Index for words including 會

huiˋ, huiˇ, kuaiˋ

Can, Able, Shall, Will, Meet, Gather, Assemble

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


醒來時會口 Wake up feeling thirsty


會員 Member(s)


會跟我一起去嗎 Are you coming with me?, Will you accompany me?

會跟我們一起去嗎 Are you coming with us?, Will you accompany us?

他飛機落地時會跟你聯絡嗎 Will he call you when he lands?

她飛機落地時會跟你聯絡嗎 Will she call you when she lands?


會回來的 She will come back


會最 Will be greatest, Will be largest, Will be biggest


會是別人 It would have been someone else

抱怨會是該死的餿主意 Complaining was a goddam bad idea

哪裡會是她覺得自在的落腳處 Where would she feel at home?, Where would she feel comfortable?, Where would she be comfortable?

會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill

會是我第一個殺掉的人 You will be the first person I kill


會晤 Meeting


會見 Meet with


照相機你會用 Can you use a camera

會用各種方法去旅 Can use all kinds of methods to travel, Can travel in varies ways


我們也會阻止你 We'll stop you too


會出 Shall appear

你的學生會出 Your student shall appear

學生若準備好老師自會出 When the student is ready the teacher or master shall appear


會比較單純 Will be relatively simple, Was relatively simple

會比魔法更吸引他 Could interest him more than magic, Could attract him more than magic

會比魔法更吸引她 Could interest her more than magic, Could attract her more than magic

什麼職業會比魔法更吸引他 What kind of career could interest him more than magic?

什麼職業會比魔法更吸引她 What kind of career could interest her more than magic?


偶爾會收到包裹 Every once in a while received a parcel, Occasionally received parcels


你遲早會習慣的 You'll get used to it, You'll get used to it sooner or later

妳遲早會習慣的 You'll get used to it, You'll get used to it sooner or later


會費 Membership fee


猜想會發生什麼 Speculate on what was about to happen, Guessing what was going to occur


會願意保持下去 Liked to maintain it, Liked to keep it


會兒 Now, At this moment, At present

會兒 Then, At that time

會兒才發覺 But now realized, But at this moment realized


會長 President, Chairman


視覺會騙 Vision can be deceptive


台灣省農會牛 Taiwan Local Farmers Association Milk


會怎麼樣 How would you feel, What would you do

會怎麼樣 What would happen?, What will happen?

他們會怎麼對付他 What would they do with him, What would they do to him


你怎麼會知 How did you know that?, How did you know?

至少他們會知 At least they would know

會知道奧秘所在喔 Will also understand this mystery, Will also know where the mystery lies


班上的同學鐵定會偷 Those in class would definitely have snickered


所有會動的東西 Anything that could move


一定會很 It'll be wonderful, It'll be great


我們以後講起這件事一定會笑 We'll have a good laugh about this afterwards


是否也會等 Would it be the same as, Would it be equal to


會忘記啊 Who could forget!


不太會辨 Had trouble distinguishing between


會意 Get the hint, Understand, Got the hint, Understood, Associative compounds, one of six classifications for Chinese characters


會計 Accounting

鑑識會計 Forensic accounting

會計 Accountant


會記得他們嗎 Would she remember them?


會診 Consultation

會診商量 Consult, Medical consultation


會試 Would try, Could try


會話 Converse, Have a conversation, Conversation


你怎麼會認識他 How do you know him?


會說 Spoke, Could speak

會說中文 Can speak Chinese

會說故事 Will tell stories, Can tell stories

會說他的語言 Spoke his language, Could speak his language

不知道他們會說什麼呢 Don't know what they'll say


會談 Talks, Discussions

影像會談 Video conference

會談的進行 Proceedings


會議 Conference, Meeting

各種會議 Various meetings, Conferences

會議 Conference room


會客 Receive callers or visitors

會客 Reception room, Boudoir, Parlour


會沉 Will settle, Will precipitate


會游泳了 Can swim


會滿 Will be satisfied, Would be satisfied, Satisfied


怎麼會這麼輕 How could it be that light


會造 Can result in, Can cause

或許這會造成不同 And maybe that made it different, Maybe that made a difference


會遇上一些阻礙 Will encounter some obstacles, Will have some obstacles, Will have some obstacles to overcome


