
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 兒


A plan that adapts quickly to changes in circumstances, A skillful move

huoˊ er˙

兒 erˊ, er˙
Child, Baby, Son, Noun, Ending

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 活兒 (wo-er)

Grouped by first phone

huo, tuo, wo

活兒 huoˊ er˙

A plan that adapts quickly to changes in circumstances, A skillful move

huo, tuo, wo

托兒所 tuo¯ erˊ suoˇ

Nursery school, Daycare, Daycare school

huo, tuo, wo

沃爾瑪 woˋ erˇ maˇ


Grouped in tone pairs

25, 12, 43

活兒 huoˊ er˙

A plan that adapts quickly to changes in circumstances, A skillful move

25, 12, 43

托兒所 tuo¯ erˊ suoˇ

Nursery school, Daycare, Daycare school

25, 12, 43

沃爾瑪 woˋ erˇ maˇ



丶-氵 : > : > [活]-活兒 : > [活]-活兒 >

厂-臼 : > : > [兒]-活兒 : > [兒]-活兒 >

活兒 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 兒

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