
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 具


Writing implements, Writing tools, Stationary

wenˊ juˋ

具 juˋ
Prepare, Equip, Tool, Utensil, Device, Instrument, Talent, Capability, All, Whole, Complete

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 文具 (wen-yu)

Grouped by first phone

wen, chun, cun, dun, shun, sun, zhun

文具 wenˊ juˋ

Writing implements, Writing tools, Stationary

問句 wenˋ juˋ


文娛 wenˊ yuˊ

Recreation, Entertainment

wen, chun, cun, dun, shun, sun, zhun

春雨 chun¯ yuˇ

Spring rain

wen, chun, cun, dun, shun, sun, zhun

存續 cunˊ xuˋ

Continue to exist, Keep existing, Perpetual, Perpetuating

wen, chun, cun, dun, shun, sun, zhun

蹲踞 dun¯ juˋ

Squat, Squatted

wen, chun, cun, dun, shun, sun, zhun

順序 shunˋ xuˋ

Sequence, Order

wen, chun, cun, dun, shun, sun, zhun

孫女 sun¯ nuuˇ


孫女兒 sun¯ nuuˇ erˊ


wen, chun, cun, dun, shun, sun, zhun

准許 zhunˇ xuˇ

Cleared, Allowed

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 13, 14, 22, 33, 44

存續 cunˊ xuˋ

Continue to exist, Keep existing, Perpetual, Perpetuating

文具 wenˊ juˋ

Writing implements, Writing tools, Stationary

24, 13, 14, 22, 33, 44

春雨 chun¯ yuˇ

Spring rain

孫女 sun¯ nuuˇ


孫女兒 sun¯ nuuˇ erˊ


24, 13, 14, 22, 33, 44

蹲踞 dun¯ juˋ

Squat, Squatted

24, 13, 14, 22, 33, 44

文娛 wenˊ yuˊ

Recreation, Entertainment

24, 13, 14, 22, 33, 44

准許 zhunˇ xuˇ

Cleared, Allowed

24, 13, 14, 22, 33, 44

順序 shunˋ xuˋ

Sequence, Order

問句 wenˋ juˋ



丶-亠 : > : > [文]-文具 : > [文]-文具 >

冂-且 : > : > [具]-文具 : > [具]-文具 >

文具 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 具

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