Index for words including 捨

sheˇ, sheˋ

Reject, Relinquish, Abandon, Renounce, Part With, Forsake, Sacrifice, Let Go, Donate, Give To The Poor

Word Links for words containing 捨 (sorted via character pairs)

捨 sheˇ, sheˋ
Reject, Relinquish, Abandon, Renounce, Part With, Forsake, Sacrifice, Let Go, Donate, Give To The Poor

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


捨己從人 Give up one's views in favor of another's, Sacrifice one's views for the sake of another's

捨己為人 Give up one's interests for the sake of others, Sacrifice one's interests for the sake of others


捨生取義 Lay down one's life for a just cause


捨短取長 Hire or take on someone based on their good points while ignoring their bad points, Hire based on merit


捨得 Willing to part with, Willing to pay the price


捨棄 Abandon

捨棄 Abandoned

捨棄 Been abandoned


捨入 Round off a number


捨五 Rounding, Round off

用四捨五入法 Use rounding


捨不 Reluctant

捨不 Reluctant, Reluctant to give up

捨不 Reluctant, Cannot bear to


捨死忘生 Disregard one's own safety, Fully devoted, Dedicated


捨本逐末 Forget the main point while focussing on details


依依不捨 Loved ones unwilling to part or let go of each other

戀戀不捨 Reluctantly

窮追不捨 Pursue relentlessly, Relentless pursuit

鍥而不捨 Persistant, Persists, Keeps trying

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