
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 敦


East London, (Cats: Latest next , Place-Name next)

dong¯ lunˊ dun¯

敦 dun¯, duiˋ
Honest, Sincere, Candid, Urge, Press, Deepen, Strengthen, Make More Meaningful, (Dui4), Container

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Phone , Tone


倫敦 lunˊ dun¯

Words that rhyme with 東倫敦 (wong-wen)

Grouped by first phone

dong, chong, gong, hong, nong, tong, zhong, zong

東倫敦 dong¯ lunˊ dun¯

East London

dong, chong, gong, hong, nong, tong, zhong, zong

重溫舊夢 chongˊ wen¯ jiuˋ mengˋ

Reminisce about good times

dong, chong, gong, hong, nong, tong, zhong, zong

公寸 gong¯ cunˋ

Decimeter, Decimeter, Length measure

公文 gong¯ wenˊ

Official documents

dong, chong, gong, hong, nong, tong, zhong, zong

紅潤 hongˊ runˋ


dong, chong, gong, hong, nong, tong, zhong, zong

農村 nongˊ cun¯

Farming village, Farming community

dong, chong, gong, hong, nong, tong, zhong, zong

通順 tong¯ shunˋ


dong, chong, gong, hong, nong, tong, zhong, zong

中臀肌 zhong¯ tunˊ ji¯

Gluteus Medius

中文 zhong¯ wenˊ

Chinese (language)

中文系 zhong¯ wenˊ xiˋ

Faculty of Chinese Studies

dong, chong, gong, hong, nong, tong, zhong, zong

縱紋 zong¯ wenˊ

Vertical line, Vertical lines

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 14, 21, 24

東倫敦 dong¯ lunˊ dun¯

East London

公文 gong¯ wenˊ

Official documents

中臀肌 zhong¯ tunˊ ji¯

Gluteus Medius

中文 zhong¯ wenˊ

Chinese (language)

中文系 zhong¯ wenˊ xiˋ

Faculty of Chinese Studies

縱紋 zong¯ wenˊ

Vertical line, Vertical lines

12, 14, 21, 24

公寸 gong¯ cunˋ

Decimeter, Decimeter, Length measure

通順 tong¯ shunˋ


12, 14, 21, 24

重溫舊夢 chongˊ wen¯ jiuˋ mengˋ

Reminisce about good times

農村 nongˊ cun¯

Farming village, Farming community

12, 14, 21, 24

紅潤 hongˊ runˋ



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丿-亻 : > : > [倫]-倫敦 : > [倫]-東倫敦 >

丶-亠 : > : > [敦]-倫敦 : > [敦]-東倫敦 >

東倫敦 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 敦

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