Index for words including 汽


Steam, Vapor

Word Links for words containing 汽 (sorted via character pairs)

汽 qiˋ
Steam, Vapor

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


汽門挺杆 Cam shaft


汽水 Soda

一杯汽水 A soda

無糖汽水 Sugar free soda

看都沒看就點了一個起司漢堡和一杯汽水 Ordered a cheeseburger and soda without looking

不喝比無糖汽水還要烈的飲料 Drink nothing stronger than a diet or sugar free soda


汽缸 Cylinder

汽缸 Cylinder head


汽油 Gas, Petrol

汽油 Gasoline fumes, Petrol fumes

汽油 Fuel gauge

沒有汽油 Does not have any gas, Has run out of gas

彌漫著煙塵與汽油 The smell of dust and gasoline, Smells of dust and gasoline, Smelled of dust and gasoline


汽車 Car

公共汽車 Bus, Public transit bus

汽車旅館 Motel

哪家汽車旅館 Which motel

十幾家汽車旅館 A dozen motels

公共汽車司機 Bus driver

哪家汽車旅館裡 In which motel, Which motel


蒸汽 Steam, Vapor

蒸汽 Water vapor

蒸汽 Steam engine

蒸汽 Steam boat

蒸汽動力 Steam powered

蒸汽所帶動 Steam driven

蒸汽產生器 Steam generator

嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 Perished after an unsuccessful attempt to lower the boiler's steam pressure

蒸汽壓力 Vapor pressure, Steam pressure

鍋爐的蒸汽壓力 Boiler's steam pressure

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