Index for words including 沒

meiˊ, moˋ

Have Not, Is Not, Nothing, Without, None, (Mo4), Drown, Sink

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


沒別 Nothing else

沒別的事 Nothing else

沒別的聲音 No other sound

沒別的可做 Nothing else to do

除了說明外沒別的可做 Had nothing to do but narrate, Apart from explaining had nothing to do

沒別的事好說了 Nothing else to say, Nothing else to talk about

大家沒別的事好說了 People had nothing else to talk about


沒啥大不了 Nothing to write home about, Not that big


沒跟任何人說 Without saying a word to anyone, Not saying a word to anyone

可是她沒跟他說 But she didn't tell him

從來沒跟這個人講過話 Had never spoken with this person


沒路 Quickly running out of road


沒回 Didn't come back, Hadn't come back

沒回 Didn't come home, Didn't go home, Had not come home

那天沒回 Didn't come back that day, Didn't come home that day

沒回來過 Didn't come around anymore


沒影 Unseen, Without a trace, Not even a shadow, Groundless, Untrue, Vanish, Get far away


沒時間了 There's no time


沒顯示出 Not shown, Not showing


沒問 No problem


沒開出花來 Had not bloomed


沒關 Isn't shut, Aren't shut, Not closed

沒關 Not related to, No problem, It isn't a problem, Don't worry about it, That's fine, It's fine

沒關 No problem, It doesn't matter


沒點 Didn't order

沒點東西 Didn't order anything


沒買 Didn't buy

沒買 Didn't buy

沒買 Didn't buy


沒見 Didn't see, Didn't meet

沒見 Didn't see (someone or something)

沒見 Never seen

再也沒見 Never again saw

從來沒見 Had never seen

很久沒見面了 It's been a while! Long time no see!


沒用 Useless, Didn't use, Don't use

沒用 Didn't use

沒用 It's no use!

連魔法都沒用 Had not even needed to use magic


衣服沒脫 With clothes still on, Without taking clothes off


沒頭沒腦 All of a sudden, Abruptly, Apropos of nothing before or after, Inexplicably, Illogically


沒臉 Had no face


沒出 Didn't come out, Hasn't come out

沒出 Did not come forward, Did not step forward

沒出力氣 Make no effort, Made no effort

沒出力氣幫助 Make no effort to help, Made no effort to help

他自己也沒出力氣幫助 He himself had not expended any effort to help, He himself had not done anything to help

她自己也沒出力氣幫助 She herself had not expended any effort to help, She herself had not lifted a finger to help


沒收 Confiscate

沒收 Didn't get, Didn't receive


沒努 No effort, No effort expended


沒變 Hadn't changed

沒變 I've not changed, I'm the same

幾乎沒變 Had barely changed


電話沒響 Phone hadn't rung


沒那麼多 Not so much, Not much, Not so many, Not many

沒那個必要 Didn't need to, Didn't have to

沒那麼多人 Not so many people, Not many people

沒那麼好的事 It wasn't a good thing

沒那麼簡單 Isn't that simple, It was not that simple, It wasn't that easy

不過沒那麼簡單 But it wasn't that simple, It wasn't easy


沒改 No change, Didn't change, Doesn't change


沒承 Not supporting, No longer supporting

沒承受身體任何重量 Not supporting any body weight, No longer supporting any body weight


沒發展成 Had not developed

沒發出聲音說 Mouthed silently

什麼也沒發 Nothing happens, Nothing happened

你們或許沒發 Perhaps you haven't noticed or realized


沒了 That's it!

