
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 報


Daily journal, Diary, Journal

riˋ baoˋ

報 baoˋ
Report, Announce, Inform, News, Newspaper, Repay, Compensate, Recompense

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 日報 (i-ao)

Grouped by first phone

ri, chi, ci, shi, si, zhi, zi

日報 riˋ baoˋ

Daily journal, Diary, Journal

ri, chi, ci, shi, si, zhi, zi

吃飽 chi¯ baoˇ


吃飽了 chi¯ baoˇ le˙

Full, Can't eat any more

吃到 chi¯ daoˋ

Eat, To eat

吃到飽 chi¯ daoˋ baoˇ

All you can eat, Eat until full

持刀 chiˊ dao¯

Holding a knife, With a knife

持刀的人 chiˊ dao¯ de˙ renˊ

The person with a knife, The person holding a knife

持刀的女人 chiˊ dao¯ de˙ nuuˇ renˊ

The woman with a knife, The woman holding a knife

遲到 chiˊ daoˋ

Late, Behind schedule

赤道幾內亞 chiˋ daoˋ ji¯ neiˋ yaˋ

Equatorial Guinea

遲早 chiˊ zaoˇ

Sooner or later, In time

ri, chi, ci, shi, si, zhi, zi

刺刀 ciˋ dao¯


ri, chi, ci, shi, si, zhi, zi

師保萬民 shi¯ baoˇ wanˋ minˊ

Teacher and guardian of the masses, Guardian and teacher of the people

試爆 shiˋ baoˋ

Test explosion

石膏 shiˊ gao¯

Gypsum, Plaster

十號 shiˊ haoˋ

Ten, Tenth, Number 10

時好時壞 shiˊ hao˙ shiˊ huaiˋ

Good times and bad

是毫無意義的事 shiˋ haoˊ wuˊ yiˋ yiˋ de˙ shiˋ

Was pointless, Had no point

是毫無顧忌的 shiˋ haoˊ wuˊ guˋ jiˋ de˙

Had no scruples

嗜好 shiˋ haoˇ


時髦 shiˊ maoˊ


時髦感 shiˊ maoˊ ganˇ

Sense of fashion, Fashion sense, Alamodality, Fashion conscious, Fashionable

時鬧的笑話 shiˊ naoˋ de˙ xiaoˋ huaˋ

Amusing incident

石造 shiˊ zaoˋ


ri, chi, ci, shi, si, zhi, zi

思潮 si¯ chaoˊ

Trend, Ebb and flow of different thoughts

絲毫 si¯ haoˊ

Slightest, Tiniest, Faintest

思考 si¯ kaoˇ

Ponder, Ponders, Pondering, Pondered, Contemplate, Contemplates, Contemplating, Contemplated, Ruminate, Ruminates, Ruminating, Ruminated, Think, Thinks, Thinking, Thought

思考一下顛覆這個詞的意義 si¯ kaoˇ yiˊ xiaˋ dian¯ fuˋ zheˋ ge˙ ciˊ de˙ yiˋ yiˋ

Ponder the meaning of the word subversive

思考了一下 si¯ kaoˇ le˙ yiˊ xiaˋ

Thought for a moment, Took a moment to think, Take a moment to think

思考與感覺 si¯ kaoˇ yuˇ ganˇ jueˊ

Think and feel

死老鼠 siˇ laoˇ shuˇ

Dead mouse, Dead mice

絲袍 si¯ paoˊ

Silk robe, Silk dressing gown

ri, chi, ci, shi, si, zhi, zi

紙鈔 zhiˇ chao¯

Paper money

知道 zhi¯ daoˋ

Know, Knows, Knew, Known

知道了 zhi¯ daoˋ le˙

Know, Knows, Knowing, Knew, Understand, Understands, Understood, Now know, Now knows, Now knew, Now understand, Now understands, Now understood

知道事情不對了 zhi¯ daoˋ shiˋ qingˊ buˊ duiˋ le˙

Knew something was wrong

知道他們的來臨 zhi¯ daoˋ ta¯ men˙ de˙ laiˊ linˊ

Know they are coming, Knew they were coming

知道兩種管教 zhi¯ daoˋ liangˇ zhongˇ guanˇ jiaoˋ

Knew two kinds of discipline

知道如果 zhi¯ daoˋ ruˊ guoˇ

Knew that if

知道它該去的明確位置 zhi¯ daoˋ ta¯ gai¯ quˋ de˙ mingˊ queˋ weiˋ zhiˋ

Knew exactly where it should go, Knew exactly where it was supposed to go

知道怎麼 zhi¯ daoˋ zenˇ me˙

Know how, Know how to

知道我到底發生了什麼事 zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ daoˋ diˇ fa¯ sheng¯ le˙ shiˊ me˙ shiˋ

