Index for words including 時


Time, At That Time, Fashionable, Sometimes, Era, Season, Epoch

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


在衝撞表面時固 Solidified as it impacted the surface, Solidifying as it crashed against the surface


時量 Amount of time


時時 Often, Frequently, Continually

時時刻刻 Constantly, Moment to moment, By the moment


時間 Time

時間 Time saving, Save time

時間 Time consuming, Waste time

時間 For a long time, Prolonged period of time, Prolonged

一段時間 A while, A time

上班時間 Work hours

休閒時間 Leisure time, Leisure

午餐時間 Lunch time

很短時間 Short period of time

消磨時間 While away time, Passed time, Killed time

用餐時間 Meal time

空暇時間 Spare time

要花時間 Need to spend some time

計量時間 Measure time

上午的時間 The morning

好一段時間 A while, A good while, A long time

已過的時間 Elapsed time

紀錯了時間 Got the time mixed up

花上些時間 Spend some time

花很多時間 Spend a lot of time, Spends a lot of time

住了一段時間 Lived for a while

很長一段時間 A long time

每隔一殷時間 Once in a while

花了不少時間 Spent a lot of time

花幾天的時間 Spend only a few days

要花多少時間 How long will it take, How much time will it take, How much time will need to be spent

那要花點時間 It will take some time

關閉電源時間 Turn-off power, Power shut-down

預定抵達時間 Scheduled arrival time

一輩子多半時間 Most of a lifetime, Most of their life

他在他空暇時間 In his spare time

持續了一段時間 Lasted for a while

曾有很多年時間 For a period of many years, had

自己相處的時間 Time together with oneself

遠足了好長時間 Gone for a long hike

原來我紀錯了時間 I got the time mixed up, I forgot what day it was, I got the days mixed up

沒有花很長的時間 It didn't take too long, Don't take too long

自動關閉電源時間 Auto Power-off Time

與自己相處的時間 Time together with oneself

設定影像檢視時間 Setting Image Review Time

猶豫了很長一段時間 Hesitated a long time

在中南部住了一段時間 Lived in the mid-South for awhile

設定自動關閉電源時間 Setting Auto Power-off Time

退役後曾有很多年時間 For many years after leaving the army, had

難得享受與自己相處的時間 Rarely enjoy time with oneself

時間 Schedule

時間 There's no time

一段時間 Over time, Over a period of time

實驗時間 Time for an experiment, It was time for an experiment

在很短時間 In a short period of time

高品質親子時間 Quality parent child time, Quality time

時間一長 Over time

每隔一殷時間就聯絡一下 Reach out every once in a while, Connect every once in a while

時間到了 It's time

時間剛好 Perfect timing

時間最多 Have lots of time, Time to spare

時間浪費 Waste time

時間穿越 Time travel

時間逆轉 Reverse chronology

時間順序 Chronologically

時間來不及 Not enough time

時間很晚了 It's very late, It's gotten very late, It's already very late

時間的腳步 Passage of time

時間都排好了 Completely booked

時間順序排列 Ordered chronologically, Arranged in chronological order, Sequenced chronologically

把大半時間都花 Spend half their time

禁得起時間考驗 Time-honored

計量時間的方式 Method of measuring time

看的時間如果夠久 If looking long enough

即使時間是清晨四點 Even though it was only four in the morning

時間都花在了工作 Work all the time, Spend all available time working

純粹只是殺時間而已 Purely just to kill time

午餐時間已經過了許久 It was already well past lunch time

我認識她的時間比你還久 I've known her longer than you

還是花很多時間上健身房 Still spent a lot of time at the gym

時間長度 Period of time, Length of time, Interval

像樣的時間長度 Decent length of time, Decent interval

任何東西在很短時間內都可長成 Anything could be grown in a short period of time

時間很快就過去了 Time passed quickly

上午的時間一下子就過去了 The morning went by quickly


必要時內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 If necessary the built in flash will automatically pop up


