Infer, Reckon, Expect, Conjecture, Manage, Foresee, Calculate, Anticipate, Estimate, Guess, Imagine, Material, Substance, Stuff, Fabric, Cloth
Word Links for words containing 料 (sorted via character pairs)
有料的謠言 Informative rumors, Juicy rumors
你想知道我是不是聽說了什麼特別有料的謠言 You want to know if I've heard any especially juicy rumors, You want to know if I've heard any particularly helpful rumors
料到 Expect
應該料到 Should have expected
他就應該料到 He should have expected
應該料到的 Should have known, Should have foreseen, Should have expected
料理 Manage, Arrange, Take care of, Japanese style cooking, Japanese dish
料理台 Counter, Kitchen counter top
意料 Expectations
出人意料 Surprisingly
出乎自己的意料 Contrary to his own expectations, Surprised himself
意料自 Expectations
沒意料到 The surprise, The unexpectedness, Surprise, Unexpected, Unexpectedly
出人意料的 Surprisingly
自己的意料自 Their own expectation
出乎自己的意料自 Contrary to their own expectations
意料之外 Unexpected
資料 Data, Information
數據資料 Data, Data bearing materials (e.g. floppy disks, USB stick etc.)
析取資料 Extract the information
歷史資料 Historical data
銷毀資料 Destroy information
除塵資料 Dust delete data
傳送回來的資料 Returned data transmissions
紀錄下來的資料 Recorded information
資料夾 Binder, Folder
資料庫 Database
總資料量 Total amount of data stored
所有磁帶上的總資料量 Total amount of data stored on the tapes
傳送回來的資料顯示 Returned data transmissions indicates (that)
飲料 Drink, Beverage
不喝比無糖汽水還要烈的飲料 Drink nothing stronger than a diet or sugar free soda
飲料類 Drinks, Drink selections
飲料潑灑 Beverage spill, Beverage spills
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