沒完沒了 Endless, Endlessly, Continues, Continued

還在沒完沒了 Continued, Went on

沒了 No longer working

被耗盡沒了 Too worn-out to work


沒原 For no reason, Unaccountably


完全沒興 Completely uninterested, Couldn't care less


沒學 Not yet studied, Not yet learned


沒留下任何證據 Left no evidence, Leaving no evidence

罪行沒留下任何證據 Left no evidence of the crime, Leaving no evidence of the crime

他的罪行沒留下任何證據 Leaving no evidence of his crime


沒長 Have not grown bigger


沒髮 Had no hair


沒解 Didn't explain


沒多 Not much, Not a lot

沒多 Before long, Not long, Not long after

沒多 Not much, Not a lot

沒多 Not long after

沒多久後 Not long after

沒多說話 Didn't say much

沒多大用處了 Not much use, Not very useful

我對你來說就沒多大用處了 I'm not much use to you, I wouldn't be much use to you


要是她沒先殺死我的話 If she doesn't kill me first


沒告訴我是什麼事 Didn't tell me what it was, Didn't tell me what it was about


沒什 It's nothing

沒什 Nothing to it, It's easy

沒什麼用 Of no use, No use

沒什麼錢 Isn't rich, Wasn't rich

沒什麼用 Of no use, Didn't matter, Didn't really matter

不過也沒什麼用 Not that it matters, Not that it mattered

沒什麼兩樣 No difference, Not different at all, Usual

沒什麼天分 Very few talents, Not very talented

沒什麼差別 No difference, No different

也許沒什麼相干 Maybe it's nothing, It's probably nothing, It's probably not what we are looking for

沒什麼用就是了 Was of no use anyway

沒什麼特別的一點 Nothing special, At no particular point


沒借 Didn't buy

沒借 Didn't lend


沒假 Didn't pretend, Didn't try to act like, Didn't try to act as if


動都沒動 Didn't move at all


沒看 Did not see

沒看 Can't see clearly, Can't see it

沒看 Didn't see

大家怎麼沒看 How is it that nobody can see it

沒看過海 Had never seen the sea, Had never seen the ocean

看都沒看 Without looking

好多年都沒看到過這麼漂亮的一張臉了 Had not seen such a beautiful face in many years

看都沒看就點了一個起司漢堡和一杯汽水 Ordered a cheeseburger and soda without looking


沒剩多少 Doesn't have much more


沒受 Uninjured

沒受影響 Unaffected

心情沒受到影響 Mood isn't affected


沒得 Didn't get, Don't have

沒得 Best, Nothing better, No comparison

但如果沒得到妳的許可 If I don't have or get your permission


沒笨 No, dummy, No, silly


沒簽沒錢 If not signed, then you won't get paid


沒為他帶來多少麻煩 Didn't cause him too much bother


趕到就沒救 Arrive too late to save (him, Her, Them)


沒求 Didn't beg for mercy

既沒尖叫也沒求 Didn't scream or beg for mercy


沒向地方官報案 Didn't report to the magistrate, Didn't report it to the magistrate


沒離 Hasn't left

他的目光始終沒離開發抖的老人 His eyes didn't leave the shivering old man, He kept his eyes on the shivering old man


沒牽涉到 Not involved, Did not involve


沒贏 Didn't win

沒贏得一分錢 Didn't' win any money


沒忘記這點 I have not forgotten, I did not forget


沒辦 No way to, Can't, Couldn't

沒辦 I can't

沒辦法下床 Can't get out of bed

沒辦法清理 Can't be cleaned, No way to clean, No way to clean up

沒辦法離開 Could not leave

沒辦法等太久 Can't wait for too long, Can't put it off for too long

沒辦法撐到永遠 Couldn't take it for ever, Wouldn't last for ever

我們沒辦法像以前那樣 We can't go back to the way it was

我自己一個人沒辦法做 I can't do it alone

沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 She couldn't do it while panicking

沒辦法接住你 I can't catch you

沒辦法接住妳 I can't catch you


沒意 Not interested, Uninteresting, Without meaning

沒意 Meaningless, Uninteresting, Uninterested

沒意料到 The surprise, The unexpectedness, Surprise, Unexpected, Unexpectedly


要是我沒記錯的話 Unless my memory is at fault, Unless I've forgotten something, If I remember correctly


沒試 Didn't, Didn't try

沒試 Didn't try to


沒說 Didn't say

沒說 Doesn't speak, Didn't speak, Was silent

沒說過話 Haven't spoken

沒說實話 Spoke false, Lied, Did not tell the truth

於是她沒說什麼 And so she didn't say anything

心中暗想但沒說出口 Thought but didn't say

沒說一個字 Didn't say a word, Didn't say anything

沒說一個字 But didn't say a word, But didn't say anything


從來沒談起過他們 Never talk about them


沒讓 Did not allow, Didn't allow


沒完沒了 Endless, Endlessly, Continues, Continued

還在沒完沒了 Continued, Went on

沒完全成功 Not completely successful, Was not a complete success, Had not been completely successful


