
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 排


Order, Order of arrangement, Arranged in order

ciˋ xuˋ paiˊ lieˋ

排 paiˊ, paiˇ
Arrange, Line Up, Discharge, Dispel, Expel, Platoon, MW For Objects Arranged In Rows

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Phone , Tone


次序 ciˋ xuˋ

排列 paiˊ lieˋ

Words that rhyme with 次序排列 (i-yu)

Grouped by first phone

ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

辭去 ciˊ quˋ

Resign, Resign from

次區 ciˋ qu¯

Sub-district, Subregion

次序 ciˋ xuˋ


次序排列 ciˋ xuˋ paiˊ lieˋ

Order, Order of arrangement, Arranged in order

詞語 ciˊ yuˇ

Words, Phrase

ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

持續 chiˊ xuˋ

Continued, Went on, Continuous, Uninterrupted

持續不斷 chiˊ xuˋ buˊ duanˋ

Steady, Continuous, Non-stop

持續不斷給予的禮物 chiˊ xuˋ buˊ duanˋ jiˇ yuˇ de˙ liˇ wuˋ

Gift that keeps on giving

持續了一段時間 chiˊ xuˋ le˙ yiˊ duanˋ shiˊ jian¯

Lasted for a while

持續加速 chiˊ xuˋ jia¯ suˋ

Sped onwards

持續加速飛行 chiˊ xuˋ jia¯ suˋ fei¯ xingˊ

Flew quickly onwards

持續如此 chiˊ xuˋ ruˊ ciˇ

Stay that way, Stay like this

持續發現更多 chiˊ xuˋ fa¯ xianˋ gengˋ duo¯

Went on to discover even more

持續的 chiˊ xuˋ de˙

Continuous, Uninterrupted, Consistant

持續進行 chiˊ xuˋ jinˋ xingˊ

Continuous, Continuously carried out, Continuously in action

ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

日趨 riˋ qu¯


日語 riˋ yuˇ


ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

詩句 shi¯ juˋ

Poem stanze, Line in a poem

侍女 shiˋ nuuˇ

Lady's maid

失去 shi¯ quˋ

Lose, Lost

失去了 shi¯ quˋ le˙

Lost, Gone missing

失去了興趣 shi¯ quˋ le˙ xingˋ quˋ

Lost interest

失去女神眷顧 shi¯ quˋ nuuˇ shenˊ juanˋ guˋ

Lost a goddess's favor

失去平衡 shi¯ quˋ pingˊ hengˊ

Lose balance

失去知覺 shi¯ quˋ zhi¯ jueˊ


失去蹤影 shi¯ quˋ zong¯ yingˇ

Lost track of

市區 shiˋ qu¯

City, City center, Downtown, Urban area, Urban

市區地帶 shiˋ qu¯ diˋ daiˋ

Urban zone

市區邊緣 shiˋ qu¯ bian¯ yuanˊ

Edge of a city

市區重建 shiˋ qu¯ chongˊ jianˋ

Urban renewal

市區電車 shiˋ qu¯ dianˋ che¯

Streetcar, Tram

是去習慣 shiˋ quˋ xiˊ guanˋ

Is to get used to, Are getting used to, For getting used to

食慾 shiˊ yuˋ


史魚 shiˇ yuˊ

Historian named Zi Yu (Yu for short)

