
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 確


More exact, More precise

gengˋ queˋ qieˋ

確 queˋ
Real, Authentic, Valid, Sure, Certain, Firm, Firmly, Correct, True

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Phone , Tone


確切 queˋ qieˋ

Words that rhyme with 更確切 (eng-yue)

Grouped by first phone

geng, feng, leng, sheng, zheng

更確切 gengˋ queˋ qieˋ

More exact, More precise

更確切地說 gengˋ queˋ qieˋ de˙ shuo¯

That is, That is to say

geng, feng, leng, sheng, zheng

風雪 feng¯ xueˇ

Snow storm

geng, feng, leng, sheng, zheng

冷卻 lengˇ queˋ

Cool off

冷卻劑 lengˇ queˋ jiˋ


冷卻系統 lengˇ queˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Cooling system

geng, feng, leng, sheng, zheng

省略 shengˇ lueˋ

Omit, Omitted, Omission, Leave out

省略不用 shengˇ lueˋ buˊ yongˋ


升學 sheng¯ xueˊ

Enter higher school

geng, feng, leng, sheng, zheng

正確 zhengˋ queˋ

Correct, The correct

正確曝光 zhengˋ queˋ puˋ guang¯

Correct exposure

正確的方式 zhengˋ queˋ de˙ fang¯ shiˋ

Correct way, Right way

正確的請打 zhengˋ queˋ de˙ qingˇ daˇ

If correct then mark with an

正確答案 zhengˋ queˋ daˊ anˋ

The correct answer

正確答案應該是 zhengˋ queˋ daˊ anˋ ying¯ gai¯ shiˋ

The correct answer should be

正確答案應該是多少 zhengˋ queˋ daˊ anˋ ying¯ gai¯ shiˋ duo¯ shaoˇ

The correct answer should be how much?

正月 zheng¯ yueˋ

First month of the lunar year

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 12, 13, 14, 34

更確切 gengˋ queˋ qieˋ

More exact, More precise

更確切地說 gengˋ queˋ qieˋ de˙ shuo¯

That is, That is to say

正確 zhengˋ queˋ

Correct, The correct

正確曝光 zhengˋ queˋ puˋ guang¯

Correct exposure

正確的方式 zhengˋ queˋ de˙ fang¯ shiˋ

Correct way, Right way

正確的請打 zhengˋ queˋ de˙ qingˇ daˇ

If correct then mark with an

正確答案 zhengˋ queˋ daˊ anˋ

The correct answer

正確答案應該是 zhengˋ queˋ daˊ anˋ ying¯ gai¯ shiˋ

The correct answer should be

正確答案應該是多少 zhengˋ queˋ daˊ anˋ ying¯ gai¯ shiˋ duo¯ shaoˇ

The correct answer should be how much?

44, 12, 13, 14, 34

升學 sheng¯ xueˊ

Enter higher school

44, 12, 13, 14, 34

風雪 feng¯ xueˇ

Snow storm

44, 12, 13, 14, 34

正月 zheng¯ yueˋ

First month of the lunar year

44, 12, 13, 14, 34

冷卻 lengˇ queˋ

Cool off

冷卻劑 lengˇ queˋ jiˋ


冷卻系統 lengˇ queˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Cooling system

省略 shengˇ lueˋ

Omit, Omitted, Omission, Leave out

省略不用 shengˇ lueˋ buˊ yongˋ



一-一 : > : > [更]-更確 : > [更]-更確切 >

一-石 : > : > [確]-確切 : > [確]-更確切 >

十-乜 : > : > [切]-確切 : > [切]-更確切 >

更確切 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 確

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