Index for words including 是


Is, Am, Are, Was, Were, Be, Yes

Word Links for words containing 是 (sorted via character pairs)

是 shiˋ
Is, Am, Are, Was, Were, Be, Yes

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


是單獨一人 Is alone, Was alone


是別人的 It's someone else's

也會是別 It would have been someone else

如果換作是別 If it were someone else, Were it anyone else


是另一個 Next to another

是另外一個 The other other one

儲存槽旁是另一個 Next to the storage tank is another


是吧 Is that right? Correct? Yes?


是呀 Yes


是哪一種 What kind of, Is what kind

這個是哪一年的 What year is this one?


是嗎 Really?


是因 Is because

可能是因 Might have been because

我不喜歡她是因 I don't like her because

我不喜歡她是因為她很邪惡 I don't like her because she is evil


是最可怕的 She was the worst, She was the most frightening

是最快樂的事 Is the happiest thing (one can do), Most rewarding thing (that one can do)


是時 It's time

我想是時候放棄了 I think it's time to give up.


是問 Is asking you


是男人還是女人 Is it a man or a woman?


是嬰兒在哭的聲音 It is the sound of a baby crying, It was the sound of a baby crying


是用 Use, Uses, Using, Used


是陷 It is a trap, It was a trap


是如果我聽懂你的 It is if I understand you

他感覺到空間是如何連接的 He felt how the spaces connected

她感覺到空間是如何連接的 She felt how the spaces connected


是她認識的人 Was someone she knew

如果今天是她去上課 If she goes to class today, If she'd gone to class today

哪裡會是她覺得自在的落腳處 Where would she feel at home?, Where would she feel comfortable?, Where would she be comfortable?

她跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life


即使是好 Even a close friend


不再是妳的地盤了 It's no longer your neck of the woods


是幾公尺 How many meters wide


是絕佳的地方 Was perfect, Was a perfect place to be, A perfect location

是絕不說出口的 Never voiced, Never spoken aloud


是那 Are those

是那 It's the kind of, Is the kind of, Was the kind of

至少在我看來是那樣沒錯 At least that's what it looks like to me


多半是兒 Over half were children, Most were children, Mostly children


是長 Yes, sir


是多麼耀眼 How it had dazzled, How it had glimmered, How dazzling

這一塊的面積是多少呢 What is the area of this piece?

八的立方根是多 What is the cubed root of eight?

正確答案應該是多 The correct answer should be how much?


是夠 Is enough

是夠還不夠 Is it enough or not?


分子量是各分子質量的比較數值 Molecular weight is the relative value of a molecules molecular mass, Molecular weight is a molecule's relative molecular mass


是怎麼樣 How is it?, How was it?, What happened?

她不知道她是怎麼辦到的 She doesn't know how she does it


是什 What is, What would be

到底是什 What exactly is it?, So what is it?, What is it?

寫的是什 What does it say?

歷史是什 What is history?

無論是什 Whatever it is

差異性是什 What is the difference?

那件事是什 What that is, What it is, What that was

那些到底是什 What are those?, What the hell are those

不知道胚胎是什 Did not know what a fetus was, Did not know what an embryo was

不顯得內容是什 Unaware of what it was about, Not knowing what it was about

主要的意思是什 What's the main idea?

你們的策略是什 What is your strategy?

正下方地面上是什 What is on the ground below?, What is below us?

那另一個缺少的成分是什 What is the other missing ingredient?, What was the other missing ingredient

是什麼使 What makes

那麼是什麼使 So what causes, So what makes, What leads to

他知道是什麼了嗎 Does he know what it is?, Does he know what it was?

她知道是什麼了嗎 Does she know what it is?, Does she know what it was?

那句話是什麼意思 What that phrase meant, What does that phrase mean

了解那句話是什麼意思 Understood the meaning of the phrase

是什麼風把你吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods

是什麼風把妳吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods

那麼是什麼使一個人的生活比另一個有趣 What makes one person's life more interesting than another's?


