Index for words including 武


Martial, Military, Fighting, Warlike

Word Links for words containing 武 (sorted via character pairs)

武 wuˇ
Martial, Military, Fighting, Warlike

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


武器 Weapon, Weapons, Armaments

一種武器 A kind of weapon

沒帶武器 Not carrying any weapons

武器投擲 Throwing weapon

武器競賽 Arms race

武器系統 Weapon system, Weapons system


武裝 Armed, Military uniform

武裝 Was armed, Was packing

武裝 Armed, Packing, Bearing arms

你是武裝 You are armed, You are packing

好讓所有人知道你是武裝 So that everyone knows that you are packing

武裝搶劫 Armed robbery

武裝衝突 Armed conflict

發生武裝衝突 Armed conflict occurred


武術 Martial art(s)


武士 Warrior, Knight


武力 Force of arms, Force, Military might, Forceful means

致命武力 Deadly force, Lethal force

武力為後盾 Used force of arms for backup, Used force for backup, Backed by force

遭到致命武力的攻擊 Subject to deadly force

接通過武力迫使 Use force of arms to compel, Compel through force of arms

決定接通過武力迫使 Decide to use force of arms to compel


威武 Mighty


核武 Nuclear weapon, Nuclear weapons

核武 Nuclear weapon, Nuclear weapons

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