Index for words including 殷

yan¯, yin¯, yinˇ

Prosperous, Flourishing, Dark red, Roll of thunder

Word Links for words containing 殷 (sorted via character pairs)

殷 yan¯, yin¯, yinˇ
Prosperous, Flourishing, Dark red, Roll of thunder

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


每隔一殷時 Once in a while

每隔一殷時間就聯絡一下 Reach out every once in a while, Connect every once in a while


殷湯 Yin Tang (or Cheng Tang) established Shang dynasty after overthrowing the despot Jie of the Xia dynasty.


殷勤 Attentive


殷切 Eager

殷切期盼 Eagerly looking forward to

展現她的殷切期盼 Show her eagerness, To show her eagerness

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