這女人的很多事情是他不明白的 There was a lot he didn't know about her

他跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life


是件好事 Is a good thing, Was a good thing

不見得是件好事 Was not necessarily a good thing


一定是伸出手了 Probably reached out, Must have reached out

他一定是伸出手了 He probably reached out, He must have reached out


原來是你 It was you, So it was you

是你以為 So you think

不再是你的地盤了 It's no longer your neck of the woods

十年前是你逮捕他的 You arrested him ten years ago

八十年前是你逮捕他的 You arrested him eighty years ago


是個 Is a, Are a, Am a, Is an, Are an, Am an

是個合夥 A partner

是個憲兵 An MP, a Military Policeman

是個老人 An old man

是個謊言 Was a lie

這裡是個小鎮 This was a small town, It was a small town

是個小氣的人 She is cheap, She was cheap, She is tight fisted, She is stingy

是個受重視的客戶 A valued customer

是個訓練有素的殺人機器 A well trained killing machine


等待是值得的 The wait will be worth it, It will be worth the wait


是假 Was a lie, Was fake

是假 Was a lie, Was fake


是重 Is the key, Is the focus, Is the main point


本該是手的地方 Where a hand should be, Where hands should be


是我 Is me, Was me

如果是我 If it was me, If it were me

是我 Us, Is us, It is we

是我 Is my, Is mine

是我 It was me who allowed

在他們眼中墮落的是我 In their eyes it is us who are degenerates

如果是我的話 If it were me

你會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill

妳會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill

是我前世的盼望 A hope from a previous life

通常沒有什麼是我弄不到的 There isn't much that I can't get


他們是很討厭的人 They are hateful people, They are loathsome people, They were nasty people, They were dislikable people

鞋帶不綁好是很危險的 Untied shoelaces can be dangerous, An untied shoelace can be dangerous

在我看來是很合理的回應 In my opinion it was a very reasonable response, It was a very reasonable response in my opinion


是後來才有的 Came later (when it was too late)


是為 Just to, For the sake of, So that

是為速度著想 For the sake of speed

是為了讓你印象深刻 Just to impress you

是為了達到什麼目的 For what purpose?, To what end?

我們是為什麼來的 Why are we here?, Why we came

你早就知道我們是為什麼來的 You already know why we are here

妳早就知道我們是為什麼來的 You already know why we are here


你說是就是吧 If you say so


未必是刻 Probably not deliberately, Perhaps not deliberate, Perhaps not intentionally

未必是刻意這麼做 Probably didn't do it intentionally


是毫無顧忌的 Had no scruples

那些人是毫無顧忌的 They had no scruples

是毫無意義的事 Was pointless, Had no point

他覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need, He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need

她覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 She thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, She thought it was pointless spending money on things she didn't need, She didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need


到處是高高的書架 There were tall bookcases everywhere


完全是放鬆的狀態 Completely relax, Completely relaxed, Is completely relaxed


寸陰是競 A Brief Moment of time is worth fighting for


抱怨會是該死的餿主意 Complaining was a goddam bad idea


是認出了他 Had recognized him (in a crowd), Picking him out, Picked him out

是認出了她 Had recognized her (in a crowd), Picking her out, Picked her out


是說 Is saying

你意思是說 You mean to say


是誰 Who, Who it was

站在他面前的是誰 Who was standing in front of him

那時我不知道她是誰 At the time I didn't know who she was

是誰幹的 Who did it

是誰忘了 Who forgot

是誰忘了關門 Who forgot to close the door?


是謎 Remained a mystery, Remains a mystery, Still a mystery


是家裡的事 A family matter

是家裡的事嗎 Is it a family matter?


是寫這程式的人 Was the person who wrote the program


這個座位是空 This seat is free, This seat is not taken


是床 It's a bed, It's the bed, A bed


絕大多數是廢 It was mostly garbage


那他現在全身是疤 Does he have scars all over his body now?, Is he scarred all over now?, Is his whole body scarred now?


是的 Yes, Here

重要的是的 The important thing was that

是的我明白了 Yes, I see


我剛才是自主控制呼吸 I just controlled my breathing


是沒 That's right, That's true, Yes


他的衣服是深色的 His clothes were dark

她的衣服是深色的 Her clothes were dark


即使時間是清晨四點 Even though it was only four in the morning


是這樣嗎 Is that it?, Is that so?, Is that what you think?

是這樣的 Well, it's like this

事情是這樣的 Here's what happened, Here's the thing, This is the deal, This is what happened, It's like this

但如果是這 But if this was the case, But in that case, But if that was the case


是過去的事情了 Were a thing of the past


頭頭是道 Logical


是必有的 Is a must, Was a must, Was needed


無知即是福 Ignorance is bliss


是被她拒絕 Was refused by her

是被人誤導了嗎 Were you misled?, Misled?


