Index for words including 擅


Excel, Naturally Good At

Word Links for words containing 擅 (sorted via character pairs)

擅 shanˋ
Excel, Naturally Good At

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


擅闖 Illegally enter


擅長 Excel, Be good at

擅長 Best at (doing)

不太擅長 Not very good at

非常擅長 Great, Really good

擅長的事 Excel at, Be good at

擅長的事 Best at doing

擅長表達 Articulate, Good with words

不怎麼擅長表達 Not very articulate, Not very good with words

非常擅長猜東西 Really good at guessing things

他很擅長分內的工作 He was good at his job, He was good at what he did


擅於 Good at, Excellent at


擅自 Unauthorized

擅自 Unauthorized

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