Frame, Shelf, Support, Rack, Fight, Quarrel, MW For Planes Or Large Vehicles
Word Links for words containing 架 (sorted via character pairs)
架子 Shelf, Frame, Rack, Stand, Outline, Skeleton, Framework
滿鞭杖的架子 Rack of whipping canes
紮了一個架子 Tied together a framework
牆上掛滿鞭杖的架子 Rack of whipping canes hanging on a wall
覆蓋在架子上綁牢 Placed over the top of of the frame and fastened securely in place
從架上 From the rack, From the shelf
從架上拿回帽子和傘 Retrieve their hat and umbrella from the rack, Retrieved their hat and umbrella from the rack
架在類似牙醫器材的靈巧機械臂上的機器 A device that was on a nimble robotic arm similar to a dentist's tool
鐵架 Metal stand, Ring stand
夾在鐵架上 Clamped to ring stand, Clamp to ring stand
可夾在鐵架上 Can be clamped to a ring stand
一架 A (e.g. a plane), A (e.g. a helicopter), An (e.g. an aircraft)
我們打了一架 We had a fight
一架啞鈴 A rack of dumbells or free weights
一架客機 A passenger plane, A passenger jet
書架 Bookshelf, Bookshelves
到處是高高的書架 There were tall bookcases everywhere
書架上的書本無故掉到地上 Books fell from the book shelf for no reason
擔架 Stretcher
抬擔架 Lift the stretcher, Lifting the stretcher
把擔架整個滑入直升機裡 Slid the stretcher completely into the helicopter
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