是人類的東西 Things that had once been men, Thing that had once been a man

那些曾是人類的東西 Those things that had once been men


是合宜的 Was appropriate


不會是今 It's not today, It wouldn't be today


是錯 Is wrong

是錯 Is wrong


其實是少了兩個 It is two things that are missing actually, In fact it is two things that are lacking


是對 Is right

是對 Is right, Am right, Are right, Was right, Were right

十次裡她的看法總有九次是對 She is proved right nine out of ten times


這確實是常聽到的理論 This is of course a familiar argument


尤其是當 Especially when


他們是歡 They are lovers


聽起來似乎是華滋華斯 Sounds like Wordsworth


是一家人 Stick together

玩的是一樣的手法 Play the same way, Playing in the same way, Run the same racket, Running the same racket

說這句話就會是一個徹徹底底的偽君子 To say this would be the height of hypocrisy, Saying this was the height of hypocrisy

即使是一點點 Even a little

即使是一點點都 Even a little


基因上是亞洲人 Genetically asian


是不 Is it or isn't it, Was it or wasn't it, Whether or not, Whether

是不 It wouldn't, It wouldn't be

是不 Are not allowed

是不對的 Was wrong

那樣做是不對的 That was wrong to do, That would have been wrong

是不變的 Is constant, Is unchanged

是不是因為這樣 Is it because of this?, Is it because of that?, Is that why?

目前看來是不太可能 Does not seem likely at present

是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡他 Is that why you don't like him?

是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡她 Is that why you don't like her?


是否 Whether or not, Do or do not, Is or isn't

會想知道是否 Would wonder whether or not

是否相等 Are the same or not

是否也會等於 Would it be the same as, Would it be equal to

是否傷害他人 Whether or not to harm others

是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not they realized what they were doing

是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not she realized what she was doing


是平 Is even, Is equal, Is balanced, Was even, Was equal, Was balanced

誤認為是平 Mistaken for calmness


是可以預備的 Be prepared for


是工程師 Is an engineer, Am an engineer, Was an engineer

比較是工程學而非 Much more of an engineering challenge than


我只不過是要別人欣賞我這個人罷了 I just want others to appreciate me for who I am


是而 Plausible

是而非的 Plausible, Specious


是蜘 It's a spider, It was a spider


是由 Caused, Is caused by, Comes from


是非 Right and wrong, Yes and no

是非 Is very, Are very, Was very, Were very

是非 Yes or no or right or wrong questions

是非常大 Was very large

是非常久以前的 A very long time ago


是真錢之所在 Where the real money was


是去習慣 Is to get used to, Are getting used to, For getting used to


聲稱全是垃 Declared that it was all garbage


他們現在是城主的人了 Now they belonged to the prince, Now they were the prince's men


是志 Is a volunteer


是未 Were the future

城市才是未 Cities were the future

新城市才是未 New cities were the future


是加密的 Is encrypted, Are encrypted, Were encrypted


明天是大日子 Tomorrow is a big day, Tomorrow is the big day, Tomorrow is going to be a big day


是木頭做的 Is made of wood


是極煩人的事 Extremely annoying, Especially tiresome, It's extremely annoying


是橫 It was horizontal


是有 Is, Are

是有必要的 Is necessary

是有道理的 It would make sense that


他本來是打算順順利利抵達的 He had planned to arrive without incident, He had hoped to arrive without a hitch

她本來是打算順順利利抵達的 She had hoped to arrive without incident, She would have preferred to have arrived without incident


他的第一個衝動是抽開手 His first impulse was to pull his hand away


別是 It isn't


只是 Just, Just is

只是 That's just

我們只是 Only we are

其實就只是 Actually just, Is actually just, Is in fact just (a)

只是稍微 Just a little

只是 I was only trying

只是員工 Not just an employee

只是哭泣 Not just crying

只是這樣 There's more to it, There's more to it than that

只是可能 But only maybe, But only probably

只是想看看 I just want to see, I just wanted to see

還不只是如此 Not only that, More than that

只是一座小鎮 Not just a town

只是不確定嗎 You're just not sure?