Know what happened to me in the end

知道排除髒物 zhi¯ daoˋ paiˊ chuˊ zang¯ wuˋ

Know how to get rid of dirt, Know how to eject dirt, Knew how to remove dirt

知道的 zhi¯ daoˋ de˙

Know, Familiar with

知道要去哪兒吧 zhi¯ daoˋ yaoˋ quˋ naˇ erˊ ba¯

Know where to go?, Know where we are going?

直到 zhiˊ daoˋ

Until, Up to

直到他意識到 zhiˊ daoˋ ta¯ yiˋ shiˋ daoˋ

Until he realizes, Until he realized

直到他終於發現 zhiˊ daoˋ ta¯ zhong¯ yuˊ fa¯ xianˋ

Until he finally realized, Until he finally discovered

直到你感覺 zhiˊ daoˋ niˇ ganˇ jueˊ

Until you feel, To the point that you feel

直到台灣戰後時期之初 zhiˊ daoˋ taiˊ wan¯ zhanˋ houˋ shiˊ qiˊ zhi¯ chu¯

Until the beginning of the post war period in Taiwan

直到她自己判斷合作對她最有利為止 zhiˊ daoˋ ta¯ ziˋ jiˇ panˋ duanˋ heˊ zuoˋ duiˋ ta¯ zuiˋ youˇ liˋ weiˊ zhiˇ

Until she decides on her own that it's in her best interests to cooperate

直到最近 zhiˊ daoˋ zuiˋ jinˋ

Until recently

直到純淨為止 zhiˊ daoˋ chunˊ jingˋ weiˋ zhiˇ

Until pure

指導 zhiˇ daoˇ

Instructions, Directions, Instruct, Give guidance, Direct

只好 zhiˇ haoˇ

Have to (due to circumstances), Only choice is thus…

只好讓 zhiˇ haoˇ rangˋ

Have to allow, Have to let

治好 zhiˋ haoˇ

Heal cure, Cured, To be cured

治好了 zhiˋ haoˇ le˙

Healed, Cured

隻老鼠 zhi¯ laoˇ shuˇ

A rat, A mouse

炙燒 zhiˋ shao¯

Roasted, Burnt

炙燒黑糖歐蕾 zhiˋ shao¯ hei¯ tangˊ ou¯ leiˇ

Brown Sugar Café Au Lait

炙燒黑糖那緹 zhiˋ shao¯ hei¯ tangˊ naˋ tiˊ

Burnt Brown Sugar Latte

至少 zhiˋ shaoˇ

At least

至少不跟 zhiˋ shaoˇ buˋ gen¯

At least not with, Certainly not with

至少他們會知道 zhiˋ shaoˇ ta¯ men˙ huiˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

At least they would know

至少到 zhiˋ shaoˇ daoˋ

At least until

至少在我看來是那樣沒錯 zhiˋ shaoˇ zaiˋ woˇ kanˋ laiˊ shiˋ naˋ yangˋ meiˊ cuoˋ

At least that's what it looks like to me

至少好一陣子 zhiˋ shaoˇ haoˇ yiˊ zhenˋ ziˇ

At least for a while, For a while at least

至少寫了二十次 zhiˋ shaoˇ xieˇ le˙ erˋ shiˊ ciˋ

Written at least 20 times

至少還不行 zhiˋ shaoˇ haiˊ buˋ xingˊ

At least not yet

製造 zhiˋ zaoˋ

Make, Create, Build, Produce, Manufacture, Cause (to happen)

製造出 zhiˋ zaoˋ chu¯

Produce, Producing, Output, Outputting, Create, Creating, Generate, Generating

製造出一小團火花 zhiˋ zaoˋ chu¯ yiˋ xiaoˇ tuanˊ huoˇ hua¯

Create a spark, Creating a spark

製造出了 zhiˋ zaoˋ chu¯ le˙

Produced, Generated

製造商 zhiˋ zaoˋ shang¯


製造商的保證 zhiˋ zaoˋ shang¯ de˙ baoˇ zhengˋ

Manufacturer's guarantee, Manufacturer's promise

製造方式 zhiˋ zaoˋ fang¯ shiˋ

Method of producing, Method of production, Method of manufacture

製造者 zhiˋ zaoˋ zheˇ

Maker, Manufacturer

執照 zhiˊ zhaoˋ

License, Permit

ri, chi, ci, shi, si, zhi, zi

自豪 ziˋ haoˊ

Proud of, Self satisfied

自照 ziˋ zhaoˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

赤道幾內亞 chiˋ daoˋ ji¯ neiˋ yaˋ

Equatorial Guinea

日報 riˋ baoˋ

Daily journal, Diary, Journal

試爆 shiˋ baoˋ

Test explosion

製造 zhiˋ zaoˋ

Make, Create, Build, Produce, Manufacture, Cause (to happen)

