
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 述



miaoˊ shuˋ

述 shuˋ
Tell, Narrate, State, Relate

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 描述 (yao-wu)

Grouped by first phone

miao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, xiao, yao

妙不可言 miaoˋ buˋ keˇ yanˊ

Too subtle for words

描述 miaoˊ shuˋ


描述經過 miaoˊ shuˋ jing¯ guoˋ

Describe an experience, Described the experience

miao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, xiao, yao

標出 biao¯ chu¯

Mark, Marked, Annotate, Annotated, Indicate, Indicated

彪福 biao¯ fuˊ


表述 biaoˇ shuˋ


miao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, xiao, yao

掉出來 diaoˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Fall out, Drop out

調度 diaoˋ duˋ


掉入 diaoˋ ruˋ

Fall into, Fell into

掉入河中 diaoˋ ruˋ heˊ zhong¯

Fell into a river

雕塑 diao¯ suˋ

Sculpt, Carve, Paint

miao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, xiao, yao

腳步 jiaoˇ buˋ

Footsteps, Pace, Stride

腳步的蹣跚 jiaoˇ buˋ de˙ panˊ shan¯

Limp, Have difficulty walking

腳部 jiaoˇ buˋ

Foot, The foot

腳部的骨骼 jiaoˇ buˋ de˙ guˇ geˊ

Bones of the foot, Bones of the feet, Foot bones

較不可原諒 jiaoˋ buˋ keˇ yuanˊ liangˋ

More unforgivable, More inexcusable

角度 jiaoˇ duˋ

Angle, Point of view

角度來看 jiaoˇ duˋ laiˊ kanˋ

Point of view, Perspective

角度看 jiaoˇ duˋ kanˋ

Viewing angle, Standpoint, Perspective

交付 jiao¯ fuˋ


腳夫 jiaoˇ fu¯

Porter, Coolie

轎夫 jiaoˋ fu¯

Bearers, Sedan chair bearers

較富裕 jiaoˋ fuˋ yuˋ

Wealthier, More affluent

教書 jiao¯ shu¯


教書工作 jiaoˋ shu¯ gong¯ zuoˋ

Teaching job

教徒 jiaoˋ tuˊ

Religious disciple, Disciple, Follower

叫助手上茶 jiaoˋ zhuˋ shouˇ shangˋ chaˊ

Call an assistant for tea, Calls an assistant for tea, Calling an assistant for tea, Called for tea from an assistant