沒穿 Not wearing

沒穿 Did not get through

沒穿 Wasn't wearing shoes

沒穿 She wasn't wearing shoes

沒穿胸罩 Not wearing a bra

沒穿衣服 Naked, Nude, Bare


沒射 Missed the target, Didn't hit the target, Missed


沒法 Could not, Unable

沒法 Can't, Cannot

沒法 No way to

沒法停止 Couldn't stop

沒法子幫 No way can help

沒法理解 There's no way of understanding, There's no (way of) understanding

沒法安全迴轉 Unable to safely turn around, Unable to make a safe U-turn

速度太快沒法安全迴轉 Going to fast to safely turn, Going to fast to make a safe U-turn


沒注意到 Not notice, Hadn't noticed

似乎沒注意到 Seemed not to notice, Seemed to ignore

什麼都沒注 Didn't notice anything

太過緊張什麼都沒注 Too nervous to notice anything


一點都沒流 Didn't show it, Didn't look it


沒浪費時間 Didn't waste time


沒準 Maybe

沒準備好 Not ready


沒酒喝了 Run out of alcohol


沒這苦惱 Did not suffer from this affliction, Did not have this affliction

沒這麼大 Are not so big, Are not as big, Are not that big

事情沒這麼發生 It didn't pan out, It didn't work out that way

在他的世界裡根本沒這回事 No such thing in his world, Did not belong in his world


沒通 Didn't pass (the tests)


沒造 Not causing

沒造成什麼毀損 Not causing much damage


沒連 Not connected


從來沒過 Never before, Had never

沒過多久 After a short time, Not long after

沒過幾分鐘 Within minutes, Within a short time


沒心 Not in the mood


沒必 Unnecessary, Don't need, Doesn't need, Didn't need

沒必 Not needed, Not necessary

沒必要省錢 No need to economize, Not necessary to be frugal, Isn't necessary to be frugal, Economizing is not necessary


沒祕密了 There are no more secrets, There are no more mysteries


沒禮 Rude

沒禮 Very rude, Extremely rude


沒人 No one, Nobody

再也沒人 No one would ever again, Never again would anyone

浴室裡沒人 No one was in the bathroom, The bathroom was empty

沒人 No one is using

沒人住的 Vacant

沒人喜歡 Nobody likes

沒人在意 Nobody cares, Nobody minds

沒人用的 No one is using

沒人辦得到 Never works

村裡沒人知道 No one in the village knew

這裡沒人趁亂打劫 There had been no looting, There has been no looting

即使沒人在旁邊觀看 Even if there was no one there to see

沒人喜歡自以為聰明的傢伙 Nobody likes a smartass


沒命似地逃 Run desperately, Run hellbent, Hurriedly flee


沒拿啤酒就上樓了 Didn't grab a beer before going upstairs


沒念 Memorized incorrectly


沒鋪地毯 Uncarpeted, Carpetless


沒錢 Have no money

沒簽沒錢 If not signed, then you won't get paid

沒錢的事 Do work for very low wage, Do low paying work

沒錢的工作 Work for nothing, Work for very low wage


沒錯 Right, That's right

一點沒錯 Not wrong, That's for sure

話是沒錯 That's right, That's true, Yes

一點也沒錯 Exactly!, Precisely!

要是我記得沒錯 If I remember correctly

至少在我看來是那樣沒錯 At least that's what it looks like to me

沒錯過什麼 Didn't miss anything


沒分 Undifferentiated, Unrecognizable

沒分別的漏血大肉袋 Big leaky bag of undifferentiated gore


沒煩 Unvexed, Untroubled


沒差 Doesn't matter


沒半 Not at all, Not the least, Not a bit of

對人情沒半點尊重 No respect for sentiment, No regard for human feeling


沒落 Decline

一步也沒落 Not missing a step, Without missing a step


沒勁 Boring


沒頭沒腦 All of a sudden, Abruptly, Apropos of nothing before or after, Inexplicably, Illogically


沒下 Didn't come down

沒下 Didn't go down


沒再看到他 Didn't see him again

那晚沒再看到他 Didn't seem him for the rest of the night


沒理 Ignore, Not pay attention to

沒理由冒著 No reason to risk

沒理由冒著超重的風險 No reason to risk carrying too much weight


沒露出一絲頭髮 Not a strand of hair showed, Not a strand of hair was revealed


沒聯想到 Not thought of, Not made the connection


沒聽 Had not heard, Had never heard

從來沒聽 Never heard, Never heard of

沒聽清楚 Didn't hear clearly

我從來沒聽過他 I never heard of him

我從來沒聽過她 I never heard of her

我剛剛說的話你都沒聽到嗎 Did you not hear what I just said?

