
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 不


Can't catch, Couldn't catch

zhuo¯ buˊ daoˋ

不 buˋ, buˊ, fouˇ, fou¯
No, Not, Non, None, Not Able To, Un, Without, Infix Used To Indicate Inability

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Phone , Tone


不到 buˊ daoˋ

Words that rhyme with 捉不到 (wo-wu)

Grouped by first phone

zhuo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, kuo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zuo

捉不到 zhuo¯ buˊ daoˋ

Can't catch, Couldn't catch

桌布 zhuo¯ buˋ

Table cloth

啄木鳥 zhuoˊ muˋ niaoˇ


捉住 zhuo¯ zhuˋ

Catch, Seize, Caught, Seized

卓著 zhuoˊ zhuˋ


zhuo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, kuo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zuo

錯誤 cuoˋ wuˋ

Error, Wrong, Incorrect

錯誤代碼 cuoˋ wuˋ daiˋ maˇ

Error codes

錯誤百出 cuoˋ wuˋ baiˇ chu¯

Full of mistakes, Buggy as in computer code that is buggy

錯誤的請打 cuoˋ wuˋ de˙ qingˇ daˇ

If incorrect then mark with an

zhuo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, kuo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zuo

多出 duo¯ chu¯

Extra, More than

多出來的 duo¯ chu¯ laiˊ de˙

The extra came from, The excess came from

多處 duo¯ chuˋ

Multiple, Many

多處刀傷 duo¯ chuˋ dao¯ shang¯

Multiple stab wounds

多讀書 duo¯ duˊ shu¯

Read more

墮入 duoˋ ruˋ

Sink or fall into

多數 duo¯ shuˋ


多數人 duo¯ shuˋ renˊ

The majority, Most people

多柱 duo¯ zhuˋ


zhuo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, kuo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zuo

過不去 guoˋ buˊ quˋ

Can't go over, Make life difficult for

過不了 guoˋ buˋ liaoˇ

Can't get across

過不了多久 guoˋ buˋ liaoˇ duo¯ jiuˇ

Before long, How long will it take

過不來 guoˋ buˋ laiˊ

Can't come over

過度 guoˋ duˋ

Exceed, Go beyond, Excessive

過度的速度 guoˋ duˋ de˙ suˋ duˋ

Excessive speed, Excessive velocity

過渡 guoˋ duˋ

Overdo, Excessive, Too much

果腹 guoˇ fuˋ

Eat, Ate, Fill belly

鍋爐 guo¯ luˊ


鍋爐爆炸 guo¯ luˊ baoˋ zhaˊ

Boiler explosion

鍋爐的壓力爬升到毀滅性的高度 guo¯ luˊ de˙ ya¯ liˋ paˊ sheng¯ daoˋ huiˇ mieˋ xingˋ de˙ gao¯ duˋ

The boiler's pressure rose to a destructively high level

鍋爐的蒸汽壓力 guo¯ luˊ de˙ zheng¯ qiˋ ya¯ liˋ

Boiler's steam pressure

過目 guoˋ muˋ

Look over, Take a look, Read over, Glance at

過目一遍 guoˋ muˋ yiˊ bianˋ

Look over, Look through

果樹 guoˇ shuˋ

Fruit tree, Fruit trees

國土 guoˊ tuˇ


國族 guoˊ zuˊ

Tribe, Clan, Phyle, Political subdivision

zhuo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, kuo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zuo

活不過 huoˊ buˊ guoˋ

Won't last, Won't survive, Won't live past, Won't live longer than

火部 huoˇ buˋ

Radical for Fire

豁出去 huo¯ chu¯ quˋ

Go all out

火弧離 huoˇ huˊ liˊ


火爐 huoˇ luˊ

Hearth, Stove, Oven

火速 huoˇ suˋ


活物 huoˊ wuˋ


貨物 huoˋ wuˋ


貨物網 huoˋ wuˋ wangˇ

Cargo net

zhuo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, kuo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zuo

闊步 kuoˋ buˋ

Stride, Take big steps

括弧 kuoˋ huˊ


zhuo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, kuo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zuo