他們會選 They will choose, There were choosing


會情不自禁地 He would compulsively, He had a compulsion to


聚精會神 Focus (your or one's) attention on what (you or one) is doing


會被 Would be, Could be

會被 You will be held, You will be locked up

會被關在離家不遠的地點 You will be held at a location close to home

會被劍的毒性害死 Could be killed by the sword's poison

會被劍的毒性害死 Could also be killed by the sword's poison


在聽證會裡 In the meeting


會合 Meet


會令 Wouldn't it be, It would be


會會 Meet


會館 Center


如果我沒有會錯 If I understand correctly


會煩 Would worry


會對焦最近的主體 Will (bring into) focus the nearest object

而通常會對焦最近的主體 And generally will (bring into) focus the nearest object


會觀察到 Will observe


會驚 You'd be surprised


在春季交易會期 During the Spring Trade Fair


會一再一再地回來 She'll keep on coming back


會到這裡來 He will come here

會到這裡來 She will come here

你是覺得他會到這裡來嗎 Do you think he will come here?

你是覺得她會到這裡來嗎 Do you think she will come here?


會不 Would or wouldn't, Would or would not

會不會擔心 Was he worried, Did it worry him

會不會擔心 Was she worried, Did it worry her


會更 Will make easier, Will make it easier

會更易於對焦 Will make it easier to focus, Will make focusing easier


絕對會震撼到大多數人 A sure way to shock the vast majority of people


會要 Will ask

會要 For later


會聽 Would hear, Could hear


會面 Meet face to face

會面 Meets face to face


會死 Can die

你也會死 You can die

會死 He would die, He would be dead


溫度會上 Temperature will rise, The temperature will rise


會去 Will go to

會去公園運動 Will go to the park to exercise, Goes to the park to exercise

可是妳也會去 But you'll go too!, But you'll be there!

幾乎勢必會去 Would almost certainly have to wonder


會幫 Would help, Will help

會幫 This can help you

會幫 This can help you

會幫 This can help

會幫助到 Will help

會幫我們 Will help us, Can help us


會走 Walking, Moving


會起雞皮疙瘩 Get goosebumps, Gets goosebumps, Got goosebumps


會場 Conference hall

聽證會場 Meeting location, Meeting site


則面積會增加多少呢 How much will the area increase by?


那一天終究會來 The day would come, Then would come a day


會想出道理 Could figure it out

會想知道是否 Would wonder whether or not

還是會想念他 Still missed him, Missed him

會想要參一腳 He will want to join, He will want to get involved, He would want to join, He would want to get involved

那類會想出道理來的人 The sort of person who could figure it out

他們會想和追捕者保持距離 They will want to keep away from their pursuer, They will want to maintain separation from their pursuit

會想辦法阻止她 He would find some way to stop her, He would try and stop her

會想辦法阻止他 She would find some way to stop him, She would try and stop him


會有用嗎 Would it be of any use?, Would it do any good?, Would it help?

前後總共會有 All together, A total of

總是會有幾次 There will be times, There will be times when

然後會有一個晚上 Then there would be a night, Then would come one night


會在哪裡呢 So where?, So where then?

你作麼會在這裡 How did you get here?


會猜 Good at guessing


說不定會把我自己絆倒 I could trip, I could have tripped


會拍 Good at taking pictures, Skilled at photography


大概會持續如此 Would probably stay like this


會擔 Would worry, Would be worried, Would be anxious

他們會擔 They would be worried or concerned


會也可能不會 May or may not


會輪到你當老師 Then it will be your turn to be the teacher


員會 Committee


只會 Just being able to

只會游泳還不夠 Just being able to swim won't be enough


唱會 Concert


國會 Parliament, Diet, Congress


晚會 Evening get together

我風光的日子早晚會來的 Sooner or later my time will come, My time will come


開會 Conference, Meeting, Have a meeting, Meet, Meets, Confer, Confers

不是來開會 Didn't come for a meeting, Aren't having a convention

在上海開會期間 During the time of the conference in Shanghai


則會 Then will, Then will become


體會 Understand, Comprehend


峰會 Summit meeting


將會 Will

將會 Will think, Would think

將會 Would be

將會亮起 Will light, Will light up

將會啟動 Will start, Will begin operating, Will begin operation

鏡頭將會調整對焦 Camera lens will adjust the focus

將會影響他政治見解 Would influence his political views

形成一個在未來將會影響他政治見解的看法 Form an idea or opinion that would in the future shape his political views

內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 Built in flash will automatically pop up

必要時內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 If necessary the built in flash will automatically pop up


我知道她會 I know she will, I know she can


能會 May

能會 Might, Would maybe, Would probably, Could probably

有可能會 Might, May

怎麼可能會 When is it possible?, Is it ever possible?,

能會允許 Might allow, Might give permission

能會更加強大 Could get even stronger, Could grow, Could become more powerful

能會允許他開 Might allow him to drive

有可能會來找她 May come for her, May come looking for her

能會弄斷你脖子 Could break your neck

他們可能會為了什麼而起衝突 What might they be fighting over?


