Index for words including 操


Exercise, Drill, Move, Beckon, Wave Over, Summon With Hand Motion, Wield, Handle, Control, Hold, Manage, Conduct, Operate

Word Links for words containing 操 (sorted via character pairs)

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Exercise, Drill, Move, Beckon, Wave Over, Summon With Hand Motion, Wield, Handle, Control, Hold, Manage, Conduct, Operate

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


操肌 Exercise muscles, Exercises for muscle building, Muscle building exercises


操縱 Control, Operate, Manage

操縱 Mechanical manipulator, Manipulator

操縱 Control column, Steering yoke

操縱 Manipulated, Wielded, Controlled

儀表操縱 Instrument panel, Control panel

操縱裝置 Controls

操縱它們做出 Get them to do, Getting them to do

操縱風火水土 Control air, fire, water and earth, Manipulation of air, fire, water and earth

操縱風火水土的力量 Manipulating the powers of air, fire, water and earth


操作 Operate, Operated, Operating, Maneuver, Operation (of equipment), Perform (exercise)

單人操作 Single handed, Single person operation, One person operating

基本操作 Basic Operation

選單操作 Menu Operations

輕率的操作 Curt maneuver, Abrupt maneuver

操作 Control access panel, Control access port

操作完後 When finished

操作實驗 Performing experiments, Carrying out experiments, Carry out experiments, Carries out experiments, Carried out experiments

操作實驗時 When performing experiments, While performing experiments, When performing an experiment, While performing an experiment

熟悉操作過程 Become conversant with each step of the process

被這輕率的操作激出大笑 Were driven to laugh heartily by the curt maneuver, The curt maneuver drew hearty laughter


操之 Controlled by, Made by


操心 Worry, Worry about, Think about

已經夠多事情要操心 Got enough to worry about


操勞 Work hard


操場 Playing field, Exercise area


操控 Control, Operate, Manipulate

操控 Controlled, Used, Operated

操控 Controller, Manipulator

操控 Controlled, Enslaved

操控媒體 Media manipulation

操控個別原子 Manipulate individual atoms

操控媒體的技巧 Media manipulation techniques, Media manipulation tactics, Tactics of media manipulation


早操 Morning exercise

早操 Perform morning exercises


體操 Gymnastics, Calisthenics, Acrobatic

體操選手 Gymnast

不管他做出哪一種體操動作 No matter what kind of gymnastic movement he did, No matter what gymnastic feat he performed


身操 Warm-up exercises


情操 Sentiment, Noble thoughts


霜操 Moral rectitude, Incorruptible

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