製造出 zhiˋ zaoˋ chu¯

Produce, Producing, Output, Outputting, Create, Creating, Generate, Generating

製造出一小團火花 zhiˋ zaoˋ chu¯ yiˋ xiaoˇ tuanˊ huoˇ hua¯

Create a spark, Creating a spark

製造出了 zhiˋ zaoˋ chu¯ le˙

Produced, Generated

製造商 zhiˋ zaoˋ shang¯


製造商的保證 zhiˋ zaoˋ shang¯ de˙ baoˇ zhengˋ

Manufacturer's guarantee, Manufacturer's promise

製造方式 zhiˋ zaoˋ fang¯ shiˋ

Method of producing, Method of production, Method of manufacture

製造者 zhiˋ zaoˋ zheˇ

Maker, Manufacturer

自照 ziˋ zhaoˋ


44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

思潮 si¯ chaoˊ

Trend, Ebb and flow of different thoughts

絲毫 si¯ haoˊ

Slightest, Tiniest, Faintest

絲袍 si¯ paoˊ

Silk robe, Silk dressing gown

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

吃飽 chi¯ baoˇ


吃飽了 chi¯ baoˇ le˙

Full, Can't eat any more

師保萬民 shi¯ baoˇ wanˋ minˊ

Teacher and guardian of the masses, Guardian and teacher of the people

思考 si¯ kaoˇ

Ponder, Ponders, Pondering, Pondered, Contemplate, Contemplates, Contemplating, Contemplated, Ruminate, Ruminates, Ruminating, Ruminated, Think, Thinks, Thinking, Thought

思考一下顛覆這個詞的意義 si¯ kaoˇ yiˊ xiaˋ dian¯ fuˋ zheˋ ge˙ ciˊ de˙ yiˋ yiˋ

Ponder the meaning of the word subversive

思考了一下 si¯ kaoˇ le˙ yiˊ xiaˋ

Thought for a moment, Took a moment to think, Take a moment to think

思考與感覺 si¯ kaoˇ yuˇ ganˇ jueˊ

Think and feel

隻老鼠 zhi¯ laoˇ shuˇ

A rat, A mouse

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

吃到 chi¯ daoˋ

Eat, To eat

吃到飽 chi¯ daoˋ baoˇ

All you can eat, Eat until full

知道 zhi¯ daoˋ

Know, Knows, Knew, Known

知道了 zhi¯ daoˋ le˙

Know, Knows, Knowing, Knew, Understand, Understands, Understood, Now know, Now knows, Now knew, Now understand, Now understands, Now understood

知道事情不對了 zhi¯ daoˋ shiˋ qingˊ buˊ duiˋ le˙

Knew something was wrong

知道他們的來臨 zhi¯ daoˋ ta¯ men˙ de˙ laiˊ linˊ

Know they are coming, Knew they were coming

知道兩種管教 zhi¯ daoˋ liangˇ zhongˇ guanˇ jiaoˋ

Knew two kinds of discipline

知道如果 zhi¯ daoˋ ruˊ guoˇ

Knew that if

知道它該去的明確位置 zhi¯ daoˋ ta¯ gai¯ quˋ de˙ mingˊ queˋ weiˋ zhiˋ

Knew exactly where it should go, Knew exactly where it was supposed to go

知道怎麼 zhi¯ daoˋ zenˇ me˙

Know how, Know how to

知道我到底發生了什麼事 zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ daoˋ diˇ fa¯ sheng¯ le˙ shiˊ me˙ shiˋ

Know what happened to me in the end

知道排除髒物 zhi¯ daoˋ paiˊ chuˊ zang¯ wuˋ

Know how to get rid of dirt, Know how to eject dirt, Knew how to remove dirt

知道的 zhi¯ daoˋ de˙

Know, Familiar with

知道要去哪兒吧 zhi¯ daoˋ yaoˋ quˋ naˇ erˊ ba¯

Know where to go?, Know where we are going?