樂會 Concert

樂會 Celibacy

樂會 Concert

聽音樂會 Go to music concert

民俗音樂會 Folk concert

舉辦了音樂會 Held a concert

戶外的民俗音樂會 Outdoor folk concert


約會 Go on a date

我想和你約會 I'd like to go on a date with you

我們約會 Let's go on a date together

你想出來約會 Do you want to come out for a date


總會 Nightclub


學會 Institute, Successfully learn

學會讀那種完全不一樣的語言 Learn to read a whole other language

學會 Had learned

學會 Learn to read

學會了如何控制 Learned to control it, Learned how to control it

只是學會了如何控制 Just learned to control it


覽會 Exposition

覽會 Exhibition


舞會 Party, Dance party, Dancing, The dancing

生日舞會 Birthday party

畢業舞會 Graduation party, Prom

舞會 Ballroom

舞會廳來 Come to the ballroom


集會 Assembly, Gathering

學校集會 School assembly


總有一天你會 Someday you can, The day that you


動會 Athletic meet, Sports meet


我會 I can, I will, I would

我會 I will

我會 I would say, I could say

你早就知道我會 You knew I would come

妳早就知道我會 You knew I would come

這種照相機我會 I can use this type of camera

我會保證 I'll make sure, I'll ensure

我會再絡 I'll get back to you

我會猜是 I would guess

我會去哪裡 Where would I go?

我會去那裡 I would go there

我會告訴你 I'm telling you

我會很感謝 I would be grateful, I would be much obliged, I would really appreciate it

我會仔細考慮 I'll consider it carefully, I'll give it my full consideration

我會全力以赴 I will do my best, I will do the best that I can

我會教你游泳 I can teach you how to swim

我會過來找妳 I will come and find you

時不時我會覺得 Now and then it seems that

我會保證妳不再受到干擾 I'll make sure that you aren't disturbed again, I'll make sure that you aren't subjected to any further interruptions


拜會 Visit, Call on


委會 Committee


待會 Will be, Later, Wait

待會 Reception

待會 Later, After a while


得會 Successfully learn, Successfully learned


為會 Thought it would


就會 Would be, Will be

就會 You could have, You then could have

一學就會 All it needs is a little practice, All it needs is a little study

一笑就會 Would, if laughing, Would, if smiling, If they laughed would, If they smiled would

就會知道 You will then know, You will then understand

就會不見了 Will have disappeared, Will be gone

久了就會習慣了 After a while will get used to it, Will get used to it after a while

找到好的學習方法就會學好 If you find the a good study method then you can learn well

一旦真槍實彈事情就會困難得多 Things are a lot tougher when it's for real

說這句話就會是一個徹徹底底的偽君子 To say this would be the height of hypocrisy, Saying this was the height of hypocrisy

他很快就會 He will come soon, He will arrive soon, He will soon join us

她很快就會 She will come soon, She will arrive soon, She will soon join us

就會游泳了 Already know how to swim

我早就會游泳了 I already know how to swim

就會知道該怎麼回答了 He'll know how he should answer, He knew how he would have answered, He knew what he would have said

就會知道該怎麼回答了 She'll know how to answer, She knew how she would have answered


誤會 Misunderstand


談會 Forum, Symposium, Informal discussion


證會 Hearing, Meeting


議會 Parliament

議會 Meeting to decide or deliberate, Decided by a council or meeting, Deliberated


聖經研讀會 Bible-study group, Bible-study session

甚至去了幾小時毛骨悚然的聖經研讀會 Had even attended a few hours worth of horrific bible-study sessions