miao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, xiao, yao

了不起 liaoˇ bu˙ qiˇ

Wonderful, Fantastic

miao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, xiao, yao

尿布 niaoˋ buˋ

Diaper, Nappy

miao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, xiao, yao

漂浮 piao¯ fuˊ

Float, Drift

飄浮 piao¯ fuˊ

Floating, Drifting

miao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, xiao, yao

瞧不起 qiaoˊ buˋ qiˇ

Look down on, Hold in contempt, Despise

巧故 qiaoˇ guˋ

Clever lie

miao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, xiao, yao

挑除 tiao¯ chuˊ


跳出 tiaoˋ chu¯

Jump away

跳出來 tiaoˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Jumped out

跳入 tiaoˋ ruˋ

Jump into, Jumps into, Jumping into, Jumped into

跳舞 tiaoˋ wuˇ


跳舞的動作 tiaoˋ wuˇ de˙ dongˋ zuoˋ

Dance moves

miao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, xiao, yao

小補充 xiaoˇ buˇ chong¯


小步舞 xiaoˇ buˋ wuˇ


小部份 xiaoˇ buˋ fenˋ

Small fraction, Small portion

消除 xiao¯ chuˊ

Eliminate, Extinguish, Get rid of

消除他們的皺紋 xiao¯ chuˊ ta¯ men˙ de˙ zhouˋ wenˊ

Eliminate their wrinkles, Take away their wrinkles

消除掉 xiao¯ chuˊ diaoˋ

Get rid off, Eliminate, Destroy

消毒 xiao¯ duˊ

Disinfect, Sterilize, Decontaminate, Pasteurize

小富 xiaoˇ fuˋ

Xiao fu

小腹 xiaoˇ fuˋ


校服 xiaoˋ fuˊ

School Clothes, School Uniform

小故事 xiaoˇ guˋ shiˋ

Short story, Little story

小路 xiaoˇ luˋ


小露 xiaoˇ luˋ


小母牛 xiaoˇ muˇ niuˊ

Heifer, Female cow

小木屋 xiaoˇ muˋ wu¯


小鋪 xiaoˇ pu¯


小暑 xiaoˇ shuˇ

Little Heat, Slightly sweltering, Jul 7 to Jul 23

小數 xiaoˇ shuˋ

Decimal place, Decimal

小數第一位 xiaoˇ shuˋ diˋ yi¯ weiˋ

First decimal place

小數點 xiaoˇ shuˋ dianˇ

Decimal point

小數點後第一位 xiaoˇ shuˋ dianˇ houˋ diˋ yiˊ weiˋ

First decimal place

小數點後第二位 xiaoˇ shuˋ dianˇ houˋ diˋ erˋ weiˋ

Second decimal place

小蘇打粉 xiaoˇ su¯ daˇ fenˇ

Baking soda

小圖 xiaoˇ tuˊ

Small diagram, Small picture

小兔 xiaoˇ tuˋ

Rabbit, Bunny rabbit

小豬 xiaoˇ zhu¯


小卒 xiaoˇ zuˊ


小組 xiaoˇ zuˇ

Team, Party, Small group of people

小組成員 xiaoˇ zuˇ chengˊ yuanˊ

Team members, Team

miao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, niao, piao, qiao, tiao, xiao, yao

要不去死 yaoˋ buˊ quˋ siˇ

Or die

要不是因為 yaoˋ buˊ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ

If not for, If not because of

要不是因為兩點 yaoˋ buˊ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ liangˇ dianˇ

But for two things, But for two points

要不用 yaoˋ buˊ yongˋ

Otherwise use, Otherwise using

要不 yaoˋ buˋ


要不了 yaoˋ buˋ liaoˇ

Shouldn't be

要不是 yaoˋ buˋ shiˋ

If not

要不沒 yaoˋ buˋ meiˊ

Otherwise without, Which would otherwise not have

要不然 yaoˋ buˋ ranˊ


要讀書 yaoˋ duˊ shu¯

Should study, Has to study

要素 yaoˋ suˋ

Element, Elements, Ingredient, Ingredients

藥物 yaoˋ wuˋ

Medicine, Drugs, Pills

要注意 yaoˋ zhuˋ yiˋ

Pay attention to, Pay attention

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 11, 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44