落不明 luoˋ buˋ mingˊ

Missing, Unaccounted for

邏卒 luoˊ cuˋ

Patrolman, Patrolling soldiers

鑼鼓 luoˊ guˇ


落戶 luoˋ huˋ

Settle down

裸露 luoˇ luˋ

Bare, Nude, Naked

落伍 luoˋ wuˇ

Anachronistic, Behind the times, Outmoded, Outdated

zhuo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, kuo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zuo

說不定 shuo¯ buˊ dingˋ

Maybe, Could have

說不定會把我自己絆倒 shuo¯ buˊ dingˋ huiˋ baˇ woˇ ziˋ jiˇ banˋ daoˇ

I could trip, I could have tripped

說不對 shuo¯ buˊ duiˋ

Can't say it correctly

說不出來 shuo¯ buˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Wanted to speak but couldn't

說不出來了 shuo¯ buˋ chu¯ laiˊ le˙

Wanted to speak but couldn't

說不出話 shuo¯ buˋ chu¯ huaˋ

Speechless, Could not speak, Unable to speak

說不完 shuo¯ buˋ wanˊ

Not finished speaking, Not finished saying

說不上 shuo¯ bu˙ shangˋ

Can't say

說出 shuo¯ chu¯

Say, Says

說出來 shuo¯ chu¯ laiˊ

Talk about it

說出去 shuo¯ chu¯ quˋ

Say it, Speak it

說出口 shuo¯ chu¯ kouˇ


說出課文在寫些什麼 shuo¯ chu¯ keˋ wenˊ zaiˋ xieˇ xie¯ shenˊ me˙

Describe what the text is about

說服 shuo¯ fuˊ

Convince, Persuade

說服不了 shuo¯ fuˊ buˋ liaoˇ

Can't convince, Can't persuade

說故事 shuo¯ guˋ shiˋ

Tell stories

說數種羅曼語系語文 shuo¯ shuˋ zhongˇ luo¯ manˋ yuˇ xiˋ yuˇ wenˊ

Speak a few Romance languages

zhuo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, kuo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zuo

瑣瀆 suoˇ duˊ

To bother with trifling matters

所負責 suoˇ fuˋ zeˊ


所負責的 suoˇ fuˋ zeˊ de˙

Responsible (for)

鎖骨 suoˇ guˇ

Clavicle, Collar bone

瑣務 suoˇ wuˋ

Trivial or trifling matters, Chores

所屬 suoˇ zhuˇ

Belongs to

所組成 suoˇ zuˇ chengˊ

Made up of, Composed of, Constructed of

zhuo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, kuo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zuo

託付 tuo¯ fuˋ


zhuo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, kuo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zuo

我不介意 woˇ buˊ jieˋ yiˋ

I don't mind

我不是兒童心理學家 woˇ buˊ shiˋ erˊ tongˊ xin¯ liˇ xueˊ jia¯

I am not a child psychologist

我不是小孩子了 woˇ buˊ shiˋ xiaoˇ haiˊ ziˇ le˙

I am not a child

我不是故意的 woˇ buˊ shiˋ guˋ yiˋ de˙

I didn't mean it, I didn't do it on purpose

我不會介意 woˇ buˊ huiˋ jieˋ yiˋ

I'm not bitter, I'm not bothered

我不會做 woˇ buˊ huiˋ zuoˋ

I can't do it, I couldn't do it, I don't know how to do it, I didn't know how to do it

我不會有感覺 woˇ buˊ huiˋ youˇ ganˇ jueˊ

I wouldn't feel anything., I can't feel anything., I don't feel anything

我不會的 woˇ buˊ huiˋ de˙

I won't

我不會自以為是 woˇ buˊ huiˋ ziˋ yiˇ weiˋ shiˋ

I would not presume to imply

我不確定 woˇ buˊ queˋ dingˋ

I'm not sure

我不認為 woˇ buˊ renˋ weiˊ

I don't think that, I don't believe that

我不以為意的說 woˇ buˋ yiˇ weiˋ yiˋ de˙ shuo¯

I indifferently said, I uncaringly said

我不喜歡 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯

I didn't like, I don't like

我不喜歡他 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯

I don't like him

我不喜歡他是因為 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ

I don't like him because

我不喜歡他是因為他很邪惡 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ ta¯ henˇ xieˊ eˋ