定會 Will, Would

我一定會 I will


宴會 Banquet, Party

生日宴會 Birthday party

請你們一起加入我的生日宴會 Won't you please all join my birthday party


盛會 Event


麼會 How did, How is it, How

那怎麼會 Then how is it that


廟會 Temple fair


運會 Asian Games

運會 Olympic Games


悼會 Memorial service


社會 Society, Social

農業社會 Agricultural society, Society built on agriculture

國家與社會 State and society

當地的社會 Local societies, Local societies

而轉型為農業社會 And so transforms into a society that is based on agriculture

社會主義 Socialism

社會地位 Social rank, Social status

社會學科 Social Studies

社會政治 Social-political, Socio-political

社會和政治條件 Social and political conditions

社會區別 Social distinction

形塑社會區別 Shape social distinctions, Shapes social distinctions, Shaping social distinctions, Shaped social distinctions


領會 Understand

領會 Got it, Understood

領會到這細節 Got it, Understood this


救濟基金會 Relief foundation

財團法人藥害救濟基金會 Corporate drug relief foundation


公會 Union, League, Society, Federation

衛理公會 Methodist

衛理公會教堂 Methodist church

衛理公會教派 Methodist church


歡會 Social gathering, Party, Get-together


茶會 Tea party


農會 Provincial farmers association


一會 A while

聊了一會 Chatted (for a while)

一會 A while, For a while, A moment, For a moment

怕了一會 Felt an instant of fright

想了一會 Taking a moment to think, Taking some time to think, Thinking for a moment

看了一會 Looked for a while, Looked at it for a while

站了一會 Stood for a moment, Stood for a while

聽了一會 Listened for a moment, Listened

過了一會 After a moment, After a while, Moments later

再多留一會 Stay a minute, Stay a while longer

沉默了一會 Went quiet for awhile

他在那兒站了一會 He stood there for a while

一會兒後 Before long, After a while, After a short while

一會兒轉這一會轉兒那 Turning this way and that, Rotating this way and that

一會兒踏板 Pedal for a while

先學一會兒字母 First spend some time on letters

一會兒痙攣一會兒僵直 Jerked and stiffened

一會兒轉這一會兒轉那 Rotating this way and that way, Turning this way and that way


不會 Cannot, Isn't, Aren't, Doesn't

不會 It wouldn't, It wouldn't be

不會 Would or wouldn't, Would or would not

不會 Certainly won't

不會 Never

再也不會 Was never

或許不會 Maybe not, Perhaps not

難道不會 It would be hard not to

也或許不會 And maybe not, And perhaps not

永遠也不會 Never would

會也可能不會 May or may not

她差不多再也不會 She almost never

猜想他永遠也不會 Surmised he never would

不會 Don't move, Can't move

不會 Won't break, Won't be damaged

不會 I can't do it, I couldn't do it, I don't know how to do it, I didn't know how to do it

不會 I won't

不會 Couldn't fly, Hadn't yet learned to fly

怎麼不會 And why not?

