
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 光


Leaked out, Emptied out

louˋ guang¯ le˙

光 guang¯
Light, Shine, Bright, Ray, Honor, Used Up, Exhausted, Alone, Nude, Naked, Bare, Bald

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Phone , Tone


漏光 louˋ guang¯

Words that rhyme with 漏光了 (ou-wang)

Grouped by first phone

lou, chou, dou, shou, zhou

漏光 louˋ guang¯

Empty, Empty out, Leak out, Become empty

漏光了 louˋ guang¯ le˙

Leaked out, Emptied out

lou, chou, dou, shou, zhou

抽壯丁 chou¯ zhuangˋ ding¯

Draft able bodied men into the military

lou, chou, dou, shou, zhou

都忘 dou¯ wangˋ

Completely forgot

都忘了 dou¯ wangˋ le˙

Completely forgot

lou, chou, dou, shou, zhou

首創 shouˇ chuangˋ

The first

守望 shouˇ wangˋ

Guard, Keep watch, Be on the lookout

lou, chou, dou, shou, zhou

周王 zhou¯ wangˊ

King Zhou

周王東遷後 zhou¯ wangˊ dong¯ qian¯ houˋ

After the King of Zhou moved east

舟狀骨 zhou¯ zhuangˋ guˇ


Grouped in tone pairs

41, 12, 14, 34

漏光 louˋ guang¯

Empty, Empty out, Leak out, Become empty

漏光了 louˋ guang¯ le˙

Leaked out, Emptied out

41, 12, 14, 34

周王 zhou¯ wangˊ

King Zhou

周王東遷後 zhou¯ wangˊ dong¯ qian¯ houˋ

After the King of Zhou moved east

41, 12, 14, 34

抽壯丁 chou¯ zhuangˋ ding¯

Draft able bodied men into the military

都忘 dou¯ wangˋ

Completely forgot

都忘了 dou¯ wangˋ le˙

Completely forgot

舟狀骨 zhou¯ zhuangˋ guˇ


41, 12, 14, 34

首創 shouˇ chuangˋ

The first

守望 shouˇ wangˋ

Guard, Keep watch, Be on the lookout


丶-氵 : > : > [漏]-漏光 : > [漏]-漏光了 >

人-⺌ : > : > [光]-漏光 : > [光]-漏光了 >

𠃌-了 : > : > [了]-光了 : > [了]-漏光了 >

漏光了 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 光

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