
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 結


Knotted tangles

hunˋ jieˊ

結 jieˊ, jie¯
Form, Unite, Join, Connect, Node, Tie, Knot, Weave, Congeal, Coagulate, Outcome, Result, Become, Bear Fruit, Pay off, Settle, (jie1), Tough, Strong, Durable, Stutter, Stammer, Bear fruit

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 混結 (wen-ye)

Grouped by first phone

hun, chun

婚戒 hun¯ jieˋ

Wedding ring

混結 hunˋ jieˊ

Knotted tangles

hun, chun

春節 chun¯ jieˊ

Spring festival

純潔 chunˊ jieˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

42, 12, 14, 22

混結 hunˋ jieˊ

Knotted tangles

42, 12, 14, 22

春節 chun¯ jieˊ

Spring festival

42, 12, 14, 22

婚戒 hun¯ jieˋ

Wedding ring

42, 12, 14, 22

純潔 chunˊ jieˊ



丶-氵 : > : > [混]-混結 : > [混]-混結 >

𠄌-糸 : > : > [結]-混結 : > [結]-混結 >

混結 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 結

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