Index for words including 泳



Word Links for words containing 泳 (sorted via character pairs)

泳 yongˇ

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


泳衣 Swimming Costume, Swimming Suit, Swimming Trunks, Bathing Suit


游泳 Swim, Swimming

游泳 Learn how to swim

教他游泳 Teach him to swim

教你游泳 Teach you to swim, Teach you how to swim

常去那裡游泳 Often gone there to swim, Often gone swimming there

我會教你游泳 I can teach you how to swim

她還是懷念游泳 She still misses swimming, She still missed swimming

游泳 Swimming pool

游泳 Swimming lessons, Swimming class

游泳 Can swim

早就會游泳 Already know how to swim

我早就會游泳 I already know how to swim

近來她也不怎麼游泳 She doesn't swim much these days, She didn't swim much these days

只會游泳還不夠 Just being able to swim won't be enough


遊泳 Swim

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