I don't like him because he is evil

我不喜歡她 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯

I don't like her

我不喜歡她是因為 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ

I don't like her because

我不喜歡她是因為她很邪惡 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ ta¯ henˇ xieˊ eˋ

I don't like her because she is evil

我不得不坦言 woˇ buˋ deˊ buˋ tanˇ yanˊ

I must confess, I must say frankly

我不想看到你 woˇ buˋ xiangˇ kanˋ daoˋ niˇ

I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you

我不想看到妳 woˇ buˋ xiangˇ kanˋ daoˋ niˇ

I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you

我不想聽故事 woˇ buˋ xiangˇ ting¯ guˋ shiˋ

I don't want to hear a story

我不敢 woˇ buˋ ganˇ

I dare not, I had better not

我不敢再走遠了 woˇ buˋ ganˇ zaiˋ zouˇ yuanˇ le˙

I dare not go any further, I'd better not go any further

我不會去和他談 woˇ buˋ huiˋ quˋ hanˋ ta¯ tanˊ

I won't go and talk with him

我不知道 woˇ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

I don't know, I didn't know

我不知道這件事 woˇ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ zheˋ jianˋ shiˋ

I didn't know that, I didn't know about that

我不能去 woˇ buˋ nengˊ quˋ

I can't go, I can't go to

我不能和你一起去 woˇ buˋ nengˊ hanˋ niˇ yiˋ qiˇ quˋ

I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you

我不能和你們一起去 woˇ buˋ nengˊ hanˋ niˇ men˙ yiˋ qiˇ quˋ

I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you

我不能容忍不服從 woˇ buˋ nengˊ rongˊ renˇ buˋ fuˊ congˊ

I don't tolerate disobedience, I cannot stand insubordination

我不能直接告訴你 woˇ buˋ nengˊ zhiˊ jie¯ gaoˋ suˋ niˇ

I can't just tell you

我覆蓋 woˇ fuˋ gaiˋ

I covered

我母文化 woˇ muˇ wenˊ huaˋ

My native culture

我努力 woˇ nuˇ liˋ

I strive to, I am striving to, I strived to

我努力集中意志力 woˇ nuˇ liˋ jiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ zhiˋ liˋ

I strive to concentrate all of my willpower, I strived to concentrated all of my willpower, I strive to focus all of my willpower, I strived to focus all of my willpower

臥鋪 woˋ puˋ

Sleeping berth

我叔叔 woˇ shuˊ shuˊ

My uncle

我屬於這裡 woˇ shuˇ yuˊ zheˋ liˇ

I belong here

我豎起耳朵 woˇ shuˋ qiˇ erˇ duoˇ

I prick up my ears, I listen, I listened

臥束角式 woˋ shuˋ jiaoˇ shiˋ

Reclining Bound Angle Pose, Reclining Butterfly, Supta Baddha

沃土 woˋ tuˇ

Fertile soil

我誤以為 woˇ wuˋ yiˇ weiˋ

I assumed in error, I made a mistaken assumption, I mistakenly assumed

握住 woˋ zhuˋ

Took, Grasped, Held

zhuo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, kuo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zuo

做不到 zuoˋ buˊ daoˋ

Can't do it

做不了 zuoˋ buˋ liaoˇ

Can't finish, Can't do the job

坐不起 zuoˋ buˋ qiˇ

Can't afford to ride (sit on) (plane, Train, Bus)