描述 miaoˊ shuˋ


描述經過 miaoˊ shuˋ jing¯ guoˋ

Describe an experience, Described the experience

瞧不起 qiaoˊ buˋ qiˇ

Look down on, Hold in contempt, Despise

24, 11, 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44

標出 biao¯ chu¯

Mark, Marked, Annotate, Annotated, Indicate, Indicated

教書 jiao¯ shu¯


24, 11, 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44

彪福 biao¯ fuˊ


漂浮 piao¯ fuˊ

Float, Drift

飄浮 piao¯ fuˊ

Floating, Drifting

挑除 tiao¯ chuˊ


消除 xiao¯ chuˊ

Eliminate, Extinguish, Get rid of

消除他們的皺紋 xiao¯ chuˊ ta¯ men˙ de˙ zhouˋ wenˊ

Eliminate their wrinkles, Take away their wrinkles

消除掉 xiao¯ chuˊ diaoˋ

Get rid off, Eliminate, Destroy

消毒 xiao¯ duˊ

Disinfect, Sterilize, Decontaminate, Pasteurize

24, 11, 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44

雕塑 diao¯ suˋ

Sculpt, Carve, Paint

交付 jiao¯ fuˋ


24, 11, 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44

腳夫 jiaoˇ fu¯

Porter, Coolie

小鋪 xiaoˇ pu¯


小蘇打粉 xiaoˇ su¯ daˇ fenˇ

Baking soda

小豬 xiaoˇ zhu¯


24, 11, 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44

小圖 xiaoˇ tuˊ

Small diagram, Small picture

小卒 xiaoˇ zuˊ


24, 11, 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44

小補充 xiaoˇ buˇ chong¯


小母牛 xiaoˇ muˇ niuˊ

Heifer, Female cow

小暑 xiaoˇ shuˇ

Little Heat, Slightly sweltering, Jul 7 to Jul 23

小組 xiaoˇ zuˇ

Team, Party, Small group of people

小組成員 xiaoˇ zuˇ chengˊ yuanˊ

Team members, Team

24, 11, 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44

表述 biaoˇ shuˋ


腳步 jiaoˇ buˋ

Footsteps, Pace, Stride

腳步的蹣跚 jiaoˇ buˋ de˙ panˊ shan¯

Limp, Have difficulty walking

腳部 jiaoˇ buˋ

Foot, The foot

腳部的骨骼 jiaoˇ buˋ de˙ guˇ geˊ

Bones of the foot, Bones of the feet, Foot bones

角度 jiaoˇ duˋ

Angle, Point of view

角度來看 jiaoˇ duˋ laiˊ kanˋ

Point of view, Perspective

角度看 jiaoˇ duˋ kanˋ

Viewing angle, Standpoint, Perspective

巧故 qiaoˇ guˋ

Clever lie

小步舞 xiaoˇ buˋ wuˇ


小部份 xiaoˇ buˋ fenˋ

Small fraction, Small portion

小富 xiaoˇ fuˋ

Xiao fu

小腹 xiaoˇ fuˋ


小故事 xiaoˇ guˋ shiˋ

Short story, Little story

小路 xiaoˇ luˋ


小露 xiaoˇ luˋ


小木屋 xiaoˇ muˋ wu¯


小數 xiaoˇ shuˋ

Decimal place, Decimal

小數第一位 xiaoˇ shuˋ diˋ yi¯ weiˋ

First decimal place

小數點 xiaoˇ shuˋ dianˇ

Decimal point

小數點後第一位 xiaoˇ shuˋ dianˇ houˋ diˋ yiˊ weiˋ

First decimal place

小數點後第二位 xiaoˇ shuˋ dianˇ houˋ diˋ erˋ weiˋ

Second decimal place

小兔 xiaoˇ tuˋ

Rabbit, Bunny rabbit

24, 11, 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44

了不起 liaoˇ bu˙ qiˇ

Wonderful, Fantastic

24, 11, 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44

掉出來 diaoˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Fall out, Drop out

轎夫 jiaoˋ fu¯

Bearers, Sedan chair bearers

教書工作 jiaoˋ shu¯ gong¯ zuoˋ

Teaching job

跳出 tiaoˋ chu¯

Jump away

跳出來 tiaoˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Jumped out

24, 11, 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44

教徒 jiaoˋ tuˊ

Religious disciple, Disciple, Follower

校服 xiaoˋ fuˊ

School Clothes, School Uniform

要不去死 yaoˋ buˊ quˋ siˇ

Or die

要不是因為 yaoˋ buˊ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ

If not for, If not because of

要不是因為兩點 yaoˋ buˊ shiˋ yin¯ weiˋ liangˇ dianˇ

But for two things, But for two points

要不用 yaoˋ buˊ yongˋ

Otherwise use, Otherwise using

要讀書 yaoˋ duˊ shu¯

Should study, Has to study

24, 11, 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44

跳舞 tiaoˋ wuˇ


跳舞的動作 tiaoˋ wuˇ de˙ dongˋ zuoˋ

Dance moves

24, 11, 12, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44

調度 diaoˋ duˋ


掉入 diaoˋ ruˋ

Fall into, Fell into

掉入河中 diaoˋ ruˋ heˊ zhong¯

Fell into a river

較不可原諒 jiaoˋ buˋ keˇ yuanˊ liangˋ

More unforgivable, More inexcusable

較富裕 jiaoˋ fuˋ yuˋ

Wealthier, More affluent

叫助手上茶 jiaoˋ zhuˋ shouˇ shangˋ chaˊ

Call an assistant for tea, Calls an assistant for tea, Calling an assistant for tea, Called for tea from an assistant

妙不可言 miaoˋ buˋ keˇ yanˊ

Too subtle for words

尿布 niaoˋ buˋ

Diaper, Nappy

跳入 tiaoˋ ruˋ

Jump into, Jumps into, Jumping into, Jumped into

要不 yaoˋ buˋ


要不了 yaoˋ buˋ liaoˇ

Shouldn't be

要不是 yaoˋ buˋ shiˋ

If not

要不沒 yaoˋ buˋ meiˊ

Otherwise without, Which would otherwise not have

要不然 yaoˋ buˋ ranˊ


要素 yaoˋ suˋ

Element, Elements, Ingredient, Ingredients

藥物 yaoˋ wuˋ

Medicine, Drugs, Pills

要注意 yaoˋ zhuˋ yiˋ

Pay attention to, Pay attention


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丶-辶 : > : > [述]-描述 : > [述]-描述 >

描述 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 述

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