Tree, Plant, Bamboo
Word Links for words containing 樹 (sorted via character pairs)
樹順河流而下 The tree floated downstream, The tree floated down the course of the river
他們將樹順河流而下 They floated the tree down the course of the river
樹上 Up in the tree
從樹上 From the tree top
在這棵樹上 Up in this tree, Upon this tree
往樹上跑走了 Ran up a tree, Went up a tree
從樹上摔下來 Fell from a tree
樹大招風 Big trees invite the wind, Fame attracts criticism
樹大根深 A big tree has deep roots, With fame comes influence
樹大蔭大 Bigger trees provide more shade, Greater power makes it easier to protect ones interests
樹林 Trees, Woods, Grove, Groves, Forest
一叢小樹林 A small grove
環繞一池清涼乾淨活水的一叢小樹林 A small grove surrounding a cool, clear pond of fresh water
飛進樹林間 Flying through the forest
樹枝 Tree branch, Branch, Branches, Bough
拿樹枝當劍 Used a branch as a sword
在最高的樹枝上 On the highest branch, On the topmost bough
在最高的樹枝上築起巢 Build a nest on the highest branch, Built a nest on the topmost bough
花樹 Blossoming tree
被佛化為花樹 Transformed into a tree by the Buddha
半蓮花樹式 Half Lotus Tree Pose, Ardha Baddha Padma Vrksasana
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