
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 性



huiˇ mieˋ xingˋ

性 xingˋ
Nature, Character, Temper, Disposition, Quality, Property, Properties, Sex

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Phone , Tone


毀滅 huiˇ mieˋ

Words that rhyme with 毀滅性 (wei-ye)

Grouped by first phone

hui, dui, gui, sui, tui, wei, zui

灰階 hui¯ jie¯

Gray-scale, Shades of gray

毀滅 huiˇ mieˋ

Destruction, Destroy

毀滅性 huiˇ mieˋ xingˋ


會也可能不會 huiˋ yeˇ keˇ nengˊ buˊ huiˋ

May or may not

hui, dui, gui, sui, tui, wei, zui

對接 duiˋ jie¯

Connect, Dock with, Mated with

對接埠 duiˋ jie¯ buˋ

Docking port

hui, dui, gui, sui, tui, wei, zui

歸結 gui¯ jieˊ

Come down to

龜裂 gui¯ lieˋ

Crack, Cracks

龜裂了 gui¯ lieˋ le˙

Cracked, Was cracked, Had a crack

龜裂的嘴唇 gui¯ lieˋ de˙ zuiˇ chunˊ

Cracked lips, Chapped lip

hui, dui, gui, sui, tui, wei, zui

碎裂 suiˋ lieˋ

Cracked, Fractured, Crumbling

hui, dui, gui, sui, tui, wei, zui

推卸 tui¯ xieˋ

Irresponsible, Shirk responsibility

hui, dui, gui, sui, tui, wei, zui

未解說 weiˋ jieˇ shuo¯

Unexplained, Not yet explained

為解決 weiˋ jieˇ jueˊ

In order to solve, To deal with

為解決糧食危機 weiˋ jieˇ jueˊ liangˊ shiˊ weiˊ ji¯

In order to solve food crisis, To solve food shortage problem

為解除 weiˋ jieˇ chuˊ

To save, To relieve, To lift, To spare

威脅 wei¯ xieˊ

Intimidate, Intimidated, Threaten, Threatened, Threat, Menace

微血管 weiˊ xieˇ guanˇ

Capillary, Capillaries

hui, dui, gui, sui, tui, wei, zui

最接近 zuiˋ jie¯ jinˋ

As near as possible, As close as possible

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 12, 14, 23, 41, 43, 44

毀滅 huiˇ mieˋ

Destruction, Destroy

毀滅性 huiˇ mieˋ xingˋ


34, 11, 12, 14, 23, 41, 43, 44

灰階 hui¯ jie¯

Gray-scale, Shades of gray

34, 11, 12, 14, 23, 41, 43, 44

歸結 gui¯ jieˊ

Come down to

威脅 wei¯ xieˊ

Intimidate, Intimidated, Threaten, Threatened, Threat, Menace

34, 11, 12, 14, 23, 41, 43, 44

龜裂 gui¯ lieˋ

Crack, Cracks

龜裂了 gui¯ lieˋ le˙

Cracked, Was cracked, Had a crack

龜裂的嘴唇 gui¯ lieˋ de˙ zuiˇ chunˊ

Cracked lips, Chapped lip

推卸 tui¯ xieˋ

Irresponsible, Shirk responsibility

34, 11, 12, 14, 23, 41, 43, 44

微血管 weiˊ xieˇ guanˇ

Capillary, Capillaries

34, 11, 12, 14, 23, 41, 43, 44

對接 duiˋ jie¯

Connect, Dock with, Mated with

對接埠 duiˋ jie¯ buˋ

Docking port

最接近 zuiˋ jie¯ jinˋ

As near as possible, As close as possible

34, 11, 12, 14, 23, 41, 43, 44

會也可能不會 huiˋ yeˇ keˇ nengˊ buˊ huiˋ

May or may not

未解說 weiˋ jieˇ shuo¯

Unexplained, Not yet explained

為解決 weiˋ jieˇ jueˊ

In order to solve, To deal with

為解決糧食危機 weiˋ jieˇ jueˊ liangˊ shiˊ weiˊ ji¯

In order to solve food crisis, To solve food shortage problem

為解除 weiˋ jieˇ chuˊ

To save, To relieve, To lift, To spare

34, 11, 12, 14, 23, 41, 43, 44

碎裂 suiˋ lieˋ

Cracked, Fractured, Crumbling


厂-臼 : > : > [毀]-毀滅 : > [毀]-毀滅性 >

丶-氵 : > : > [滅]-毀滅 : > [滅]-毀滅性 >

丶-忄 : > : > [性]-滅性 : > [性]-毀滅性 >

毀滅性 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 性

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