
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 廣


Spread, Propagate, Promote

tui¯ guangˇ

廣 guangˇ
Vast, Wide, Spread Out, Big, Numerous

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 推廣 (wei-wang)

Grouped by first phone

tui, hui, wei

推床 tui¯ chuangˊ

Gurney, Hospital bed

推廣 tui¯ guangˇ

Spread, Propagate, Promote

tui, hui, wei

輝煌 hui¯ huangˊ


tui, hui, wei

偽裝 weiˇ zhuang¯

Disguise, Camouflage, Masked

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 12, 31

推廣 tui¯ guangˇ

Spread, Propagate, Promote

13, 12, 31

輝煌 hui¯ huangˊ


推床 tui¯ chuangˊ

Gurney, Hospital bed

13, 12, 31

偽裝 weiˇ zhuang¯

Disguise, Camouflage, Masked


十-扌 : > : > [推]-推廣 : > [推]-推廣 >

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推廣 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 廣

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