門都不會 The door would not open, The door wouldn't open

他們還不會 They couldn't fly, They hadn't yet learned to fly

說了你也不會 You wouldn't understand even if I told you, You wouldn't understand

說了妳也不會 You wouldn't understand even if I told you, You wouldn't understand

不會受制 Not restrained, Free, Free from, Not restricted, Not controlled

不會沾到 Won't get on, Won't stain, Won't stain, Won't stick to

不會高興 Wouldn't be happy, Won't be happy

不會太愉快 Not very happy

不會掉下去 Did not fall, Will not fall

不會是今天 It's not today, It wouldn't be today

不會介意 I'm not bitter, I'm not bothered

不會在市中心 Wouldn't be in the city center, Wouldn't be downtown

不會太難預測 Easy to predict, Not too difficult to predict

不會流一滴汗 Without getting sweaty, Without breaking a sweat

可能不會同意 Might beg to differ, Probably wouldn't agree

從來不會出錯 Never wrong, Never made a mistake

不會有感覺 I wouldn't feel anything., I can't feel anything., I don't feel anything

再也不會回來了 Was never coming back

不會去和他談 I won't go and talk with him

不會自以為是 I would not presume to imply

永遠不會離開了 Would never leave

不會去比佛利山莊 Wouldn't go to Beverly Hills, Wouldn't be in Beverly Hills

不會受制於這一切 Free from all of this, Not restrained by all of this

不會遭受謊言蒙蔽 Could not be deceived

我再也不會見她了 I can't see her ever again

不會無動於它的魅力 Was not unaffected by its charm, Was not immune to its charm

有些人就是學不會教訓 Some people never learn

裡面當然不會有任何東西 Of course there wouldn't be anything inside

相信某件事並不會讓它方真 Believing something doesn't make it true

不會在乎 Don't care, Wouldn't care, Don't have minded, Wouldn't have minded

不會在乎 He doesn't care, He wouldn't care, He wouldn't have minded

不會在乎 She doesn't care, She wouldn't care, She wouldn't have minded

不會有事 Everything would be allright, Nothing would go wrong

不會有用 Wouldn't work, Be of no use

不會知道 Didn't know

不會有人知道 No one knew, No one had any idea

當然不會有人知道 Of course now one had any idea, Of course nobody had any idea

不會生他的氣 Was not angry at him, Harbored no resentment toward him

不會生她的氣 Was not angry at her, Harbored no resentment toward her

不會想知道的事 Wouldn't want to know about

不會被發現的 Won't be discovered

我們不會被發現的 We won't be discovered, No one will find out what we've done

他會不會擔心 Was he worried, Did it worry him

她會不會擔心 Was she worried, Did it worry her

大概不會太晚 Probably sooner rather than later

不會再持續太久 Won't stay like this for long, Won't be like this for much longer

不會有什麼問題 Won't have any problems, Won't have a problem (with regards to)

不會出什麼問題 It would not be a problem

不會犯那種錯誤 Didn't want to make the mistake of, Wasn't going to make the mistake of

她才不會犯那種錯誤 She didn't want to make the mistake of, She wasn't going to make the mistake of

不會找不熟的人來幫他 Will not reach out to strangers to help him, Would not reach out to strangers to help him

不會找不熟的人來幫她 Will not reach out to strangers to help her, Would not reach out to strangers to help her

他就算閉著眼睛也不會迷路 Could find his way even with his eyes closed

她就算閉著眼睛也不會迷路 Could find her way even with her eyes closed


工會 Trade union, Union


理會 Understand, Comprehend, Heed, care, Pay attention to Take notice of, Not ignore

理會 Ignore, Ignores, Ignoring, Ignoted

理會 Ignore, Not pay attention to

努力不予理會 Try to ignore, Tried to ignore, Tried to ignore it

他不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 He ignored the goading of the person above

她不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 She ignored the goading of the person above


聚會 Party, Get together, Meeting, Meetings

下一場聚會 Next meeting

第八場聚會 The eighth meeting

大規模的聚會 Big meeting

我的下一場聚會 My next meeting

不常參加那個聚會 Didn't often attend that meeting

你看一下第八場聚會 Take a look at the eighth meeting

聚會 In a meeting


碼會 CryptNet


協會 Association

入境旅遊協會 Tourism and Travel Association


教會 Church

猶太教會 Synagogue

教會自己 Taught oneself, Taught themselves

經驗教會 Experience had taught him


都會 Metropolis, City

都會 Will have

都會施放 Will cast, will set off, will discharge

都會立刻 Will immediately, Would immediately

都會折疊到一起 All folded together, All accordioned together

你每次都會接住我 You always catch me


幸會 It is a pleasure to meet you!, Happy to meet you!

幸會 Nice to meet (you)


地會 A secret society


書會 Reading society, Reading group, Book circle


大會 Conference


太會 May not, Less likely, Not really, Not so much


機會 Chance, Opportunity

機會 Have the opportunity, Have the chance

機會 Not had the chance, No chance, No opportunity, Not had the opportunity

大有機會 Excellent chance, Great chance

抓住機會 Seize the moment, Grab the chance

有一個機會 Had one chance

要是有機會 Given the chance or opportunity

願意用一切交換一個機會 Willing to do anything for the chance to, Willing to do anything in exchange for the chance to

家境較富裕的階層才有機會 Only the wealthier classes have the chance to

我願意用一切交換一個機會 I'd do anything for the chance to, I'd give anything for the chance to

機會 Has the chance, Has an opportunity to

機會出點力了 Have a chance to work, Have a chance to be useful

機會發出提示音 Camera beeper will sound, Camera will emit a beep (or beeping) sound

同時相機會發出提示音 At the same time the camera beeper will sound


才會 Will

才會快樂 Only then will you be happy

才會冒險靠近 And so ventured close, Then venturing close

要到明天才會離開 Won't leave until tomorrow

所以你才會一個人 That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone

所以妳才會一個人 That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone

才會一輩子都忘不了 You'll never forget

才會一輩子都忘不了 You'll never forget


事會 Board of Directors


布會 Press conference

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