Index for words including 毫


Fine Hair, Brush, Least, One Thousandth

Word Links for words containing 毫 (sorted via character pairs)

毫 haoˊ
Fine Hair, Brush, Least, One Thousandth

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


毫髮無傷 Unhurt, Completely uninjured


毫無 Without, Not at all, None, Not in the least, There is no

絕非毫無 By no means, Definitely not

毫無來由 Without reason or cause

毫無動靜 No sign of action at all, No change, No response

毫無回應 No answer, No response

毫無好感 Like not

毫無怨言 Without complaint

毫無意義 Meaningless, Pointless

毫無愧色 Unashamed

毫無畏懼 Fearlessly, Without fear

毫無疑問 No doubt, Without a doubt

毫無缺點 Flawless, Perfect

毫無選擇 Have no choice

毫無顧忌 Without scruples

毫無吸引力 Not in the least attractive, Entirely unattractive

那樣做毫無意義啊 Doing that is pointless, It's pointless, There's no point

自己毫無選擇的感受 Feel like we have no choice

毫無怨言地做這些家務 Did the chores without complaint

毫無指望 Hopeless, Without hope

並非毫無指望 Not completely hopeless

毫無顧忌的 Had no scruples

那些人是毫無顧忌的 They had no scruples

毫無意義的事 Was pointless, Had no point

他覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need, He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need

她覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 She thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, She thought it was pointless spending money on things she didn't need, She didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need


毫升 Milliliter, Ml


毫微 Nanometer


毫米 Millimeter, Mm


毫不 Absolutely

毫不 No difference

毫不掩飾 Unconcealed, Open

毫不猶豫 Without hesitation

毫不留情 Implacable, Implacably, Relentless, Unrelenting

毫不費力 Effortless, Effortlessly, Without any effort

毫不留情地 Implacably

毫不費力地 Effortlessly, Without any effort

毫不鼓舞人 Not so encouraging

毫不令人感到意外 Not surprisingly

毫不留情的思緒列車 Unrelenting train of thought, Relentless train of thought

毫不懷疑那就是他們在做的事 He has no doubt that that was what they were doing

毫不懷疑 Had no doubt

毫不懷疑 She has no doubt

毫不遲疑 No hesitation

這回毫不遲疑 No hesitation this time, No hesitation now


差之毫釐失之千里 Compounded errors, Small initial errors leading to large final errors

差以毫釐謬以千里 Compounded errors, Small initial errors leading to large final errors


絲毫 Slightest, Tiniest, Faintest


明察秋毫 Discerning, Insightful


公毫 Centigram, Weight measure

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