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

持刀 chiˊ dao¯

Holding a knife, With a knife

持刀的人 chiˊ dao¯ de˙ renˊ

The person with a knife, The person holding a knife

持刀的女人 chiˊ dao¯ de˙ nuuˇ renˊ

The woman with a knife, The woman holding a knife

石膏 shiˊ gao¯

Gypsum, Plaster

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

時髦 shiˊ maoˊ


時髦感 shiˊ maoˊ ganˇ

Sense of fashion, Fashion sense, Alamodality, Fashion conscious, Fashionable

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

遲早 chiˊ zaoˇ

Sooner or later, In time

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

遲到 chiˊ daoˋ

Late, Behind schedule

十號 shiˊ haoˋ

Ten, Tenth, Number 10

時鬧的笑話 shiˊ naoˋ de˙ xiaoˋ huaˋ

Amusing incident

石造 shiˊ zaoˋ


直到 zhiˊ daoˋ

Until, Up to

直到他意識到 zhiˊ daoˋ ta¯ yiˋ shiˋ daoˋ

Until he realizes, Until he realized

直到他終於發現 zhiˊ daoˋ ta¯ zhong¯ yuˊ fa¯ xianˋ

Until he finally realized, Until he finally discovered

直到你感覺 zhiˊ daoˋ niˇ ganˇ jueˊ

Until you feel, To the point that you feel

直到台灣戰後時期之初 zhiˊ daoˋ taiˊ wan¯ zhanˋ houˋ shiˊ qiˊ zhi¯ chu¯

Until the beginning of the post war period in Taiwan

直到她自己判斷合作對她最有利為止 zhiˊ daoˋ ta¯ ziˋ jiˇ panˋ duanˋ heˊ zuoˋ duiˋ ta¯ zuiˋ youˇ liˋ weiˊ zhiˇ

Until she decides on her own that it's in her best interests to cooperate

直到最近 zhiˊ daoˋ zuiˋ jinˋ

Until recently

直到純淨為止 zhiˊ daoˋ chunˊ jingˋ weiˋ zhiˇ

Until pure

執照 zhiˊ zhaoˋ

License, Permit

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

時好時壞 shiˊ hao˙ shiˊ huaiˋ

Good times and bad

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

紙鈔 zhiˇ chao¯

Paper money

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

死老鼠 siˇ laoˇ shuˇ

Dead mouse, Dead mice

指導 zhiˇ daoˇ

Instructions, Directions, Instruct, Give guidance, Direct

只好 zhiˇ haoˇ

Have to (due to circumstances), Only choice is thus…

只好讓 zhiˇ haoˇ rangˋ

Have to allow, Have to let

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

刺刀 ciˋ dao¯


炙燒 zhiˋ shao¯

Roasted, Burnt

炙燒黑糖歐蕾 zhiˋ shao¯ hei¯ tangˊ ou¯ leiˇ

Brown Sugar Café Au Lait

炙燒黑糖那緹 zhiˋ shao¯ hei¯ tangˊ naˋ tiˊ

Burnt Brown Sugar Latte

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

是毫無意義的事 shiˋ haoˊ wuˊ yiˋ yiˋ de˙ shiˋ

Was pointless, Had no point

是毫無顧忌的 shiˋ haoˊ wuˊ guˋ jiˋ de˙

Had no scruples

自豪 ziˋ haoˊ

Proud of, Self satisfied

44, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43

嗜好 shiˋ haoˇ


治好 zhiˋ haoˇ

Heal cure, Cured, To be cured

治好了 zhiˋ haoˇ le˙

Healed, Cured

至少 zhiˋ shaoˇ

At least

至少不跟 zhiˋ shaoˇ buˋ gen¯

At least not with, Certainly not with

至少他們會知道 zhiˋ shaoˇ ta¯ men˙ huiˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

At least they would know

至少到 zhiˋ shaoˇ daoˋ

At least until

至少在我看來是那樣沒錯 zhiˋ shaoˇ zaiˋ woˇ kanˋ laiˊ shiˋ naˋ yangˋ meiˊ cuoˋ

At least that's what it looks like to me

至少好一陣子 zhiˋ shaoˇ haoˇ yiˊ zhenˋ ziˇ

At least for a while, For a while at least

至少寫了二十次 zhiˋ shaoˇ xieˇ le˙ erˋ shiˊ ciˋ

Written at least 20 times

至少還不行 zhiˋ shaoˇ haiˊ buˋ xingˊ

At least not yet


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十-土 : > : > [報]-日報 : > [報]-日報 >

日報 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 報

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