時隔 Interval


時裝 Fashionable, Fashion


時好時壞 Good times and bad


以防點火時發生危險 To prevent dangerous occurrences during ignition


時段 Period of time


時長 Duration


時髦 Fashionable

時髦 Sense of fashion, Fashion sense, Alamodality, Fashion conscious, Fashionable


比利時鬆 Belgian waffles


時無 Always, All of the time


時代 Period, Era, Epoch, Age, Time, Periods, Eras, Epochs, Ages, Times

時代 Epoch-making

史前時代 Prehistoric period, Prehistoric era

奴隸時代 Slave days, Era of slavery

工業時代 Industrial era

歷史時代 Historical era

石器時代 Stone age

在這個時代 These days, Nowadays, At this time, Now

在這新時代 In this modern era, In these new times

在那個時代 In those days, At the time

大航海時代 Age of discovery

新石器時代 Neolithic age

舊石器時代 Paleolithic age, Early stone age

時代廣場 Times Square

時代變了 Times have changed


時俱 Keep pace with the times


時候 Time, At that time

時候 By that time

時候 A long time ago, In ancient times, In the past

時候 It's time

你來的時候 When you come

大多數時候 The majority of the time, On most days

戰爭的時候 Time of war

散步的時候 While going for a walk, While walking

花開的時候 When the flowers bloom, When the flowers are blooming

趁這個時候 Utilized that time, Utilized this time, During this time

驚慌的時候 While panicking, When panic stricken, When panicked

上高中的時候 While I attended High School

他在家的時候 When he was home

躲貓貓的時候 When hiding from the cat

逛公園的時候 While strolling through the park

去年的這個時候 This time last year

夜裡很晚的時候 Late at night

接近中午的時候 Around lunch time, When it was close to noon, Near noon

當我睡著的時候 While I go to sleep

還有備胎的時候 Having spare time, In spare time

生在有戰爭的時候 Born in a time of war

在我還很年輕的時候 When I was still young, When I was young

每當你需要我的時候 Any time you needed me, Whenever you needed me

當她需要協助的時候 When she needed help

那還是在狀況好的時候 And that was if conditions were right, And that was on a good day

到我二十一歲左右的時候 When I was 21 years old or thereabouts

時候到了 When the time came

什麼時候的事 When did this happen?, When did that happen?

該告退的時候 It was time to leave, It was time to withdraw, It was time to quit

時候就來不及了 By that time it would be too late

我想是時候放棄了 I think it's time to give up.

什麼時候才天亮 When will daybreak, When will it finally be daybreak

到底什麼時候才天亮 When will daybreak arrive, How long till daybreak finally arrives

他沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 He couldn't do it while panicking

她沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 She couldn't do it while panicking


時後 And then (after)


時節 Occasion, Season, Time of year


時效 Prescription, Prescribed time


時刻 Continually, Always, Time, Hour

接近死亡時刻 Perimortem, Close to time of death

時刻 Timetable, Schedule

發車時刻 Departure schedule, Departures schedule, Departures board


下車時請注意右側來車 Be aware of vehicles approaching from the right when getting off of the bus

下車時請注意後方來車 Pay attention to vehicles approaching from the rear when getting off of the bus


時空 Time and space

超越了時空 Transcending time and space


在對焦時或對焦後 While focusing or after focusing


時度 Time share

時度假屋 Time share apartment or condo


時序 Timing, Times, Seasons

時序 Chronologically


時速 Speed (distance per hour)

最高時速 Highest speed, Top speed

時速一百哩 One hundred miles per hour

時速一百七十五公里 175 kph, 175 kilometers per hour

遇上時速一百七十五公里的沙塵暴 Encountered a 175 kph sandstorm


時遲那時快 Quickly, Suddenly, Before it was too late


他醒來時心 He woke up thinking


如曝光時人物移動 If during exposure person moves


醒來時會口渴 Wake up feeling thirsty

他飛機落地時會跟你聯絡嗎 Will he call you when he lands?

她飛機落地時會跟你聯絡嗎 Will she call you when she lands?