事與願違 shiˋ yuˇ yuanˋ weiˊ

Circumstances became unfavorable, Circumstances shift(ed) unfavorably

視閾 shiˋ yuˋ

Visual threshold, Minimum light threshold

ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

死去 siˇ quˋ


思緒 si¯ xuˋ

Thought, Thoughts

ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

只屈身 zhiˇ qu¯ shen¯

Just bent forward, Just bend forward, Just leaned forward

志趣 zhiˋ quˋ

Purposeful, Inclination, Bent, Be drawn to

只需 zhiˇ xu¯

Just need to, Only need to

只需要 zhiˇ xu¯ yaoˋ

Just needed to, Just had to

秩序 zhiˋ xuˋ

Order, Arrangement

秩序化 zhiˋ xuˋ huaˋ

Ordering, Giving order to, Arranging, Organizing

秩序完美 zhiˋ xuˋ wanˊ meiˇ

Beautifully organized, Perfectly organized, Organized to perfection

直喻 zhiˊ yuˋ


置於 zhiˋ yuˊ

Put, Place, Position

至於 zhiˋ yuˊ

As for

治愈 zhiˋ yuˋ


ci, chi, ri, shi, si, zhi, zi

字句 ziˋ juˋ


子女 ziˇ nuuˇ

Child, Son and daughter

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

次序 ciˋ xuˋ


次序排列 ciˋ xuˋ paiˊ lieˋ

Order, Order of arrangement, Arranged in order

是去習慣 shiˋ quˋ xiˊ guanˋ

Is to get used to, Are getting used to, For getting used to

視閾 shiˋ yuˋ

Visual threshold, Minimum light threshold

志趣 zhiˋ quˋ

Purposeful, Inclination, Bent, Be drawn to

秩序 zhiˋ xuˋ

Order, Arrangement

秩序化 zhiˋ xuˋ huaˋ

Ordering, Giving order to, Arranging, Organizing

秩序完美 zhiˋ xuˋ wanˊ meiˇ

Beautifully organized, Perfectly organized, Organized to perfection

治愈 zhiˋ yuˋ


字句 ziˋ juˋ


44, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

詩句 shi¯ juˋ

Poem stanze, Line in a poem

失去 shi¯ quˋ

Lose, Lost

失去了 shi¯ quˋ le˙

Lost, Gone missing

失去了興趣 shi¯ quˋ le˙ xingˋ quˋ

Lost interest

失去女神眷顧 shi¯ quˋ nuuˇ shenˊ juanˋ guˋ

Lost a goddess's favor

失去平衡 shi¯ quˋ pingˊ hengˊ

Lose balance

失去知覺 shi¯ quˋ zhi¯ jueˊ


失去蹤影 shi¯ quˋ zong¯ yingˇ

Lost track of

思緒 si¯ xuˋ

Thought, Thoughts

44, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

詞語 ciˊ yuˇ

Words, Phrase

44, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

持續 chiˊ xuˋ

Continued, Went on, Continuous, Uninterrupted

持續不斷 chiˊ xuˋ buˊ duanˋ

Steady, Continuous, Non-stop

持續不斷給予的禮物 chiˊ xuˋ buˊ duanˋ jiˇ yuˇ de˙ liˇ wuˋ

Gift that keeps on giving

持續了一段時間 chiˊ xuˋ le˙ yiˊ duanˋ shiˊ jian¯

Lasted for a while

持續加速 chiˊ xuˋ jia¯ suˋ

Sped onwards

持續加速飛行 chiˊ xuˋ jia¯ suˋ fei¯ xingˊ

Flew quickly onwards

持續如此 chiˊ xuˋ ruˊ ciˇ

Stay that way, Stay like this

持續發現更多 chiˊ xuˋ fa¯ xianˋ gengˋ duo¯

Went on to discover even more

持續的 chiˊ xuˋ de˙

Continuous, Uninterrupted, Consistant

持續進行 chiˊ xuˋ jinˋ xingˊ

Continuous, Continuously carried out, Continuously in action

辭去 ciˊ quˋ

Resign, Resign from

食慾 shiˊ yuˋ


直喻 zhiˊ yuˋ


44, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

只屈身 zhiˇ qu¯ shen¯

Just bent forward, Just bend forward, Just leaned forward

只需 zhiˇ xu¯

Just need to, Only need to

只需要 zhiˇ xu¯ yaoˋ

Just needed to, Just had to

44, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

史魚 shiˇ yuˊ

Historian named Zi Yu (Yu for short)

44, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

子女 ziˇ nuuˇ

Child, Son and daughter

44, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

死去 siˇ quˋ


44, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

次區 ciˋ qu¯

Sub-district, Subregion

日趨 riˋ qu¯


市區 shiˋ qu¯

City, City center, Downtown, Urban area, Urban

市區地帶 shiˋ qu¯ diˋ daiˋ

Urban zone

市區邊緣 shiˋ qu¯ bian¯ yuanˊ

Edge of a city

市區重建 shiˋ qu¯ chongˊ jianˋ

Urban renewal

市區電車 shiˋ qu¯ dianˋ che¯

Streetcar, Tram

44, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

置於 zhiˋ yuˊ

Put, Place, Position

至於 zhiˋ yuˊ

As for

44, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

日語 riˋ yuˇ


侍女 shiˋ nuuˇ

Lady's maid

事與願違 shiˋ yuˇ yuanˋ weiˊ

Circumstances became unfavorable, Circumstances shift(ed) unfavorably


丶-冫 : > : > [次]-次序 : > [次]-次序排列 >

丶-广 : > : > [序]-次序 : > [序]-次序排列 >

十-扌 : > : > [排]-排列 : > [排]-次序排列 >

一-歹 : > : > [列]-排列 : > [列]-次序排列 >

次序排列 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 排

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