Index for words including 毯


Blanket, Rug, Carpet

Word Links for words containing 毯 (sorted via character pairs)

毯 tanˇ
Blanket, Rug, Carpet

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


毯子 Blanket, Rug, Carpet

毯子拉上蓋到它們下巴 Pulled the blanket up to their chins

蒙在毯子 Under a blanket, Covered by a blanket, Hiding under a blanket

把頭塞進毯子 Stuck their head under the blanket


毯包 Carpet bag, Travel bag made from carpet


毛毯 Woolen blanket

毛毯 Wool blanket

薄羊毛毯 Thin wool blanket


全毯 Security blanket

我的安全毯 My security blanket


地毯 Carpet, Rug

地毯 Red rug, Red carpet

沒鋪地毯 Uncarpeted, Carpetless

將兩腳擺盪到地毯 Swung their feet onto the rug, Swung their feet onto the carpet

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