時針 Clockwise

時針方向 Clockwise direction


時鐘 Clock

牆上時鐘 The clock on the wall

儀表板上的時鐘 Dashboard clock


時分 Hours of, At that time

凌晨時分 Early hours, Wee hours

近午時分 Near noon, Late in the morning

一天近午時分 One day near noon time, Late one morning


時差 Time zone differences


時光 Time, Time of day, Occasion

孩提時光 As a child, As a youth

消磨時光 Passed time, Killed time

愉快的時光 Happy occasion, Lovely time

愉快地消磨時光 Passed time pleasantly, Happily passed time

時光隧道 Time tunnel, Tunnel through time


時尚 Fad, Fashion

時尚專欄家 Fashion columnist

權威時尚專欄家 Fashion columnist


時常 Often

時常 Often came

時常在外面 Often outside, Frequently outdoors

時常來找他們 Often came to visit them, Often came to find them

時常有人停下來看 People stop to look all the time


時期 Era, Period of time

全盛時期 Heyday

古典時期 Classical age

古風時期 Archaic period (period in Greek history from 800 BC to 480 BC)

戰後時期 Post war period

日治時期 Period of Japanese occupation

蒙古時期 Mogul period

愛德溫時期 Edwardian

工業革命時期 Industrial Revolution

希臘古風時期 Greek Archaic Period

一年的這個時期 Every year around this time, At this time of year

商周到隋唐時期 From the Shang, Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties, Through the time spanning the Shang, Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

清帝國統治時期 During the Qing Dynasty

到一年的這個時期 At this time of year

時期之初 At the beginning of the period

戰後時期之初 At the beginning of the post war period

直到台灣戰後時期之初 Until the beginning of the post war period in Taiwan


時不 From time to time

時不時點點頭 Nodding from time to time

時不時我會覺得 Now and then it seems that


時可能就來不及了 By then it may be too late


時而 From time to time


時鬧的笑話 Amusing incident


時好時壞 Good times and bad


時機 Opportune moment, Opportunity, Opportune time to act


時事 Current affairs


時較 Took longer, Took more time

這需時較 This took longer, This took more time


屆時 At appointed time


足時 If not enough, When there is not enough


即時 Instantly, Immediately, At once, Just-in-time

即時顯示 Live View

即時顯示拍攝 Live view shooting (picture taking)


加速離開時 While accelerating away, While accelerating away from

分配律乘開時 When doing distributive multiplication


高品質親子時間時 Quality parent child time, Quality time


你再睜開眼時 Then when you open your eyes


他用手背揉眼睛時 While rubbing his eye with the back of his hand, As he rubbed his eye with the back of his hand


自動對焦失敗時 When auto-focus fails


同時 At the same time, While

與此同時 At around the same time

等待的同時 While waiting

同時 Different periods of time, Different periods

同時代的人 Contemporary

同時感到相當興奮 At the same time felt rather excited

同時相機會發出提示音 At the same time the camera beeper will sound


使用時 While using, When using


把重量轉換到單腳時 While shifting weight to one foot, As weight is shifted to one foot

把重量轉移到另一隻腳時 While shifting weight to the other foot, As weight is shifted to the other foot


墜時 While falling, During the fall


當兩多項式相除時 While dividing two polynomials


隨時 At any time

隨時隨地 Anytime anywhere

隨時裝卸 Detachable, Removable

送紙盤可隨時裝卸 Detachable document tray, Detachable tray

隨時在旁支援 Support at any time, Support at all times


出時 At dawn, At sunrise


妳這個年紀時 At your age, About your age

到了差不多妳這個年紀時 Get to about your age, When getting to about your age


總時 Always, All the time


那時 That time on, Then

那時 That time, At that time

那時 Since then

說時遲那時 Quickly, Suddenly, Before it was too late

那時只是個小孩子 At the time you were just a child

那時他才第一次知道 And then he knew for the first time

那時我不知道她是誰 At the time I didn't know who she was


費時 Takes a lot of time, Needs a lot of time

費時 Takes relatively a long time, Relatively more time consuming

費時 Waste time, Waste effort

沒浪費時 Didn't waste time

他沒浪費時 He didn't waste time


及時 Timely, Promptly

及時聯繫 Promptly get in touch with

及時阻止了 Stopped, Prevented

及時阻止了自己 Stopped themselves

日期及時 Date and Time

設定日期及時 Setting Time and Date


歷時 Duration, Time to complete, Time taken

歷時十秒完成 Took all of ten seconds, Took about ten seconds to finish


兒時 Childhood

兒時的小名 Baby name, Name used when one is a baby


學時 Class time, Period

學時 At school, While at school


在那兒睡覺時 While sleeping there


在返回營區時 While returning to the site


臨時 Temporary

當那天來臨時 When that day arrived

臨時起意 Impromptu, Spur of the moment, In an offhand way, In an impromptu manner


操作實驗時 When performing experiments, While performing experiments, When performing an experiment, While performing an experiment