只是強忍著微笑 Just holding back a smile, Trying not to smile, Trying not to grin

只是個遙遠的煩惱 Was just a distant worry

只是自以為知道 I assumed that I knew, I only thought I knew

只是學會了如何控制 Just learned to control it

很有趣而不只是怪異 Was interesting instead of just being weird

認為那只是燈光作怪 Thinking that it was just a trick of the light

只是安靜地坐在後座 He just sat quietly in the back seat, He just sat quiet in the back

只是一座小鎮而是一條街 Not just a town but a street

只是聳聳肩 Just shrugged

只是聳聳肩 He just shrugged

只是個小孩子 You're just a child, You're just a kid

只是個小孩子 You're just a child, You're just a kid

你那時只是個小孩子 At the time you were just a child

只是個樂觀的人 He was an optimist

只是幾個位置奇佳的島 Just a few fantastically located islands, Just a few islands in fantastic locations

純粹只是殺時間而已 Purely just to kill time

只是幾個位置奇佳的島而已 Just a few islands in fantastic locations really


我在這裡的原因是 The reason that I'm here is


所以大原則是 So, first principles


最大的不同是 The biggest difference is, The biggest difference was


凡是 All, All that are, All which are, All who are


比比皆是 Everywhere


好是 The best is, The best are, The best was, The best were

剛剛好是 Just right


能是 Maybe

也可能是 Could also be

覺得這可能是 Dialed from memory


約是 Is about, Is approximately


經是 Once was


總是 Always, Without exception

總是 Not always

總是 There was always

總是 Always says

總是 He always says

總是急著 Always in a hurry

總是不放心 Always worry

總是會有幾次 There will be times, There will be times when

總是試探性地 Always carefully, Always tentatively

問題總是接二連三地來 Problems always come together

為什麼問題總是接二連三地來呢 Why it is that problems always come together?

總是有用 Always helps

幾乎總是有用 Almost always helps

總是十分有趣 Completely interesting

總是不記得 Easily forget, Easily forgets, Easily forgot, Have a short memory, Has a short memory, Had a short memory, Had short memories

總是一手拿著筆記本 I always had the notebook in one hand, I always held the book in one hand


那是 That is

那是 That is a, That was a, It was a

那是 That is to say, That is

不管那是 No matter who it is, No matter who it was

那是什麼 What is that, What it is

不知道那是什麼 Don't know what it is

也不知道那是什麼 Wouldn't know it, Wouldn't know, Wouldn't recognize, Would be unable to recognize what it was

那是鼓聲 That's the sound of a drum, That's the sound of drumming

那是測驗嗎 Is that a test, Was that a test

那是說如果 That is saying if

那是頂好帽 It was a good hat

那是不可能的 That is impossible, That is not going to happen

那是以前的事了 That was then

不管那是什麼意思 Whatever that meant

那是一份驗屍報告 It was an autopsy report

那是又多一種邪惡 That's one more kind of evil, That's one more evil

那是幾個月以前的事 That was a few months ago

那是要等到怎樣你才要提 Then what is worth mentioning?

那是整個戰爭裡最為人津津樂道的一場仗 It was the most talked about battle of the whole war

那是他活該 He deserved it, It serves him right

那是她活該 She deserved it, It serves her right


又是 Also, Again, Still yet


我情願是 I would rather be, I would prefer to be


多是 Mostly, Tended to be

多是 Mostly


先是 First, Go back to the beginning


知是 Did not know, Did not realize


他是 He is, He was

他是 Whether or not he

他是否有潛力 Whether or not he had potential

介紹他是方法官 Introduced him as Judge Fang

他是個小氣的人 He is cheap, He was cheap, He is tight fisted, He is stingy

他是怎麼出來的 How did he get out?

他是否能過來 Asked if he could come

他是能輕易得手的 He could have easily done it

他是不是想嘔吐 Ask him if he needs to vomit

我不喜歡他是因為 I don't like him because

雖然他是那麼愛她 Even though he loved her so

他是不是起來活動了 Is he up and about

他是被人從飛機上丟下去的 He was thrown out of an airplane, Someone threw him out of an airplane

我不喜歡他是因為他很邪惡 I don't like him because he is evil

他是早看過試爆的設計者之一 He was one of the designers who'd seen the test explosion earlier


但是 But

我也許錯的但是 I may be wrong but

但是話說回來 But then, But having said that

但是我並不知道啊 But I didn't know!


你是 You are

你是 You are a/an

你是 Whether or not you

你是 You are saying, You mean

你是武裝的 You are armed, You are packing

好讓所有人知道你是武裝的 So that everyone knows that you are packing

你是個聰明人 You are a clever person, You are a smart individual, You are an intelligent person

你是在告訴我 You are telling me, Are you telling me

你是一名記者嗎 Are you a reporter

你是位警察巡官 You are a police inspector

你是第一個跟她聯絡的 You're the first to contact her, You're the first to get back to her

你是覺得他會到這裡來嗎 Do you think he will come here?

你是覺得她會到這裡來嗎 Do you think she will come here?


