Index for words including 注


Pour, Concentrate, Focus, Direct, Note, Gambling Stakes, Stake

Word Links for words containing 注 (sorted via character pairs)

注 zhuˋ
Pour, Concentrate, Focus, Direct, Note, Gambling Stakes, Stake

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


注號 Brackets


注目 Watched attentively

值得注目 Noteworthy, Worthy of attention

引人注目 Prominent, Noticeable, Conspicuous, Attention attracting

在全球注目 And while the whole planet watched

值得注目的特色 Noteworthy features


注重 Attach great importance to, Emphasize, Stress


課文注釋 Notes, Note


注意 Pay attention, Attention, Notice, Note!

注意 Be noticed

注意 Pay attention to, Pay attention

注意 Take care (to), Note that, Note

引人注意 Attract attention, Attention attracting presence, Presence

不希望被注意 Didn't want to be noticed

什麼都沒注意 Didn't notice anything

太過緊張什麼都沒注意 Too nervous to notice anything

注意 Notice, Noticed, Focus on, Focused on

注意 Attention, Concentration

注意 He noticed

注意 Not notice, Hadn't noticed

注意 Please pay attention lest you suffer the consequences

似乎沒注意 Seemed not to notice, Seemed to ignore

他努力集中注意 He's trying to focus, He tried to focus

她努力集中注意 She's trying to focus, She tried to focus

對細節勤奮的注意 Diligent attention to detail

你對細節勤奮的注意 Your diligent attention to detail

注意事項 Handling precautions, Points to be aware of

注意到了 Focused on, Focuses on

注意安全 Stay safe, Be safe

注意幾點 Pay attention to a few points, A few points to note

有人在注意我們 We are being watched

注意到奇怪的事 Noticed something strange, Noticed something peculiar

注意我們的體重 Notice our weight, Notice our body weight, Notice that our weight

可以注意到的地方 Could keep an eye on

注意最大的壓力點 Notice the point of greatest pressure

她的注意力集中在他身上 Her awareness was focused on him

注意右側來車 Be aware of vehicles approaching from the right

下車時請注意右側來車 Be aware of vehicles approaching from the right when getting off of the bus

下車時請注意後方來車 Pay attention to vehicles approaching from the rear when getting off of the bus


注音 Phonetic symbols, Phonetic alphabet used in Taiwan (BoPoMoFo)


注定 Destined, Preordained, Fated, Doomed

太過注定 So much a given, So greatly predestined


注射 Inject, Get a needle, Get a shot

將透明的液體注射 Inject a clear liquid, Injects a clear liquid, Injecting a clear liquid, Injected a clear liquid

注射 Inject into, Injects into, Injected into

注射點滴的靜脈輸液管 IV, Intravenous drip


注視 Look at intently, Gaze at, Stare at, Look at attentively

注視 Watched, Observed

注視 Stared at

注視著他 Stared at him

注視著他們 She watched them, She looked at them intently


注入 Empty into, Pour in, Pour into


注到 Directed, Poured into


關注 Interest, Concern


貫注 Concentrate one's full attention on, To be absorbed in what one is doing, Connected in meaning, Connected in feeling

全神貫注 Concentrate on, Pay undivided attention to, Focus fully on what one is doing


投注 Direct, Concentrate, Throw


挹注 Supplement, Draw from one to make up for the deficit in another

藉資挹注 Supplement, Draw from one to make up for the deficit in another


專注 Focus on, Concentrate on, Focused on, Concentrated on

全神專注 Concentrated on

專注 Focus, Concentration

專注 Focused on

專注地聽著 Listened attentively

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