片時 Short period of time, A moment

拍攝相片時 When it's time to take a picture


生時 When it happens, When it happened, When it occurred

緊急狀況發生時 When an emergency occurs, When emergencies occur


氣時 While inhaling, While breathing in, As it sucked air

氣時 While exhaling, While breathing in


焦時 While focused, While focused on

在對焦時 While focusing

對靜止主體對焦時 While focused on a still subject


何時 When, At what time


因背傷無法工作時 When unable to work due to back injury, While unable to work due to back injury

在她因背傷無法工作時 When she couldn't work because of a back injury, While she couldn't work due to back injuries


利時 Belgium


之時 During, Time when

慶祝之時 While celebrating, During the celebration


故在急救時 For the purpose of first aid, While administering first aid


在撤離時 While evacuating

但在撤離時 But while evacuating, But during the evacuation


閱讀課文時 While reading the text


當他們成熟時 When they mature, When they are mature, When they become mature


計時 Timing

計時 Countdown

計時 Timer

內在計時 Built in timer

有內在計時 Has a built in timer, Had a built in timer

計時器核彈 Timer equipped Nuclear bomb


評時 During evaluation, When evaluating


尤其當他說話時 Especially when he was talking, Especially while he was talking

尤其當她說話時 Especially when she was talking, Especially while she was talking


課時 During class


定時 Timer, Set the time, Set for a fixed time

定時炸藥 Dynamite on a timer

定時間響起的鬧鐘 An alarm clock set to go of at a particular time


走路回家時 While walking back home


收集到的氣體要做後續的觀察時 When collected gas is to be observed later


暖暖包的內部物質反應時 When the contents of a hand warmer react


她起床時 When she got up


動詞的時 Verb Tenses


在發射時 At launch time, During the launch


姿時 While standing, When standing


準時 Punctual, On time

準時 Right on time

你挺準時 You are right on time


濾時 When filtering


酒時 While drinking alcohol, When drinking alcohol


被麻醉昏迷時 Under anesthetic, Anesthetized


這時 Then, This time, At this time, While, As, At that time

這時代不用再 It was no longer necessary

這時 This age, This era, Nowadays, These days

這時 Then, At this moment, At this time


過時 Obsolete, Outmoded, Out of style, Old fashioned

在行過時 In passing

早已過時 Obsolete, No longer relevant

可能有點過時 A little old fashioned

早已過時的系統 Obsolete system, Obsolete systems


適時 Timely, In good time


半按快門按鈕時 While pressing the shutter button halfway


小時 Hour, Hours

小時 One hour

小時 Half an hour

小時 Each hour (as in mph or kph), Per hour

六個小時 Six hours

十二小時 Twelve hours

十六小時 Sixteen hours

半個小時 Half an hour

好幾小時 Many hours

幾個小時 A few hours, Many hours

花一小時 Spend an hour

後來幾小時 For a few hours afterwards, For the next few hours

分鐘變為小時 Minutes seem like hours

看過上千小時 Watched thousands of hours

還有六個小時 Still have six hours, Have six hours left

一天二十四小時 Twenty-four hours a day

可能要花一小時 It may take an hour

工作了十六小時 Worked for sixteen hours

我睡了兩個小時 I slept for two hours, I had two hours sleep

愉快地花幾個小時 Happily spend a few hours

我們還有六個小時 We still have six hours, We have six hours left

他晚上要是能睡上幾個小時 If he could get a few hours sleep at night

她晚上要是能睡上幾個小時 If she could get a few hours sleep at night

小時 Childhood, As a child, As a kid

小時 His childhood, The days of his youth

小時 Half an hour later, After half an hour

小時 4 hours of, Four hours of

小時 When she was young, When she was a child

小時 A few hours later

小時 A few hours later

十二小時 Within twelve hours

好幾小時 Many hours previously, Many hours ago

在幾個小時 Within a few hours

在二十四小時 Within 24 hours

在那十六小時 In those sixteen hours

還需要好幾個小時 It will take several hours, It will be a few hours yet, It would be a few hours yet

