
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 三


Has three

youˇ san¯ ge˙

三 san¯
Three, 3

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Phone , Tone


三個 san¯ ge˙

Words that rhyme with 有三個 (you-an)

Grouped by first phone

you, jiu, liu, niu, qiu, xiu

幽暗 you¯ anˋ


幽暗的田野 you¯ anˋ de˙ tianˊ yeˇ

Dark field, Dark fields, Darkened field, Darkened fields

游伴 youˊ banˋ

Travel companion

有辦法 youˇ banˋ faˇ

Have a means, Have a method for

右半邊 youˋ banˋ bian¯

Right side, Right half

由單腳支撐 youˊ dan¯ jiaoˇ zhi¯ cheng¯

Supported by one foot, Supported by one leg

有膽子就試試看 youˇ danˇ ziˇ jiuˋ shiˋ shiˋ kanˋ

Try if you dare, Come on if you think you've got the guts, Come and have a go

又翻了一頁 youˋ fan¯ le˙ yiˊ yeˋ

Turned another page, Flipped another page

有感知力 youˇ ganˇ zhi¯ liˋ

Sentient, Sentience, Ability to perceive

又喊 youˋ hanˇ

Called again

又喊了他一次 youˋ hanˇ le˙ ta¯ yi¯ ciˋ

Called for him again

有看到 youˇ kanˋ daoˋ

Have you seen

遊覽 youˊ lanˇ


遊覽車 youˊ lanˇ che¯

Tour bus

右攬雀尾 youˋ lanˇ qiao¯ weiˇ

Right Grasp Sparrows Tail

有三個 youˇ san¯ ge˙

Has three

友善 youˇ shanˋ

Friendly approach, User friendly approach

友善的作法 youˇ shanˋ de˙ zuoˋ faˇ

Friendly approach, User friendly approach

有彈性 youˇ tanˊ xingˋ

Flexible, In a flexible manner

you, jiu, liu, niu, qiu, xiu

舊辦公摩天大樓 jiuˋ banˋ gong¯ moˊ tian¯ daˋ louˊ

Office skyscrapers, Office buildings

就餐 jiuˋ can¯


糾纏 jiu¯ chanˊ

To entangle

you, jiu, liu, niu, qiu, xiu

流產 liuˊ chanˇ

Abortion, Miscarriage

流感 liuˊ ganˇ

Flu, Influenza

流汗 liuˊ hanˋ

Perspire, Sweat

瀏覽 liuˊ lanˇ

Glance at, Thumb through, Browse, Browsing, Browsed, Skim

瀏覽器 liuˊ lanˇ qiˋ


留難 liuˊ nanˊ

Make things difficult, Create obstacles to another's success

you, jiu, liu, niu, qiu, xiu

牛番茄 niuˊ fan¯ qieˊ

Beefsteak Tomato, Beefsteak tomatoes

牛番茄半顆 niuˊ fan¯ qieˊ banˋ ke¯

Half a beefsteak tomato

you, jiu, liu, niu, qiu, xiu

囚犯 qiuˊ fanˋ

Prisoner, Prisoners

囚犯工廠 qiuˊ fanˋ gong¯ changˇ

Prisoner workhouse, Prisoner workhouses

球桿 qiuˊ ganˇ

Cue, Club, Croquet mallet

you, jiu, liu, niu, qiu, xiu

修函 xiu¯ hanˊ

Write a letter

Grouped in tone pairs

31, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

有三個 youˇ san¯ ge˙

Has three

31, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

糾纏 jiu¯ chanˊ

To entangle

修函 xiu¯ hanˊ

Write a letter

31, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

幽暗 you¯ anˋ


幽暗的田野 you¯ anˋ de˙ tianˊ yeˇ

Dark field, Dark fields, Darkened field, Darkened fields

31, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

牛番茄 niuˊ fan¯ qieˊ

Beefsteak Tomato, Beefsteak tomatoes

牛番茄半顆 niuˊ fan¯ qieˊ banˋ ke¯

Half a beefsteak tomato

由單腳支撐 youˊ dan¯ jiaoˇ zhi¯ cheng¯

Supported by one foot, Supported by one leg

31, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

留難 liuˊ nanˊ

Make things difficult, Create obstacles to another's success

31, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

流產 liuˊ chanˇ

Abortion, Miscarriage

流感 liuˊ ganˇ

Flu, Influenza

瀏覽 liuˊ lanˇ

Glance at, Thumb through, Browse, Browsing, Browsed, Skim

瀏覽器 liuˊ lanˇ qiˋ


球桿 qiuˊ ganˇ

Cue, Club, Croquet mallet

遊覽 youˊ lanˇ


遊覽車 youˊ lanˇ che¯

Tour bus

31, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

流汗 liuˊ hanˋ

Perspire, Sweat

囚犯 qiuˊ fanˋ

Prisoner, Prisoners

囚犯工廠 qiuˊ fanˋ gong¯ changˇ

Prisoner workhouse, Prisoner workhouses

游伴 youˊ banˋ

Travel companion

31, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

有彈性 youˇ tanˊ xingˋ

Flexible, In a flexible manner

31, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

有膽子就試試看 youˇ danˇ ziˇ jiuˋ shiˋ shiˋ kanˋ

Try if you dare, Come on if you think you've got the guts, Come and have a go

有感知力 youˇ ganˇ zhi¯ liˋ

Sentient, Sentience, Ability to perceive

31, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

有辦法 youˇ banˋ faˇ

Have a means, Have a method for

有看到 youˇ kanˋ daoˋ

Have you seen

友善 youˇ shanˋ

Friendly approach, User friendly approach

友善的作法 youˇ shanˋ de˙ zuoˋ faˇ

Friendly approach, User friendly approach

31, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

就餐 jiuˋ can¯


又翻了一頁 youˋ fan¯ le˙ yiˊ yeˋ

Turned another page, Flipped another page

31, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

又喊 youˋ hanˇ

Called again

又喊了他一次 youˋ hanˇ le˙ ta¯ yi¯ ciˋ

Called for him again

右攬雀尾 youˋ lanˇ qiao¯ weiˇ

Right Grasp Sparrows Tail

31, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

舊辦公摩天大樓 jiuˋ banˋ gong¯ moˊ tian¯ daˋ louˊ

Office skyscrapers, Office buildings

右半邊 youˋ banˋ bian¯

Right side, Right half


十-𠂇 : > : > [有]-有三 : > [有]-有三個 >

一-一 : > : > [三]-三個 : > [三]-有三個 >

丿-亻 : > : > [個]-三個 : > [個]-有三個 >

有三個 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 三

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