我剛剛說的話妳都沒聽到嗎 Did you not hear what I just said?


沒碰 Not touched, Never experienced

沒碰任可東西 Not touching anything


沒上 Didn't come up

沒上 Didn't go up


沒真 Not really, Not actually


沒教妳什麼 I didn't teach you anything


永遠沒去 Never did, Never got around to

沒去上班 Didn't go to work, Missed work


沒走下騾子 Didn't dismount, Didn't get off the mule, Didn't get of their mules


一點都沒趣 Uninteresting, Not at all interesting


沒規 Cheeky, Naughty


沒力 Did not have the strength


沒想 Does not think, Did not think (that), Can't believe, Don't believe, Can't imagine, Didn't imagine, Would never have imagined

沒想 Didn't think that just

沒想 I never thought, I never imagined

沒想 Truly did not expect

不過我沒想 But I never thought

從來都沒想 Had never thought, Had never suspected

那可是我沒想 I never thought of that, That had not occurred to me, I had not expected that

好久沒想到他了 Hadn't thought about him in ages

那可是我沒想到的作法 That approach had not occurred to me, That is an approach that I had not thought of


沒機 Not had the chance, No chance, No opportunity, Not had the opportunity


沒事 Allright, Ok

沒事 I'm allright, I'm fine, I'm OK

沒事 It's okay, No problem, It doesn't matter, No big deal

沒事 Allright, Ok

沒事 Is she okay?


沒有 No, Do not have, Does not have, Did not have, Do not, Does not, Did not, Was not, Were not

沒有 Then there won't be

沒有 I don't have

沒有 Do you or don't you have

沒有 Do not have, Is empty

沒有 None, Absolutely nothing, Nothing at all, Not even

也許沒有 Maybe not, Perhaps not

似乎沒有 Doesn't seem

你有沒有 Don't you?, Do you not?

幾乎沒有 Few, Very little

差不多沒有 Almost none, Almost never, Hardly any, Hardly ever

我什麼沒有 I don't have anything else to do

連水也沒有 Didn't even have water, Not even water

一個人都沒有 There's no one here, There isn't even one person here

一點用也沒有 Not even a little

說明單裡沒有 Is not in the brochure, Is not covered in the leaflet

一句廢話也沒有 Not wasting words

一點價值也沒有 Completely worthless

一點感覺也沒有 Don't feel a thing, Didn't feel a thing

一點感覺都沒有 No feeling whatsoever, No feeling at all

一點裝潢都沒有 Undecorated, Unfurnished

一點辦法也沒有 No way at all, Completely impossible

甚至一點感覺都沒有 Can't even feel, Can't feel anything

裡頭一定什麼也沒有 There would be nothing inside, There is nothing inside, It would be empty, It is empty

除了空氣什麼也沒有 Nothing but air

跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有 It has nothing to do with him hurting you

沒有 Doesn't have

沒有 No one else, Nobody

沒有 Did not come

沒有 Didn't have any cigarettes

沒有 No wind

什麼都沒有 Lost everything, Doesn't have anything

這個人怎麼沒有 How is it that this person has no head

所以跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有 So it has nothing to do with him hurting you?

沒有一定 Indefinite, Undefined, General, Unspecific, Non-specified

沒有中途 Not even halfway through

沒有借口 No excuse, Does not have an excuse

沒有備案 Does not recall, No recollection

沒有兩樣 No different, No different from

沒有反抗 Did not resist

沒有取名 Had no name, Had no name for, Was not christened

沒有威脅 No threat, No danger

沒有意義 Meaningless, Insignificant, Worthless

沒有持繼 Did not continue

沒有標示 Unmarked

沒有消失 Had not vanished, Was still there

沒有減弱 Didn't weaken, Didn't subside, Unabated

沒有看到 Didn't see

沒有落淚 Had not cried, Had not wept

沒有被殺 Were not killed

沒有說話 Said nothing, Didn't say a thing, Didn't speak

沒有轉身 Didn't turn around, Didn't turn

沒有進行 Can't carry out, Can't perform, Can't do

沒有開啟 Not open

沒有關係 Does not have a problem, No problem, That's fine

沒有主人 I do not have a master

沒有電話 I don't have a phone

沒有生銹 Still works or not, Gotten rusty or not

沒有汽油了 Does not have any gas, Has run out of gas

沒有穿制服 Is not wearing a uniform, Are not wearing uniforms, Was not wearing a uniform, Were not wearing uniforms

沒有簽名的 Has not been signed, Unsigned

也許沒有差別 Perhaps it made no difference, Maybe it didn't matter, Maybe it was allright

他們沒有半個 None of them

你有沒有殺人 Have you killed anyone?