便是 Even if


倒是 However, Contrary to what one might expect


這麼做是 This was done


僅是 Merely, Just

僅是普通的直覺 Just ordinary or run of the mill intuition

僅是籠罩在地平線上 Encompassed the horizon


像是 Looks like, Seems like, Like a, As an

像是 Is like

有點像是 It kind of, Kind of, Kind of like, A little bit like it was

遠看像是 From a distance it looks like, From afar it looks like

看上去像是 Looked like, To look at seemed like

看起來像是 Looks like, Looked like

聽起來像是 Sound like, Sounds like, Sounding like, Sounded like

速度快得像是 As fast as, As quickly as

這姿勢讓他看來就像是 This position made him seem like

像是警告 Like a warning

語氣像是在說 The tone seemed to say

像是剛畫上口紅 As if having just put on lipstick

像是在瀏覽菜單 As if browsing a menu

感覺就像是那樣 Seems like that, Feels like that

有點像是保持聯繫 Kind of touching base, Kind of just keeping in contact

像是被什麼東西打中 Like something had hit it, As if something had hit it

像是美夢成真一樣 It's like a dream come true

速度快得像是糞便通過鵝腸一樣 As fast as shit through a goose, Like shit through a goose


我是 I am, Me

我是 I am saying, I mean, I meant

我是 Who am I, Who I am

如果我是 If I was her

我是單身 I am single

我是個殺手 I am a killer

我是工程師 I am an engineer

我是藝術家 I am an artist

我是夜晚的生物 I am a creature of the night

我是犯了哪條罪 What crime did I commit?

我是獨一無二的 I'm unique, I'm one of a kind

我是我自己的主人 I am my own master, I am my own man, I am my own woman, I am my own mistress

沒告訴我是什麼事 Didn't tell me what it was, Didn't tell me what it was about

你想知道我是不是聽說了什麼特別有料的謠言 You want to know if I've heard any especially juicy rumors, You want to know if I've heard any particularly helpful rumors

我是一個人來的 I came alone

我是為什麼來的 Why am I here?, Why I came


乎是 Seemed to be


往是 Always, Usually


後是 After that was, Then it was


須是 Have to be, Has to be, Had to be


他回答是 He answered that it was


算是 Considered, Regarded

算是 Even if, Even if it is, Could be considered as, Then is, Then was

幾乎算是 Could be thought of as

算是 Even if he

算是 Even if she

人就算是 Even dead people

多少算是 More or less, Kind of

他根本就不算是 He was not even human, He was scarcely human

她根本就不算是 She was not even human, She was scarcely human

算是種恭維 Flattering, Taken as a compliment


為是 Believes that, Believing that

自以為是 Opinionated, Self-righteous, Regard oneself as correct, Presume to imply, Self-approbation

誤認為是 Mistakenly believe, Mistake for

我不會自以為是 I would not presume to imply


實事求是 Seek truth from facts


就是 That is, Namely, Exactly, And so is, And so are

就是 This is

就是 That is, Which was, Namely

開頭就是 Start with, Lead with

在現代用法上意思就是 In the modern usage meant that

就是 It was him, That's him

就是 That is to say

就是 That is to say, Another way of saying

就是 That is to say, This means that

就是 Then that is a

我們就是 We just want, We just want to

你說是就是 If you say so

那個字就是 That word was hi, That word was hello

沒什麼用就是 Was of no use anyway

就是這樣 That's It!, It is what it is, That's just because the way it is!

就是這麼做 Did exactly that

就是舊了一點 It's a little bit old

情況就是如此 This is the case, This is how it is

本來就是緣分 It is fate

就是為什麼 That's why

就是天不從人願 But fate had other plans

就是必須搞清楚 Just have to know, Just have to see for one's self first-hand

就是這樣發生的 That's how it happened, That that's how it happened, Happened in that way

