Index for words including 止


Stop, Halt, Cease, Desist, Suppress, Still

Word Links for words containing 止 (sorted via character pairs)

止 zhiˇ
Stop, Halt, Cease, Desist, Suppress, Still

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


止咳 Cough


止住 Stop, Stops, Stopping, Stopped, Came to rest

止住疼痛 Stop the pain, Make the pain go away


他需要顆阿斯匹靈止手 He needed an aspirin for the pain in his hand


止血 Stop bleeding


止不 Can't stop

止不住力道 Unable to stop


止步 Stop


永無止境 Endless, Go on forever


止推 Thrust

止推軸承 Thrust bearing, Thrust bearings


防止 Prevent, Guard against, Prohibit

防止 To prevent, Prevent

防止相機震動 Preventing camera shake

防止鮮奶油腐壞變質 To prevent cream from spoiling, To prevent the fresh cream from spoiling


阻止 Prevent, Hinder, Stop

阻止 Stopped

阻止 Stop me

及時阻止 Stopped, Prevented

我們也會阻止 We'll stop you too

他會想辦法阻止 He would find some way to stop her, He would try and stop her

她會想辦法阻止 She would find some way to stop him, She would try and stop him

我們有沒有辦法阻止 Is there any way we could stop it?, Would we be able to stop it?

阻止了自己 Stopped themself

及時阻止了自己 Stopped themselves

阻止他入境 Prevent him from entering

阻止她入境 Prevent her from entering


終止 Stop, End, Come to an end

終止運作 Stopped work, Stopped working


舉止 Manner, Behaviour, Deportment, Conduct


制止 Prevent, Stop


停止 Stop, Cease, Shut down

停止 Then stopped

不曾停止 Never stop

就已停止 Then stopped

最後停止 Then stop, Then cease

沒法停止 Couldn't stop

他沒法停止 He couldn't stop

從來不曾停止 Never stop, Never cease

停止 Stopped, Ceased

讓疼痛停止 Make the pain stop, Make the pain go away

停止不動 Stops moving

從來不曾停止發出哭喊 Never cease crying out, Never stop crying


為止 Till, Until, Up to, That's all, No further

目前為止 Until now, So far, Up until now

迄今為止 So far

到目前為止 So far, Until now

直到純淨為止 Until pure

直到她自己判斷合作對她最有利為止 Until she decides on her own that it's in her best interests to cooperate

目前為止所做的任何事 Anything done so far, Anything done up to now


諫止 Plead against someone taking a particular course of action, Admonish


廢止 Abolish, Repeal


不止 More than, Continuously, Incessantly

不止一次 More than once, Not for the first time

救過他不止一次 Saved him more than once, Had saved him more than once, Had saved his life on more than one occasion

救過她不止一次 Saved her more than once, Had saved her more than once, Had saved her life on more than one occasion


中止 Suspend, Suspension, Stop, Cease

中止 Stopped, Stopped for a while, Temporarily halted


截止 Deadline

代收截止 Payment deadline


靜止 Still, Stationary (unmoving), Motionless, Static, Unmoving

請保持靜止 Please keep still, Please remain still

靜止下來 Became still

靜止的中國字 Static Chinese characters

靜止主體對焦時 While focused on a still subject


禁止 Prohibit, Prohibited, Proscribe, Ban, Banned, Forbid, Forbidden

禁止 Proscribed, Prohibited

禁止飲食 Eating and drinking prohibited, No eating or drinking, No food or drink

禁止閃光燈攝影的場所 In areas where flash photography is prohibited

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