zhiˇ, zhiˊ
Indicate, Finger, Point At, Point To, Direct, Refer To, Refers To
Word Links for words containing 指 (sorted via character pairs)
指甲 Finger nail, Finger nails
躲過了他的長指甲 Dodged his long nails
指甲花 Henna
指甲也修過 Fingernails had been done, Fingernails had been trimmed
指望 Hope
毫無指望 Hopeless, Without hope
並非毫無指望 Not completely hopeless
我並沒有抓住你的指望 I had no hope of catching you
指導 Instructions, Directions, Instruct, Give guidance, Direct
老師指導 Teacher's instructions, Teacher's guidance
指令 Directive, Command, Order, Orders, Instruction, Instructions
句指令 A command, An order, A directive
咕噥出指令 Muttered an order, Muttered a command
指令格式 Order form
指尖 Finger tip, Finger tips
用你的指尖貼 Use your finger tips to touch
他已經蹲下在指尖摩弄一小撮泥土 He was already crouched down and rubbing a pinch of dirt between his fingertips
指示 Direct, Directions, Give directions to, Instructions
依指示 Follow directions, Act according to instructions
依照指示 As instructed
有其他指示 How other instructions, Told them otherwise
等待進一步的指示 Await further instructions
指示他 Directs him
指示燈 Indicator light
指示牌 Signs
到處都有指示牌 Signs all over the place, Signs everywhere
對焦確認指示燈 Focus confirmation light, Focus confirmation indicator light
指數 Indication, Indications, Reading, Readings
震源指數 Seismic data, Seismic readings
指數型 Exponential, Numerous, Proliferating
指數為 Index, Indicate, Reference
指南 Guide book
購物指南 Purchase guide
快速入門指南 Quick Start Guide
快速參考指南 Quick Reference Guide
疑難排解指南 Trouble shooting guide
指南針 Compass
指揮 Command, Command, Direct
聯合軍隊指揮 Joint Forces Command
指揮塔 Command tower, Control tower
指揮官 Commanding officer
任務指揮官 Mission Commander
最佳指揮官 Best commanding officer, Best leader
指揮若定 Competent leadership, Retain composure even while in-charge of a big operation
指揮行動的 Commanding, In charge
負責指揮一切 In total command
手指 Finger, Fingers
一根手指 A finger
削掉手指 Cut fingers off, Slice fingers off
魔法手指 Magic fingers
她彈了手指 She snapped her fingers, She clicked her fingers
您可用手指 You (polite) can use fingers
手指比成手槍 Used fingers to mimic a gun
扣扳機的手指 Trigger finger
手指甲 Finger nail, Finger nails
手指頭 Finger, Fingers
兩手指尖 Finger tips of both hands, Finger tips
用手跟手指來 Use hand and fingers to, Use hands and fingers to
手指關節 Finger Joints
手指頭很長很長 Long fingered
您可用手指按下以將其收回 You can use your fingers to push it back down
拇指 Thumb
大拇指 Thumb
豎起大拇指 Thumb's up
他仍在吸大拇指 He still sucked his thumb
對我們豎起大拇指 Gave us a thumb's up
翹起拇指比向 Cocked a thumb at
翹起拇指比向他 Cocked a thumb at him
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