就是這個意思 That's exactly what I mean, That's exactly what I meant

就是我所做的 And so that is what I did

就是必須親眼看見 Just have to see for yourself first-hand

就是為這個過來的 That's why I came here

有些人就是學不會教訓 Some people never learn

就是他們在做的事 That was what they were doing

他毫不懷疑那就是他們在做的事 He has no doubt that that was what they were doing


於是 Thus, Then, So

於是她沒說什麼 And so she didn't say anything

於是把我化作一棵樹 Buddha then turned me into a tree


竟是 Turn out to be


許是 Could be

許是發現 Perhaps realizing that

許是發現自己越界了 Perhaps realizing that they had stepped out of bounds


我想應該是 I suppose that

正確答案應該是 The correct answer should be


說是 It's said that, It can be said that, It could be said that


論是 Whether it is, Whether

所以結論是 So, So in conclusion


那一定是 This must be


案是 Answer

案是 The answer is, The answer was

案是加密的 Files are encrypted, Files were encrypted


或是 Or

或是比較好一點 Or even better


麼是 What is, What are


的是 Written as

的是 Have plenty of

的是 Filled with, Containing

不同的是 The difference is

不幸的是 Unfortunately

使用的是 Using, Is using, Is employing

它指的是 It referred to

幸運的是 Fortunately

我說的是 I said

更糟的是 What was worse, And worse

麻煩的是 The problem is, The difficulty is

最重要的是 What is most important is

有問題的是 The problem is

那就真的是 Then it truly is

不可避免的是 Inevitably

如果你用的是 If you had been using, If you were using

我很驚訝的是 I'm surprised, It's surprising to me

比較可能的是 More likely, Much more likely

真正重要的是 What really mattered is, What really mattered was

今天我要講的是 Today I want to talk about

我唯一確定的是 All I know for sure is


好消息是 The good news is


淨是 Nothing but


一臉滿是 A face full of


這是 This is

這是哪裡 Where am I?, Where are we?

這是去哪裡 Where are you going?

這是真的 This is real

如果這是真的 If that is true

這是歷史課 This is a history lesson, This is a lesson in history

這是不可以的 This is not allowed, This is frowned upon

這是大人的事 This is grown-up stuff

這是測試我嗎 Is this to test me?, Is this some sort of test?

這是怎麼回事呢 What is this about

這是種很奇怪的 This is a very strange, This is a very strange kind of

以為這是某種比賽 Thought it was some sort of competition, Was under the impressiont that it was some sort of contest

這是很重要的一點 This is an important point

這是一輛很美的車子 This was a beautiful car, It was a beautiful car

認為這是某幽靈欲與她溝通所致 Believes that it is because a ghost is trying to communicate with her


那只不過是 It was just


還是 Or, Still, Never the less, Nonetheless Might as well

不過還是 But still, However, But never the less, But even so

外面還是 Outside it was

終於還是 Eventually

還是 Should still, Still have to

還是 Still have

還是不懂 Still don't understand, I still don't understand

大雨還是下個不停 The heavy rain continued, It continued to rain heavily, non-stop

還是什麼 Or something?

還是學步 Still learning to walk

還是菜鳥 Still a rookie

還是要簽 Still needs to be signed

還是趕快 Quickly, Move fast, Get on with

還是相信 He still believed, He believed

還是單身 She's still single

還是新手 I'm still a novice

還是覺得 I still feel that, I still think that

還是有其他 There are other, There are still other

決定還是有效 Decision is still valid, Decision was still valid

還是會想念他 Still missed him, Missed him

還是沒有跟來 Still wasn't coming, Still wasn't following

還是被允許的 But was allowed, Was still allowed, Was allowed

還是懷念游泳 She still misses swimming, She still missed swimming

是男人還是女人 Is it a man or a woman?

謀殺還是犯法的 Murder is still illegal, Murder is still a crime

還是個學步幼兒 Still a toddler

還是懂得自我管理 You still know how to control yourself, You're still in control of yourself

還是在狀況好的時候 And that was if conditions were right, And that was on a good day

學校裡還是有蓋爾語課吧 They do still teach Gaelic at school, yes?

