Index for words including 樣


Looks, Appearance, Shape, Form, Variety, Sample, Prototype, Specimen, Sort, Kind, Style, Mode, Pattern, Manner

Word Links for words containing 樣 (sorted via character pairs)

樣 yangˋ
Looks, Appearance, Shape, Form, Variety, Sample, Prototype, Specimen, Sort, Kind, Style, Mode, Pattern, Manner

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


樣品 Specimen, Sample


感覺怎麼樣啊 How did it feel

書進展得怎麼樣啊 How's the book progressing?


樣子 Appearance, Model, Pattern, Sample, Style

樣子 Seems, Looks as if

她的樣子 Her appearance

一寸煩惱的樣子 Fretted, Look worried

汗水直流的樣子 Looking very sweaty

重現原來畫作的樣子 Reproducing the original painting

樣子 Sample, Style, Appearance

樣子大不相同 Look very different, Looked very different, Changed a lot

跟他上次來的樣子大不相同 Looked very different from the last time he came, Had changed a lot since last he came


樣貌 Appearance


什麼樣的 What kind of

什麼樣的幫助 What kind of help?

她需要什麼樣的幫助呢 What kind of help does she need?

什麼樣的麻煩 What kind of trouble?

遇到了什麼樣的麻煩 Is in what kind of trouble?

他遇到了什麼樣的麻煩 What kind of trouble is he in, What kind of trouble did he run into?


樣本 Sample


樣樣 Every kind, All kinds


圖樣 Diagram


照樣 All the same, As before

照樣 Do the same, Does the same, Doing the same, Did the same


異樣 Differences, Differentiating, Strange, Unusual, Extraordinary


同樣 Same

同樣 In the same manner, The same

同樣的事 Do the same thing

也發生過同樣的事 The same thing had happened

同樣的概念 The same idea, The same concept, The same principle

沒有再犯同樣的錯誤 Didn't make the same mistake twice, Didn't make that mistake again


那樣 That, Like that, In that way, In such a way

不是那樣 Wasn't like that

就像那樣 And just like that

為什麼那樣 Why that?

然後就像那樣 And then just like that

感覺就像是那樣 Seems like that, Feels like that

我們沒辦法像以前那樣 We can't go back to the way it was

那樣不對的 That wouldn't be right, It wouldn't be right, That would be wrong

那樣做是不對的 That was wrong to do, That would have been wrong

那樣做毫無意義啊 Doing that is pointless, It's pointless, There's no point

像訓練肌肉那樣地練習 Exercised it like a muscle

至少在我看來是那樣沒錯 At least that's what it looks like to me


原樣 As usual


多樣 Diverse, Diversity

多樣 Diversify


各式各樣 Miscellaneous, All varieties, All kinds, All different types


怎樣 How(?), What(?), What is it(?), Yes(?)

那又怎樣 So what

後來怎樣 How'd it turn out, How'd it go

那是要等到怎樣你才要提 Then what is worth mentioning?


個樣 Like this


像樣 Decent

像樣 Decent, Quite decent

短到不像樣 Preposterously short

像樣的時間長度 Decent length of time, Decent interval


字樣 Typeface

字樣的膠帶 Dymo-tape


式樣 Mode, Type, Model, Style


麼樣 What kind?

麼樣 How is it, How is, How about, Well

不怎麼樣 Not very good

是怎麼樣 How is it?, How was it?, What happened?

今天怎麼樣 How are you today?, How was your day?

你會怎麼樣 How would you feel, What would you do

學校怎麼樣 How's school?

看你怎麼樣 Depends on how you

那會怎麼樣 What would happen?, What will happen?

生活得怎麼樣 How's life

你最近過得怎麼樣 How have you been lately


這樣 This, Thus, Then, Like this, In this case

這樣 Like this

這樣 Don't be like this

這樣 In this way

四倍這樣 Four times, Four fold

因為這樣 Because of this, Because of that

就是這樣 That's It!, It is what it is, That's just because the way it is!

不只是這樣 There's more to it, There's more to it than that

為什麼這樣 Why this?

用兩支這樣 Used two of these

但如果是這樣 But if this was the case, But in that case, But if that was the case

是不是因為這樣 Is it because of this?, Is it because of that?, Is that why?

只要每天都能這樣 If only everyday could be like this

這樣 Do it this way, Doing it this way

這樣 Do this, Doing this, Do that, Doing that

這樣 Believe this, Think this

這樣 Is that it?, Is that so?, Is that what you think?

這樣 Well, it's like this

不想這樣 Didn't want to die like this

事情是這樣 Here's what happened, Here's the thing, This is the deal, This is what happened, It's like this

這樣很好 This was good, Which was good

這樣好多了 That's better, That's much better

這樣的想法 This thought, These thoughts

這樣的冷天 This cold

這樣才能進步 Only then will you improve

這樣算很累人 Calculating like this is tiring, This is tiring

這樣親身體驗 This type of personal experience, Experiencing it like this, This kind of first-hand experience

就是這樣發生的 That's how it happened, That that's how it happened, Happened in that way

如果這樣都還不用提 If that isn't worth bringing up, If that isn't worth mentioning

這樣的要求不算過分吧 It's not too much to ask it it?