小時候的 As a child, When (I, He, She...) was a child

小時被看守 For every hour been watched, Watched hourly, Hourly watched

小時一百卡嗒 A hundred clicks an hour

讀了一小時故事 Read stories for an hour

小時候知道兩種管教 Knew two kinds of discipline as a child

小時候的國語說得不好 When I was a child my Mandarin was not very good!

甚至去了幾小時毛骨悚然的聖經研讀會 Had even attended a few hours worth of horrific bible-study sessions

每個小時都要跑一趟 Runs every hour

大約每個小時都要跑一趟 Runs every hour or so


火時 While igniting, During ignition, While lighting a fire


熄滅火焰時 When extinguishing the flame


光時 During exposure


當時 At the time, Contemporary, At that time, At this time

當時 At that time, And so at that time

當時人民 The people of that time

當時有點緊張 By then I was feeling a little nervous

當時濫交的風氣 The promiscuous climate of the time

在做他們當時做的事 Am doing the same thing they did, Am now doing what they did (back) then

當時人民的思想與生活 The thoughts and lives of people at that time

當時路口沒有什麼車輛 At the time there were no vehicles at the intersection


舊時 Olden times


一時 For a moment, A period of time, Accidentally

聰明一世糊塗一時 A lifetime of cleverness includes moments of stupidity

一時衝動 On an impulse

一時 At the same time, At precisely the same time

一時 Simultaneously, At the same time

一時 At this time, This time

在同一時 At the same time


使用變焦鏡頭時 When using a zoom lens


不時 Frequently, Often, Now and then

不時 From time to time

不時點點頭 Nodding from time to time

不時我會覺得 Now and then it seems that


平時 Usual, Usually, Normal, Normally, Common, Natural


天時 In the spring, During the spring


爾時 At that time


一出現時 As soon as it appears, As soon as it appeared


霎時 A moment, An instant, Momentary


吃東西時 While eating


要時 If necessary, When necessary


聊時 While bored, During periods of boredom


叫他前任老闆去死時 Told his last boss to go to hell


在突破時 While breaking through


在日正當中時 Right at noon, As the sun reached its height

終於在日正當中時 Finally at the peak of noon


餐時 Lunch time

餐時 Breakfast time, At breakfast

當你在吃早餐時 While you are eating breakfast


此時 This time, At this time, Now, At that moment

此時此刻 Now, At that very moment, Real quick, Really quickly, Really soon

此時此刻 Real quick, Really quickly, Really soon, Now

此時 This period, This period's

此時 This clock


他五歲時 When he was five


去時 Past Tense

動詞過去時 Verb Past Tense


作為反應或加熱時 For reactions or while heating


她飛機落地時 When her flight lands


耗時 Time consuming


來時 Future Tense

在大限來時 At time of death, When the time came to die

他第一次來時 On his first visit here, During the first time he came here

風從海上吹來時 When the wind blew in from the sea


在危機時 During a crisis


頓時 Suddenly, Immediately

生計頓時艱困 Making a living became difficult

頓時靈光一閃 Immediately had a flash of inspiration, Was suddenly inspired


事時 That particular time (of an even/matter)


有時 Some times

有時 Sometimes

有時 Time, Enough time, Have time

哪裡有時 When is there time

現在還有時 Now there's still time

有時候一待 Sometimes staying

有時不怎麼開心 Not always happy, Not entirely happy

有時候令人難過 Sometimes saddening

現在還有時間挽回 There's still time for retrieve the situation, There's still time to turn the tide


在時 Present Tense


按時 On time, Timely, Punctual


車時 When leaving the vehicle, When getting off of the bus

騎腳踏車時 While riding a bicycle


暫時 Temporary

暫時備用 Short term spare, Temporary spare

暫時備用機 Short term spare device, Short term replacement device or piece of equipment

一臺暫時備用機 A short term spare device, Short term replacement device or piece of equipment

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