還是有些更差的掙錢地方 There are worst places to make some money

還是花很多時間上健身房 Still spent a lot of time at the gym

還是讓他憤怒 Still made him angry, Still rankled him

還是讓他憤怒 This still made him angry, This still rankled him


這個問題的核心是 The crux of the matter is


回答他的人是 The person who answered him was

回答她的人是 The person who answered her was


大體上這觀念是 The general idea is


會是 Would be


卻是 But it is, But it was, But is, But was

卻是直接 Just directly

馬桶圈卻是方下的 The toilet seat was down


少是 At least


並是 In particular


光是 Just

光是知道 Just knowing

光是關於 Just about, Just focused on

但不光是他而已 But it wasn't just him, But it wasn't just about him


半是 Over half is, Over half were, Mostly

有一半是 Half are


常是 Usually


若是 Supposing, If


其是 Especially


一是 The first is that


不是 Not, Isn't, Wasn't, Aren't, No

不是 Is not, Then is not

不是 He isn't, He is not

不是 But not

不是 You aren't, You're not

不是 Not, Is not, am not, Are not, Was not

不是 Is it or isn't it, Was it or wasn't it, Whether or not, Whether

不是 Truly isn't, Really isn't

不是 If not

不是 This isn't, This wasn't

不是 Neither are, None are

不過不是 But it isn't

可能不是 Maybe not

如果不是 If it isn't, If it wasn't

根本不是 Not at all, No

顯然不是 Evidently wasn't, Obviously wasn't

不過並不是 But not, But isn't, But it isn't

也可能不是 Maybe not

兩個都不是 Been neither of them

兩者都不是 Neither are, Neither

只不過不是 Just not, Only not

所以你不是 So you are not

我想應該不是 I suppose not

不是 Not him, It isn't him

不是 Didn't come

不是 Isn't a

不是 Does it not?, Is that not so?

不是 Not that, Not to say

不是 That wasn't a guess

這並不是 This is not to say that, This was not to say that

不是什麼 Not what, Not anything

不是今天 Not today

不是傻子 Not a fool

不是別人 Not someone else, Not any other man

不是實話 Not true, A lie

不是掩上 Not just shut

不是誰都 Nobody else

不是那樣 Wasn't like that

不是很美好 Not perfect, Less than idyllic

不是很難做 Not very demanding, Not very difficult to do

不是每個人 Not everyone

不是那件事 That's not it, It's not about that

不是全部 Not completely

不是因為 If not for, If not because of

不是蛋嗎 Isn't that an egg?

不是世界末日 It isn't the end of the world

不是來開會的 Didn't come for a meeting, Aren't having a convention

不是百分之百 Not a hundred percent

不是真的聽懂 Didn't really understand

也許不是搞錯 Maybe it's not an error

不是故意的 I didn't mean it, I didn't do it on purpose

不是人人幹得來 Isn't for everybody, Not everyone is suited to

不是小孩子了 I am not a child

我們不是野蠻人 We're not savages

不是因為兩點 But for two things, But for two points

不是因為成績太差 Not because of poor grades

不是很大牌的作家 Not a big-time author

不是真正聰明絕頂 Not really brilliant

他們不是我的主人 They are not my masters

不是這麼回事了 This is not the case

問他是不是想嘔吐 Ask him if he needs to vomit

從來不是一蹴而就 Nothing great is created suddenly, Great results take time, Success never occurs after a single attempt

不是百分之百的確定 Not a hundred percent certain

他是不是起來活動了 Is he up and about

反正也不是第一次了 Not for the first time

不是兒童心理學家 I am not a child psychologist

不是什麼有意義的字句 Not anything that makes sense

不是真的聽懂所有的字 Didn't really understand all the words

不是先後繼起的國家 Were not successive states

妳以前不是喜歡說一句話 What was it you used to say?

可是終究或許不是那麼幸運 But in the end perhaps not that lucky, But maybe not that lucky after all

不是隨便在電話簿裡查得到的正式組織 Was not a a formal organization that could be found in a phone book

你想知道我是不是聽說了什麼特別有料的謠言 You want to know if I've heard any especially juicy rumors, You want to know if I've heard any particularly helpful rumors

不是問題 Isn't the problem, Aren't the problem, Wasn't question, Is not a question

這其實不是問題 This really wasn't a question

錢完全不是問題 Price was no object, Price was not a problem, Money was no object

不是真正 Not really

不是我真名 Not my real name

不是以這些 Not with these

不是因為這樣 Is it because of this?, Is it because of that?, Is that why?

不是很了解 Don't really understand, Doesn't really understand

他連自己說的話都不是很了解 He doesn't understand what he's saying

那他不是學到寶貴的一課了嗎 Then you've learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?

那妳不是學到寶貴的一課了嗎 Then you've learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?

不是什麼好事 Not a good thing

這可不是什麼好事 This is not a good thing, This can't be good, That can't be good

不是唯一一個 Not the only one

不是單獨一人 Isn't alone, Wasn't alone

不是很有品味的 Not very tasteful

這難道不是意味著 Doesn't this imply

不是用這種方式 Not like this, Not this way

不是用這種方式 But not like this, But not this way

不是說他很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that he's poor or stingy, It's not that he was poor or mean

不是說她很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that she's poor or mean, It's not that she was poor or mean

不是因為這樣你才不喜歡他 Is that why you don't like him?

不是因為這樣你才不喜歡她 Is that why you don't like her?