作出 zuoˋ chu¯


做出 zuoˋ chu¯

Make, Carry out, Perform, Did

做出一大堆 zuoˋ chu¯ yiˊ daˋ dui¯

Make a whole lot, Produce a whole lot

做出來的 zuoˋ chu¯ laiˊ de˙

Produce, Make, Create

做廚師 zuoˋ chuˊ shi¯

Working as a cook, Working as a chef

左顧右盼 zuoˇ guˋ youˋ panˋ

Glance right and left

坐骨 zuoˋ guˇ

Ischium, Ischial

坐骨大切跡 zuoˋ guˇ daˋ qie¯ ji¯

Greater Sciatic Notch

坐骨小切跡 zuoˋ guˇ xiaoˇ qie¯ ji¯

Lesser Sciatic Notch

坐骨枝 zuoˋ guˇ zhi¯


坐骨棘 zuoˋ guˇ jiˊ

Ischial Spine

坐骨粗隆 zuoˋ guˇ cu¯ long¯

Ischial Tuberosities, Sitting bones

坐骨結節 zuoˋ guˇ jieˊ jieˊ

Ischial Tuberosities, Sitting bones

作物 zuoˋ wuˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

多讀書 duo¯ duˊ shu¯

Read more

鍋爐 guo¯ luˊ


鍋爐爆炸 guo¯ luˊ baoˋ zhaˊ

Boiler explosion

鍋爐的壓力爬升到毀滅性的高度 guo¯ luˊ de˙ ya¯ liˋ paˊ sheng¯ daoˋ huiˇ mieˋ xingˋ de˙ gao¯ duˋ

The boiler's pressure rose to a destructively high level

鍋爐的蒸汽壓力 guo¯ luˊ de˙ zheng¯ qiˋ ya¯ liˋ

Boiler's steam pressure

說不定 shuo¯ buˊ dingˋ

Maybe, Could have

說不定會把我自己絆倒 shuo¯ buˊ dingˋ huiˋ baˇ woˇ ziˋ jiˇ banˋ daoˇ

I could trip, I could have tripped

說不對 shuo¯ buˊ duiˋ

Can't say it correctly

說服 shuo¯ fuˊ

Convince, Persuade

說服不了 shuo¯ fuˊ buˋ liaoˇ

Can't convince, Can't persuade

捉不到 zhuo¯ buˊ daoˋ

Can't catch, Couldn't catch

12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

多出 duo¯ chu¯

Extra, More than

多出來的 duo¯ chu¯ laiˊ de˙

The extra came from, The excess came from

豁出去 huo¯ chu¯ quˋ

Go all out

說出 shuo¯ chu¯

Say, Says

說出來 shuo¯ chu¯ laiˊ

Talk about it

說出去 shuo¯ chu¯ quˋ

Say it, Speak it

說出口 shuo¯ chu¯ kouˇ


說出課文在寫些什麼 shuo¯ chu¯ keˋ wenˊ zaiˋ xieˇ xie¯ shenˊ me˙

Describe what the text is about

12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

多處 duo¯ chuˋ

Multiple, Many

多處刀傷 duo¯ chuˋ dao¯ shang¯

Multiple stab wounds

多數 duo¯ shuˋ


多數人 duo¯ shuˋ renˊ

The majority, Most people

多柱 duo¯ zhuˋ


說不出來 shuo¯ buˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Wanted to speak but couldn't

說不出來了 shuo¯ buˋ chu¯ laiˊ le˙

Wanted to speak but couldn't

說不出話 shuo¯ buˋ chu¯ huaˋ

Speechless, Could not speak, Unable to speak

說不完 shuo¯ buˋ wanˊ

Not finished speaking, Not finished saying

說故事 shuo¯ guˋ shiˋ

Tell stories

說數種羅曼語系語文 shuo¯ shuˋ zhongˇ luo¯ manˋ yuˇ xiˋ yuˇ wenˊ

Speak a few Romance languages

託付 tuo¯ fuˋ


桌布 zhuo¯ buˋ

Table cloth

捉住 zhuo¯ zhuˋ

Catch, Seize, Caught, Seized

12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

說不上 shuo¯ bu˙ shangˋ

Can't say

12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

國族 guoˊ zuˊ

Tribe, Clan, Phyle, Political subdivision

活不過 huoˊ buˊ guoˋ

Won't last, Won't survive, Won't live past, Won't live longer than

12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

國土 guoˊ tuˇ


鑼鼓 luoˊ guˇ


12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

活物 huoˊ wuˋ


邏卒 luoˊ cuˋ

Patrolman, Patrolling soldiers

啄木鳥 zhuoˊ muˋ niaoˇ


卓著 zhuoˊ zhuˋ


12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

火弧離 huoˇ huˊ liˊ


火爐 huoˇ luˊ

Hearth, Stove, Oven

瑣瀆 suoˇ duˊ

To bother with trifling matters

我不介意 woˇ buˊ jieˋ yiˋ

I don't mind

我不是兒童心理學家 woˇ buˊ shiˋ erˊ tongˊ xin¯ liˇ xueˊ jia¯

I am not a child psychologist

我不是小孩子了 woˇ buˊ shiˋ xiaoˇ haiˊ ziˇ le˙

I am not a child

我不是故意的 woˇ buˊ shiˋ guˋ yiˋ de˙

I didn't mean it, I didn't do it on purpose

我不會介意 woˇ buˊ huiˋ jieˋ yiˋ

I'm not bitter, I'm not bothered

我不會做 woˇ buˊ huiˋ zuoˋ

I can't do it, I couldn't do it, I don't know how to do it, I didn't know how to do it

