Index for words including 曝


Tan, Dry In The Sun, Expose, Air (Air Out)

Word Links for words containing 曝 (sorted via character pairs)

曝 puˋ
Tan, Dry In The Sun, Expose, Air (Air Out)

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


曝曬 Exposed to sunlight, Expose, Exposed, Bask in the sun


曝光 Exposed, Exposure

包圍曝光 Bracketed exposure, Exposure bracketing

手動曝光 Manual exposure

正確曝光 Correct exposure

自動曝光 Auto-exposure, Automatic exposure

閃燈曝光 Flash Exposure (FE)

決定正確曝光 Determine the correct exposure

程式自動曝光 Programmed auto-exposure

自動包圍曝光 Automatic Exposure Bracketing

以決定正確曝光 To determine the correct exposure

自動景深自動曝光 Automatic Depth of Field with Auto Exposure

測量主體亮度以決定正確曝光 Measure subject brightness to determine correct exposure

曝光 During exposure

自動曝光 Auto-Exposure Lock

閃燈曝光 Flash Exposure Lock

曝光補償 Exposure compensation

設定曝光補償 Setting Exposure Compensation

設定曝光參數 Set exposure parameters, Set exposure

曝光時人物移動 If during exposure person moves

設定曝光參數以配合場景 Set exposure parameters to suit the scene, Set exposure to suit the scene

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