
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 不


No change in status, Stayed calm, Unmoved, Unmoving

wenˊ feng¯ buˊ dongˋ

不 buˋ, buˊ, fouˇ, fou¯
No, Not, Non, None, Not Able To, Un, Without, Infix Used To Indicate Inability

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Phone , Tone


不動 buˊ dongˋ

Words that rhyme with 文風不動 (wen-eng)

Grouped by first phone

wen, dun, lun, shun, tun

文風不動 wenˊ feng¯ buˊ dongˋ

No change in status, Stayed calm, Unmoved, Unmoving

wen, dun, lun, shun, tun

頓萌他志 dunˋ mengˊ ta¯ zhiˋ

Suddenly have different ideas

wen, dun, lun, shun, tun

論證 lunˋ zhengˋ


wen, dun, lun, shun, tun

順風 shunˋ feng¯

Move with the wind, Good luck, Smooth sailing

wen, dun, lun, shun, tun

褪成 tunˋ chengˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

21, 41, 42, 44

文風不動 wenˊ feng¯ buˊ dongˋ

No change in status, Stayed calm, Unmoved, Unmoving

21, 41, 42, 44

順風 shunˋ feng¯

Move with the wind, Good luck, Smooth sailing

21, 41, 42, 44

頓萌他志 dunˋ mengˊ ta¯ zhiˋ

Suddenly have different ideas

褪成 tunˋ chengˊ


21, 41, 42, 44

論證 lunˋ zhengˋ



丶-亠 : > : > [文]-文風 : > [文]-文風不動 >

冂-風 : > : > [風]-風不 : > [風]-文風不動 >

一-一 : > : > [不]-不動 : > [不]-文風不動 >

丿-千 : > : > [動]-不動 : > [動]-文風不動 >

文風不動 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 不

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