Index for words including 擁

yong¯, yongˇ

Hold, Hug, Embrace, Have, Possess, Gather, Crowd, Throng, Follow, Support

Word Links for words containing 擁 (sorted via character pairs)

擁 yong¯, yongˇ
Hold, Hug, Embrace, Have, Possess, Gather, Crowd, Throng, Follow, Support

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


擁了 Had all of, Had the whole


擁護 Advocate, Back, Support, Endorse


擁塞 Bottleneck, Block, Jam


擁有 Possess, Have, Own

擁有 Owner

擁有自由 Sense of freedom

擁有任官優勢 More likely to be appointed, More likely to be appointed as an official

擁有趣味的人生 Have interesting lives, Have an interesting life

擁有強烈預感的那位先生 He of the powerful premonitions, That gentleman with the strong premonitions

擁有某種東西 Have something, Have a particular something

擁有的一樣東西 Something that was owned by him


擁抱 Hug, Embrace, Hold each other

擁抱 Hugged, Gave a hug, Embraced

擁抱新觀點 Embrace new ideas, Get a new perspective, Get a different perspective


擁擠 Crowded, Packed, Cluttered


簇擁 Attended by a crowd, Surrounded by a crowd


相擁 Hugged, Huddled

相擁一起 Huddled together

相擁團圓 Hugged, Reunited

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