Resolve, Disconnect, Break Off, Cut, Interrupt, Sever, Define, Decide, Judge
Word Links for words containing 斷 (sorted via character pairs)
斷了 Broken, Snapped off
兩腿都斷了 Had both legs broken, Had two broken legs
腰簡直快要斷了 Back breaking
這工作讓我的腰簡直快要斷了 This is back-breaking work!
斷了他兩條腿 Broke his legs
壟斷 Monopoly, Monopolize
被世族壟斷 Monopolized or controlled by the aristocracy
壟斷了 Monopolized
被世族壟斷之弊 Corrupted through monopolization by the aristocracy
漸被世族壟斷之弊 Being gradually corrupted through monopolization by the aristocracy
判斷 Determine, Judge, Decision
來判斷 To determine
主觀判斷 Based on what was thought necessary
直到她自己判斷合作對她最有利為止 Until she decides on her own that it's in her best interests to cooperate
不斷 Continuing, Continually, Continued, Without cease, Won't stop, Kept
全年不斷 All year without cease, Year in and year out
持續不斷 Steady, Continuous, Non-stop
源源不斷 Continuously
不斷變 Keep changing, Keep on changing, Kept changing, Kept on changing
不斷出現 Kept appearing, Kept showing up
不斷回到 Kept coming back
不斷地說 Kept saying, Kept repeating
不斷彎曲 Always bending, Always turning, Ever turning
不斷翻滾 Tumbling
不斷地前進 Keep going on
不斷地祝福 Forever thankful
不斷增大的 Ever increasing
不斷折磨我 Torment me, Tormenting me, Torture me, Torturing me
不斷掙扎著 Continued struggling
仍不斷來臺 Won't stop coming to Taiwan, Wouldn't stop coming to Taiwan
不斷被人掛在嘴邊 Always hanging on peoples lips, Constantly repeated, Said constantly
不斷向東建立新封國 Continuing to the east, they established new Fiefdoms
持續不斷給予的禮物 Gift that keeps on giving
不斷在動 Keep moving
要讓下標的不斷在動 Keep those bids moving, Moving those bids
中斷 Interrupt, Cancel, Abort
莫中斷 Don't stop
被迫中斷 Forced to stop, Forced to abort
避免中斷 Don't stop
中斷任務 Abort the mission, Scrub the mission
而被迫中斷任務 And so the mission was forced to be aborted
打斷 Break, Interrupt, Interrupted
你把我的鼻子打斷了啦 You broke my nose
打斷了 Interrupted
鼻子被打斷了 Broken nose
你把我的鼻子打斷了 You broke my nose
好把我的鼻子打斷了 You broke my nose
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