只怕沒有幾個 There aren't very many, There were very few

完全沒有選擇 Have no choice at all

沒有一粒原子 Not a single atom

沒有什麼壞處 There are no bad points, There are no disadvantages

沒有全然猜錯 Wasn't completely wrong

沒有持繼很久 Did not last very long

沒有正確答案 There were no right answers

沒有辦法打開 Can't open, Can't get open

沒有道理啊 It doesn't make sense!

什麼都沒有捉到 Didn't catch a thing, Didn't catch anything

沒有宿醉地醒來 Wake up without a hangover

沒有提供飛機餐 Doesn't provide an inflight meal, Didn't provide an inflight meal

沒有水活不下去 Can't live without water

沒有私生活可言 Have no private life to speak of, Has no private life to speak of, Had no private life to speak of

差不多沒有上過學 Almost never went to school

沒有什麼對不起的 There is nothing to be sorry for, It's okay, Don't worry about it

沒有花很長的時間 It didn't take too long, Don't take too long

沒有錢讓我去上學 Not enough money for me to go to school

看有沒有被人發現 Looking to see if anyone had seen, Looking for witnesses

沒有重要人物的場合 When no one important is around, When no one important is around to hear, When no one important is listening

肉體上沒有受到傷害 Physically unharmed

你有沒有感覺不可思議 Did you ever find it strange that, Didn't you ever find it incredible that

我並沒有抓住你的指望 I had no hope of catching you

我們有沒有辦法阻止它 Is there any way we could stop it?, Would we be able to stop it?

沒有其他選擇的可能性 No other choice is possible, Situation where no other choice is possible

當時路口沒有什麼車輛 At the time there were no vehicles at the intersection

其中沒有一個人有啤酒肚 Not one person among them had a beergut or beer belly

沒有發生什麼奇怪的事吧 Nothing strange happened?

看我一個人有沒有辦法應付 To see if I could handle it alone

通常沒有什麼是我弄不到的 There isn't much that I can't get

沒有使用這些物品或舉辦儀式的資格 Are not allowed to use these items or perform ceremonies

世界沒有比好奇心更屬於人性的東西了 Nothing more human than curiosity

再也沒有什麼東西能比狂熱份子更危險了 There's nothing more dangerous than a fanatic, There's nothing more dangerous than a zealot

沒有什麼 Nothing, There's nothing, Nothing much

沒有什麼 Is there anything

沒有回應 Did not respond

沒有回應 Nobody has responded

沒有直接回答 She didn't answer directly

沒有見過 Never seen

沒有看見他 Didn't see him

沒有看見她 Didn't see her

沒有跟來 Wasn't following, Wasn't coming

還是沒有跟來 Still wasn't coming, Still wasn't following

沒有辦法 Can't, Couldn't

沒有辦法 Was there some way

他有沒有辦法 Was there some way that he

沒有食物 No food, Had no food, Didn't have food

沒有食物 She didn't have food, She didn't have any food

沒有人知道 No one knows, Nobody knows

他們有沒有可能知道 Did they possibly know, Is it possible they (know, Knew)

沒有辦法事先知道 There's no way I could have known in advance

沒有炸死他 The explosion didn't kill him, He didn't die in the explosion

沒有走不通的死巷 There are no dead ends

沒有道理 It doesn't make sense

菜單上沒有這道菜 This dish isn't on the menu

因此沒有問題 And so it wasn't a problem

沒有什麼問題 Are there any problems? is there a problem?

沒有問出口的問題 Unspoken question

回答了她沒有問出口的問題 Answered her unspoken question

沒有任何聲響 There was no sound

沒有臉的聲音 Faceless voice

你有沒有用功啊 Are your working hard?, Are you studying hard?

妳有沒有用功啊 Are your working hard?, Are you studying hard?