這樣的話 In this case

用兩支這樣的臂 Used two of these arms

這樣講好不好 How 'bout it?

不曉得這樣行不行 Don't know if this will work, Doesn't know if this will work, Will this work?, Will this do?, Will that do?

是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡他 Is that why you don't like him?

是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡她 Is that why you don't like her?


花樣 Pattern, Style, Model

碎形花樣 Fractal pattern

配以同花樣 Paired with a matching

認出布上的花樣 Recognized the patterns on the cloth

形成激烈的碎形花樣 Form a turbulent fractal bloom, Forming a turbulent self-replicating pattern, Formed a violent chaotically self-similar blossom


一樣 Alike, The same, Equal

一樣 Not the same, Different, Unalike

一樣 Like the wind

一模一樣 Nearly identical

像針一樣 Looks like a needle

和我一樣 Like I did, Like me

喜好一樣 Like the same things

意思一樣 The same meaning

身高一樣 The same height

像圍巾一樣 Like a scarf

像小偷一樣 Like a thief

像屍體一樣 Like a corpse

像懷孕一樣 As if pregnant

像死鳥一樣 Like a dead bird

完全不一樣 Completely different, Wholly different

就像你一樣 Just like you, In the say way as you

球一模一樣 Like Earth's, Almost exactly like that of Earth

跟大家一樣 Like everyone else

跟平常一樣 As always, As usual

這次不一樣 This time it's different, This is different

也跟大家一樣 Like everyone else

差不多那一樣 Pretty much the same

有什麼不一樣 What is the difference, What are the differences, How are they different

聽起來都一樣 Sound the same, Sounds the same, Sounded the same, Sound alike

跟你興趣一樣 Have the same interests as you

跟其他人一樣 Same as anyone else

跟每個人一樣 Like anyone else, Like everyone else, Like anyone

一點兒也不一樣 Completely different, Not even remotely the same

我跟他們不一樣 I'm not like them, I'm different from them

也不過跟加法一樣 It's just like adding

好像忽然想起一樣 As if suddenly remembering, As if suddenly having an afterthought

跟他上課學的一樣 Like he'd been taught

跟她上課學的一樣 Like she'd been taught

就像是美夢成真一樣 It's like a dream come true

看起來和美人魚一樣 Looked like a mermaid

和大多數那類人不一樣 Was different from the majority of people, Was different from most people

速度快得像是糞便通過鵝腸一樣 As fast as shit through a goose, Like shit through a goose

就像灰塵飄進鼻子裡讓人打噴嚏一樣 It was the same as dust getting into someone's nose causing them to sneeze

一樣 The same amount

一樣 Just as big, As big as

一樣 Just as fast, Just as quickly

一樣 As old as

一樣 As tall as, Same height as

一樣 Boat sized, As large as a boat

跟他一樣 As fast as him, Matched him in speed, Matched him speed, Matched him for speed

跟她一樣 As fast as her, Matched her in speed, Matched her speed, Matched her for speed

速度跟他一樣 As fast as him, Matched him in speed, Matched him speed, Matched him for speed

速度跟她一樣 As fast as her, Matched her in speed, Matched her speed, Matched her for speed

年紀和地球一樣 As old as the earth

我的年紀和地球一樣 I am as old as the earth

現在事情大大不一樣 Things are very different now, Things were a lot different now

一樣東西 An object, A thing, Something

他擁有的一樣東西 Something that was owned by him

完全不一樣的東西 Completely different thing, Whole different thing, Wholly different thing

一樣聰明 Just as smart

一樣理所當然 As obvious, As natural

公牛一樣寬壯 As broad as a bull

一模一樣的鑰匙 Duplicate key or keys

像空氣一樣普通 As common as air

完全一樣的問題 The exact same problem, Precisely the same issue

一樣細的裂縫 Hairline crack

玩的是一樣的手法 Play the same way, Playing in the same way, Run the same racket, Running the same racket

讀完全不一樣的報紙 Read a completely different newspaper

學會讀那種完全不一樣的語言 Learn to read a whole other language

一樣的故事 The same story

一樣的故事 Read the same story, Reading the same story

一個跟他一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of him, An exact replica of himself

一個跟她一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of her, An exact replica of herself


兩樣 Different, Two different things, Two kinds

沒有兩樣 No different, No different from

沒什麼兩樣 No difference, Not different at all, Usual


取樣 Sample, Sampling


大模大樣 Swagger


榜樣 Example, Model


模樣 Appearance, Form, Looks, About, Around, Approximate, Approximately

模樣 Looks, Appear

模樣性感到了極點 Looked extremely sexy


抽樣 Sample, Take a sample, Sampling

抽樣信度 Sampling reliability

抽樣清單 Sampling list

抽樣誤差 Sampling errors

抽樣調查 Sampled, Sampling

抽樣間距 Sampling interval


拿來採樣 Take samples

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