我不會有感覺 woˇ buˊ huiˋ youˇ ganˇ jueˊ

I wouldn't feel anything., I can't feel anything., I don't feel anything

我不會的 woˇ buˊ huiˋ de˙

I won't

我不會自以為是 woˇ buˊ huiˋ ziˋ yiˇ weiˋ shiˋ

I would not presume to imply

我不確定 woˇ buˊ queˋ dingˋ

I'm not sure

我不認為 woˇ buˊ renˋ weiˊ

I don't think that, I don't believe that

我叔叔 woˇ shuˊ shuˊ

My uncle

12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

鎖骨 suoˇ guˇ

Clavicle, Collar bone

所屬 suoˇ zhuˇ

Belongs to

所組成 suoˇ zuˇ chengˊ

Made up of, Composed of, Constructed of

我母文化 woˇ muˇ wenˊ huaˋ

My native culture

我努力 woˇ nuˇ liˋ

I strive to, I am striving to, I strived to

我努力集中意志力 woˇ nuˇ liˋ jiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ zhiˋ liˋ

I strive to concentrate all of my willpower, I strived to concentrated all of my willpower, I strive to focus all of my willpower, I strived to focus all of my willpower

我屬於這裡 woˇ shuˇ yuˊ zheˋ liˇ

I belong here

12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

果腹 guoˇ fuˋ

Eat, Ate, Fill belly

果樹 guoˇ shuˋ

Fruit tree, Fruit trees

火部 huoˇ buˋ

Radical for Fire

火速 huoˇ suˋ


裸露 luoˇ luˋ

Bare, Nude, Naked

所負責 suoˇ fuˋ zeˊ


所負責的 suoˇ fuˋ zeˊ de˙

Responsible (for)

瑣務 suoˇ wuˋ

Trivial or trifling matters, Chores

我不以為意的說 woˇ buˋ yiˇ weiˋ yiˋ de˙ shuo¯

I indifferently said, I uncaringly said

我不喜歡 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯

I didn't like, I don't like

我不喜歡他 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯

I don't like him

我不喜歡他是因為 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ

I don't like him because

我不喜歡他是因為他很邪惡 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ ta¯ henˇ xieˊ eˋ

I don't like him because he is evil

我不喜歡她 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯

I don't like her

我不喜歡她是因為 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ

I don't like her because

我不喜歡她是因為她很邪惡 woˇ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ ta¯ henˇ xieˊ eˋ