沒有任何家人 I don't have any family

我們沒有要求你做很多家事 We don't ask you to do a lot of chores

似乎沒有那麼絕望 Doesn't seem that desparate

沒有昨天那麼絕望 Not as hopeless as yesterday

如果我沒有會錯意 If I understand correctly

沒有再犯同樣的錯誤 Didn't make the same mistake twice, Didn't make that mistake again

沒有什麼好擔心的了 Nothing to worry about

沒有更好的形容的話 For lack of a better way to put it, Lacking a better way to describe it

你從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 You never arrested anyone

妳從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 You never arrested anyone

你又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher

妳又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher


沒在 Wasn't listening


沒猜 Correct in assuming, Correct in guessing that


沒打 Missed


沒找 Didn't find

沒找 Didn't find


沒把彼此殺死 Didn't kill each other


沒抓住窗台 Missed the windowsill, Missed grabbing the windowsill


完全沒掩飾住 Completely fail to hide, Completely fails to hide, Completely failing to hide, Completely failed to hide


你好像沒提 You haven't mentioned, You don't seem to have mentioned

從來沒提起過 Never mentioned it, Never brought it up, Never talked about it


沒搞 Don't get it, Don't get what is going on

沒搞頭的 Disengaged, Hopeless


沒撐下來 Didn't make it, Didn't survive, Didn't last till help arrived


沒轍 No way


沒帶 Not carry, Not carrying

行李裡沒帶 Hadn't packed

沒帶 Not carrying a gun

沒帶武器 Not carrying any weapons

行李裡沒帶陽傘 Hadn't packed a parasol


既沒 Didn't, Hadn't

既沒尖叫也沒求饒 Didn't scream or beg for mercy


飯店開門沒 Is the restaurant open


出沒 Appear (and then disappear, Bobbing on Ocean surface)

出沒無常 Pop up unexpectedly, Appear and disappear unpredictably


準備好了沒 Ready or not?


他沒 He didn't

他沒 He didn't have

他沒 He couldn't

他沒事嗎 Is he okay?

他沒假裝 He didn't pretend, He didn't try to act like

他沒多問 He didn't ask anymore questions, He didn't ask anything further

他沒穿鞋 He wasn't wearing shoes

他沒起來 He hadn't gotten up, He was still in bed

他沒過得 He wasn't

他沒有食物 He didn't have food, He didn't have any food

他沒法停止 He couldn't stop

他沒浪費時間 He didn't waste time

他沒過得那麼糟 He wasn't doing that bad

可是他沒跟她說 But he didn't tell her

他沒什麼別的愛好 He has no other hobbies

他沒有停下來吃飯 He did not stop to eat

他沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 He couldn't do it while panicking

回答了他沒有問出口的問題 Answered his unspoken question

他沒有回答 He didn't answer

他沒有直接回答 He didn't answer directly


從沒 Never

從沒 He never, He'd never

從沒看過 Had never seen

從沒成功過 Nothing ever worked

以前從沒得過 Never used to be able to, Never used to

從沒聽說過 Never heard of

大概從沒聽說過 Probably never heard of

你大概從沒聽說過 You've probably never heard of


沉沒 Sink, Drown


淹沒 Submerged

被海水淹沒 Covered by sea water, Submerged

淹沒 Submerged, Swamped, Rolled, Drowned


還沒 Not yet

甚至還沒 Hadn't even

還沒 Not yet, Hadn't yet, Still hadn't

還沒 Wasn't dead, Didn't die, Not yet dead

還沒 He is not done yet

還沒 She is not done yet

還沒 I am not done yet

還沒 It continued to rain, The rain still had not stopped

我們還沒 We are not done yet, We are not yet finished, It is not over for us, Not for us it isn't

為什麼我還沒 Why aren't I dead yet? Why am I still alive?

還沒上手 Hadn't yet started, Hadn't even started, Hadn't even began to

還沒恢復 Not yet restored

還沒走遠 Was still nearby

還沒嘔吐之前 Having not yet vomited

還沒種出來 Not yet planted

什麼都還沒種出來 Nothing has been planted yet

還沒怕到遺屎 Not even scared enough to shit

甚至還沒怕到遺屎 Weren't even scared to the point of shitting


不沒 Otherwise without, Which would otherwise not have


功不可沒 Indispensable, Indispensable contribution that can't go unrecognized

團隊的努力功不可沒 Team's hard work has been indispensable


埋沒 To bury


來沒 Never


也沒 Never again, Anymore

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