
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 末


During the Guangxu period of the late Qing Dynasty, (Cats: History next)

qing¯ moˋ guang¯ xuˋ nianˊ jian¯

末 moˋ
End, Last, Final, Latter Part

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Phone , Tone


清末 qing¯ moˋ

Words that rhyme with 清末光緒年間 (ying-o)

Grouped by first phone

qing, ting, ying

輕薄 qing¯ boˊ


清末 qing¯ moˋ

Late Qing dynasty

清末光緒年間 qing¯ moˋ guang¯ xuˋ nianˊ jian¯

During the Guangxu period of the late Qing Dynasty

qing, ting, ying

停泊 tingˊ boˊ

Anchor, Anchored, Moored

停泊在幾百公尺外 tingˊ boˊ zaiˋ jiˇ baiˇ gong¯ chiˇ waiˋ

Moored a few hundred meters away

停泊桿 tingˊ boˊ ganˇ

Mooring mast, Mooring masts

qing, ting, ying

硬模 yingˋ moˊ

Machining die

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 12, 22, 42

清末 qing¯ moˋ

Late Qing dynasty

清末光緒年間 qing¯ moˋ guang¯ xuˋ nianˊ jian¯

During the Guangxu period of the late Qing Dynasty

14, 12, 22, 42

輕薄 qing¯ boˊ


14, 12, 22, 42

停泊 tingˊ boˊ

Anchor, Anchored, Moored

停泊在幾百公尺外 tingˊ boˊ zaiˋ jiˇ baiˇ gong¯ chiˇ waiˋ

Moored a few hundred meters away

停泊桿 tingˊ boˊ ganˇ

Mooring mast, Mooring masts

14, 12, 22, 42

硬模 yingˋ moˊ

Machining die

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