I don't like her because she is evil

我不得不坦言 woˇ buˋ deˊ buˋ tanˇ yanˊ

I must confess, I must say frankly

我不想看到你 woˇ buˋ xiangˇ kanˋ daoˋ niˇ

I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you

我不想看到妳 woˇ buˋ xiangˇ kanˋ daoˋ niˇ

I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you

我不想聽故事 woˇ buˋ xiangˇ ting¯ guˋ shiˋ

I don't want to hear a story

我不敢 woˇ buˋ ganˇ

I dare not, I had better not

我不敢再走遠了 woˇ buˋ ganˇ zaiˋ zouˇ yuanˇ le˙

I dare not go any further, I'd better not go any further

我不會去和他談 woˇ buˋ huiˋ quˋ hanˋ ta¯ tanˊ

I won't go and talk with him

我不知道 woˇ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

I don't know, I didn't know

我不知道這件事 woˇ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ zheˋ jianˋ shiˋ

I didn't know that, I didn't know about that

我不能去 woˇ buˋ nengˊ quˋ

I can't go, I can't go to

我不能和你一起去 woˇ buˋ nengˊ hanˋ niˇ yiˋ qiˇ quˋ

I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you

我不能和你們一起去 woˇ buˋ nengˊ hanˋ niˇ men˙ yiˋ qiˇ quˋ

I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you

我不能容忍不服從 woˇ buˋ nengˊ rongˊ renˇ buˋ fuˊ congˊ

I don't tolerate disobedience, I cannot stand insubordination

我不能直接告訴你 woˇ buˋ nengˊ zhiˊ jie¯ gaoˋ suˋ niˇ

I can't just tell you

我覆蓋 woˇ fuˋ gaiˋ

I covered

我豎起耳朵 woˇ shuˋ qiˇ erˇ duoˇ

I prick up my ears, I listen, I listened

我誤以為 woˇ wuˋ yiˇ weiˋ

I assumed in error, I made a mistaken assumption, I mistakenly assumed

左顧右盼 zuoˇ guˋ youˋ panˋ

Glance right and left

12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

作出 zuoˋ chu¯


做出 zuoˋ chu¯

Make, Carry out, Perform, Did

做出一大堆 zuoˋ chu¯ yiˊ daˋ dui¯

Make a whole lot, Produce a whole lot

做出來的 zuoˋ chu¯ laiˊ de˙

Produce, Make, Create

12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

過不去 guoˋ buˊ quˋ

Can't go over, Make life difficult for

括弧 kuoˋ huˊ


做不到 zuoˋ buˊ daoˋ

Can't do it

做廚師 zuoˋ chuˊ shi¯

Working as a cook, Working as a chef

12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

落伍 luoˋ wuˇ

Anachronistic, Behind the times, Outmoded, Outdated

沃土 woˋ tuˇ

Fertile soil

坐骨 zuoˋ guˇ

Ischium, Ischial

坐骨大切跡 zuoˋ guˇ daˋ qie¯ ji¯

Greater Sciatic Notch

坐骨小切跡 zuoˋ guˇ xiaoˇ qie¯ ji¯

Lesser Sciatic Notch

坐骨枝 zuoˋ guˇ zhi¯


坐骨棘 zuoˋ guˇ jiˊ

Ischial Spine

坐骨粗隆 zuoˋ guˇ cu¯ long¯

Ischial Tuberosities, Sitting bones

坐骨結節 zuoˋ guˇ jieˊ jieˊ

Ischial Tuberosities, Sitting bones

12, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

錯誤 cuoˋ wuˋ

Error, Wrong, Incorrect

錯誤代碼 cuoˋ wuˋ daiˋ maˇ

Error codes

錯誤百出 cuoˋ wuˋ baiˇ chu¯

Full of mistakes, Buggy as in computer code that is buggy

錯誤的請打 cuoˋ wuˋ de˙ qingˇ daˇ

If incorrect then mark with an

墮入 duoˋ ruˋ

Sink or fall into

過不了 guoˋ buˋ liaoˇ

Can't get across

過不了多久 guoˋ buˋ liaoˇ duo¯ jiuˇ

Before long, How long will it take

過不來 guoˋ buˋ laiˊ

Can't come over

過度 guoˋ duˋ

Exceed, Go beyond, Excessive

過度的速度 guoˋ duˋ de˙ suˋ duˋ

Excessive speed, Excessive velocity

過渡 guoˋ duˋ

Overdo, Excessive, Too much

過目 guoˋ muˋ

Look over, Take a look, Read over, Glance at

過目一遍 guoˋ muˋ yiˊ bianˋ

Look over, Look through

貨物 huoˋ wuˋ


貨物網 huoˋ wuˋ wangˇ

Cargo net

闊步 kuoˋ buˋ

Stride, Take big steps

落不明 luoˋ buˋ mingˊ

Missing, Unaccounted for

落戶 luoˋ huˋ

Settle down

臥鋪 woˋ puˋ

Sleeping berth

臥束角式 woˋ shuˋ jiaoˇ shiˋ

Reclining Bound Angle Pose, Reclining Butterfly, Supta Baddha

握住 woˋ zhuˋ

Took, Grasped, Held

做不了 zuoˋ buˋ liaoˇ

Can't finish, Can't do the job

坐不起 zuoˋ buˋ qiˇ

Can't afford to ride (sit on) (plane, Train, Bus)

作物 zuoˋ wuˋ



十-扌 : > : > [捉]-捉不 : > [捉]-捉不到 >

一-一 : > : > [不]-不到 : > [不]-捉不到 >

一-一 : > : > [到]-不到 : > [到]-捉不到 >

捉不到 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 不

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