Index for words including 棵


Plants, MW For Trees And Plants

Word Links for words containing 棵 (sorted via character pairs)

棵 ke¯
Plants, MW For Trees And Plants

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


棵都 Each (tree, Blade of grass), Every, All


棵棵 A tree


這棵 This (tree or plant)

這棵樹上 Up in this tree, Upon this tree


一棵 A (e.g. a tree)

一棵 A tree

一棵 A tree

有如倒過來的一棵 Like an inverted tree

佛於是把我化作一棵 Buddha then turned me into a tree

一棵柿子樹 A persimmon tree

一棵開花的樹 A flowering tree

一棵骨節多眼的楓樹 A knotted maple tree, Gnarled maple tree

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