你又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher

妳又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher


可是 But

可是好吧 But okay

可是在這裡 But here

可是今天不同 But not today

可是很快來了 But soon came, But soon arrived

可是他沒跟她說 But he didn't tell her

可是妳也會去啊 But you'll go too!, But you'll be there!

可是我沒想到 I never thought of that, That had not occurred to me, I had not expected that

可是他們卻派你來 But they sent you

可是他們卻派妳來 But they sent you

可是我沒想到的作法 That approach had not occurred to me, That is an approach that I had not thought of

可是已經比以前進步多了 It was better than before, It was better than it had been

我這可是告訴你一個秘密 I tell you this in all confidence

可是終究或許不是那麼幸運 But in the end perhaps not that lucky, But maybe not that lucky after all

可是她沒跟他說 But she didn't tell him

可是別人可以拿這個名字來對付他們 But others can use this against them


更是 Even more

更是深遠 Ever deeper and further reaching

更是其中最高級 Top of the line, The most advanced


正是 Truly is, Truly are, Truly was


那兒以西是 To the west, From there to the west


要是 If

要是他有 If he had

要是還在 If it was still there

要是透明 Mainly transparent, For the most part were transparent, Predominantly transparent

要是我們能 If we can, If only we can

要是有機會 Given the chance or opportunity

要是我記得沒錯 If I remember correctly

要是他記得的話 If he remembered

要是我沒記錯的話 Unless my memory is at fault, Unless I've forgotten something, If I remember correctly

要是她沒先殺死我的話 If she doesn't kill me first

要是讓他知道真相 If he knew the truth

要是讓她知道真相 If she knew the truth

他晚上要是能睡上幾個小時 If he could get a few hours sleep at night

她晚上要是能睡上幾個小時 If she could get a few hours sleep at night


而是 Or, But is

不只是一座小鎮而是一條街 Not just a town but a street


確是 Indeed, Really are, Really is, Really am

你的確是 You certainly are, You are indeed

在某方面來說也確是如此 In a way it is true, In a way it is, In a way it was


實際上是 Actually were, Actually was, Really were, Really was


唯一的壞處是 The only disadvantage is, The only bad point is


真是 Really, Truly

真是 This truly is

真是 Really

真是可口 Truly delicious, Really tasty

真是幸福 Really happy

真是遺憾 That was a shame, What a pity

真是不可思議 It's truly incredible, It's truly beyond belief

真是難以置信 Really hard to believe, Incredible

現場真是慘不忍睹 Truly a sorry sight

真是個有趣的問題 That's an interesting question

嗯這真是個有趣的問題 Well now, that's an interesting question


老是 Keep (doing), Always

你怎麼老是丟你的鑰匙 How is it that you always lose your key, Why do you always lose your key


只有前者是 Only the former is

只有後者是 Only the latter is


都是 Each are, Both are, Are all, Are both, Each were, Both were

他們都是 They are all

兩者都是 Both are

到處都是 Everywhere, All over

差不多都是 Was usually, Nearly always

我一直都是 I have always been

每一種物質都是 Every substance is

尿得整個馬桶圈到處都是 Pee all over the toilet seat

都是 Are all numbers

到處都是 Cars everywhere, Cars are everywhere, Cars were everywhere

都是數字 Are all numbers

都是數字 Are also all numbers

都是我的錯 It's all my fault

一切都是他的錯 It's all his fault

一直都是如此 It had always been this way.

主食都是米飯 The main staple was rice, The staple food was rice

終年都是雲霧 Cloudy all year

兩輛都是敞篷車 Both vehicles are convertibles, Both cars were convertibles

夢到的都是惡夢 The dreams were all nightmares

都是另一個威脅 Was a new threat

都是極小的粒子 Are all tiny particles, Are both tiny particles, Are tiny particles

這邊都是你的朋友 We're all your friends here, You are among friends

進城都是為了追捕 Came to town hunting for

都是我前世的盼望 Each a hope from my previous life

都是你當年教我的 It's what you taught me back then, Like you taught me way back when, Just like you taught me

他的黨羽都是些什麼人 Who are his associates?, Who are these associates?

但那都是很久以前的事了 But that was a long time ago


來是 Had been, Originally, Had originally been

來是 It looks like, It seems like


才是 This is


我會猜是 I would guess


也是 And it is also

也是 Might, Could be

閒著也是閒著 Having lots of free time

也是我的房間 This is also my room

他第一個也是目前唯一 His first and at present his only, Currently his first and only


有另一輛是 Decisive factor

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