support, Preserve

維持 Still maintains, Still keeps

維持平衡 Stay balanced, Staying balanced

維持得住 Maintain, Sustain, Support

維持了七年 Lasted for seven years

維持呼吸道暢通 Keep respiratory tract clear

維持重心在腳上 Keep center of gravity over the foot, Keeping center of gravity over the foot

維持他們三年的生活 Sustained them for three years


堅持 Insist, Insisted, Adhere to, Persist, Uphold

堅持不屈 Persevere, Hold out and play tough, Hold out and not give in

堅持不懈 Persevere

堅持到底 See it through to the end, Stick with it, Keep at it

堅持說服 Insistently tries to persuade, Persist in trying to persuade

堅持一下 Stick to it, Keep at it

堅持學生學習廣泛的主題 Insisted that students study an extensive range of subjects


保持 Keep, Hold, Maintain, Remain

保持一致 Be consistant with, Agree with

保持乾燥 Keep dry

保持懸浮 Kept hanging, Hung

保持清醒 Stayed sober, Stayed wide awake

保持站立 Remain standing, Remained standing

保持警戒 Remain alert, Keep alert, Remain vigilant, Stay vigilant

保持在上方 Stayed aloft, Kept station overhead

保持靜止 Please keep still, Please remain still

保持敞開的狀態 Kept open, Stay open

會願意保持下去 Liked to maintain it, Liked to keep it

有點像是保持聯繫 Kind of touching base, Kind of just keeping in contact

抓住東西以保持平衡 Grabbing onto things to stay balanced, Hold onto something to stay balanced

引起好幾個保持站立的婦人斥責的眼光 Drawing censorious looks from several still standing women, Drawing disapproving looks from a few women who stayed standing

保持距離 Maintain distance, Maintain separation

他們會想和追捕者保持距離 They will want to keep away from their pursuer, They will want to maintain separation from their pursuit

保持低庫存 Keep inventory low, Keeping inventory low

儘量保持低庫存 Keeping inventory low

保持事物平衡的方法 A way of keeping things in balance

這世界自有保持事物平衡的方法 The world has a way of keeping things in balance

保持自動對焦點覆蓋主體 Keep auto focus point over the subject

只要保持自動對焦點覆蓋主體 As long as the auto focus point is kept over the subject


主持 Supervise, Take charge, Officiate at, Host, Hosted, Preside over

由一個外貌差不多的男士主持 Hosted by a man of similar appearance

主持 Host


支持 Support, Supports, Supporting, Supported, Bolster, Bolsters, Bolstering, Bolstered

有個成年男人支持 Have the support of a grown man

在其家族支持 With their families support

支持大一統國家觀念 Support the concept of a unified country


劫持 Hijack


夾持 Clamp

夾持試管 Test tube clamp


扶持 Support


把持 Monopolize, Seize, Take over, Dominate, Control


挾持 Hostage


穩固握持 Hold steady

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