
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 工


Tool maker

moˊ juˋ gong¯

工 gong¯
Work, Labour, Profession, Trade, Skilled, Craft

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Phone , Tone


模具 moˊ juˋ

Words that rhyme with 模具工 (o-yu)

Grouped by first phone

mo, bo, fo

模具 moˊ juˋ

Mold, Pattern, Die

模具工 moˊ juˋ gong¯

Tool maker

魔女 moˊ nuuˇ


抹去 moˇ quˋ

Blot, Wipe out, Obliterate, Erase

mo, bo, fo

博取 boˊ quˇ

Win, Court, Gain

博取她的歡心 boˊ quˇ ta¯ de˙ huan¯ xin¯

Win her favor, Gain her love

mo, bo, fo

佛於是把我化作一棵樹 foˊ yuˊ shiˋ baˇ woˇ huaˋ zuoˋ yiˋ ke¯ shuˋ

Buddha then turned me into a tree

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 22, 23, 34

模具 moˊ juˋ

Mold, Pattern, Die

模具工 moˊ juˋ gong¯

Tool maker

24, 22, 23, 34

佛於是把我化作一棵樹 foˊ yuˊ shiˋ baˇ woˇ huaˋ zuoˋ yiˋ ke¯ shuˋ

Buddha then turned me into a tree

24, 22, 23, 34

博取 boˊ quˇ

Win, Court, Gain

博取她的歡心 boˊ quˇ ta¯ de˙ huan¯ xin¯

Win her favor, Gain her love

魔女 moˊ nuuˇ


24, 22, 23, 34

抹去 moˇ quˋ

Blot, Wipe out, Obliterate, Erase


十-木 : > : > [模]-模具 : > [模]-模具工 >

冂-且 : > : > [具]-模具 : > [具]-模具工 >

一-工 : > : > [工]-具工 : > [工]-模具工 >

模具工 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 工

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