
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 工


Stevedore, Port worker, Cargo handler

ban¯ yunˋ gong¯

工 gong¯
Work, Labour, Profession, Trade, Skilled, Craft

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Phone , Tone


搬運 ban¯ yunˋ

Words that rhyme with 搬運工 (an-yun)

Grouped by first phone

ban, can, fan

搬運 ban¯ yunˋ

Transport, Move

搬運工 ban¯ yunˋ gong¯

Stevedore, Port worker, Cargo handler

ban, can, fan

參軍 can¯ jun¯

Join the army

ban, can, fan

翻雲覆雨 fan¯ yunˊ fuˋ yuˇ

Emotions as changeable as the weather

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 11, 12

搬運 ban¯ yunˋ

Transport, Move

搬運工 ban¯ yunˋ gong¯

Stevedore, Port worker, Cargo handler

14, 11, 12

參軍 can¯ jun¯

Join the army

14, 11, 12

翻雲覆雨 fan¯ yunˊ fuˋ yuˇ

Emotions as changeable as the weather


十-扌 : > : > [搬]-搬運 : > [搬]-搬運工 >

丶-辶 : > : > [運]-搬運 : > [運]-搬運工 >

一-工 : > : > [工]-運工 : > [工]-搬運工 >

搬運工 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 工

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