
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 粉


Grayish-pink, (Cats: Color next)

hui¯ fenˇ hongˊ seˋ

粉 fenˇ
Powder, Dust

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Phone , Tone


粉紅 fenˇ hongˊ

紅色 hongˊ seˋ

粉紅色 fenˇ hongˊ seˋ

Words that rhyme with 灰粉紅色 (wei-en)

Grouped by first phone

hui, chui, dui, gui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

繪本 huiˋ benˇ

Picture book, Illustrated

灰塵 hui¯ chenˊ


會沉澱 huiˋ chenˊ dianˋ

Will settle, Will precipitate

灰粉紅色 hui¯ fenˇ hongˊ seˋ


悔恨 huiˇ henˋ

Regret, Remorse

回身 huiˊ shen¯


會診 huiˋ zhenˇ


會診商量 huiˋ zhenˇ shang¯ liangˊ

Consult, Medical consultation

hui, chui, dui, gui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

搥門 chuiˊ menˊ

Beat on the door, Hammered on the door

hui, chui, dui, gui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

對稱 duiˋ chenˋ

Symmetric, Symmetrical, Symmetry

對人情沒半點尊重 duiˋ renˊ qingˊ meiˊ banˋ dianˇ zun¯ zhongˋ

No respect for sentiment, No regard for human feeling

hui, chui, dui, gui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

歸根到底 gui¯ gen¯ daoˋ diˇ

In the final analysis

貴很多 guiˋ henˇ duo¯

Much more expensive

鬼針草 guiˇ zhen¯ caoˇ

Type of yellow flowered plant with barbed seeds, Black jack, Beggar ticks, Cobbler's pegs, Farmer's friends

hui, chui, dui, gui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

虧本 kui¯ benˇ

At a loss

愧恨 kuiˋ henˋ

Remorse, Remorseful, Feel remorseful

hui, chui, dui, gui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

水分 shuiˇ fen¯

Moisture, Water content, Humidity

水分子 shuiˇ fen¯ ziˇ

Water molecule

水圳 shuiˇ zhenˋ

Irrigation canal, Irrigation canals

hui, chui, dui, gui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

隨身 suiˊ shen¯

Carry on one's person, Carry

隨身帶了 suiˊ shen¯ daiˋ le˙

Bring, Carry

隨身帶著 suiˊ shen¯ daiˋ zhe˙

Carrying, Carrying around

隨身帶著走 suiˊ shen¯ daiˋ zhe˙ zouˇ

Portable, Can be carried on one's person while walking

隨身碟 suiˊ shen¯ dieˊ

Thumb drive, USB drive

隨身行李 suiˊ shen¯ xingˊ liˇ

Carry-on baggage

hui, chui, dui, gui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

薇恩娜 wei¯ en¯ naˋ


為人 weiˋ renˊ

For the sake of others, Acting in the interests of others, Acting on someone else's behalf

為人著想 weiˋ renˊ zhaoˊ xiangˇ

Thinks about other people

味神經 weiˋ shenˊ jing¯

Nerve for taste sensations

為什麼問題總是接二連三地來呢 weiˋ shenˊ me˙ wenˋ tiˊ zongˇ shiˋ jie¯ erˋ lianˊ san¯ diˋ laiˊ ne˙

Why it is that problems always come together?

為什麼這樣 weiˋ shenˊ me˙ zheˋ yangˋ

Why this?

為什麼那樣 weiˋ shenˊ me˙ naˋ yangˋ

Why that?

薇真 wei¯ zhen¯


hui, chui, dui, gui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

椎根 zhui¯ gen¯


hui, chui, dui, gui, kui, shui, sui, wei, zhui, zui

醉人 zuiˋ renˊ


最深 zuiˋ shen¯


最珍貴 zuiˋ zhen¯ guiˋ

Most precious

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

灰粉紅色 hui¯ fenˇ hongˊ seˋ


虧本 kui¯ benˇ

At a loss

13, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

歸根到底 gui¯ gen¯ daoˋ diˇ

In the final analysis

薇恩娜 wei¯ en¯ naˋ


薇真 wei¯ zhen¯


椎根 zhui¯ gen¯


13, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

灰塵 hui¯ chenˊ


13, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

回身 huiˊ shen¯


隨身 suiˊ shen¯

Carry on one's person, Carry

隨身帶了 suiˊ shen¯ daiˋ le˙

Bring, Carry

隨身帶著 suiˊ shen¯ daiˋ zhe˙

Carrying, Carrying around

隨身帶著走 suiˊ shen¯ daiˋ zhe˙ zouˇ

Portable, Can be carried on one's person while walking

隨身碟 suiˊ shen¯ dieˊ

Thumb drive, USB drive

隨身行李 suiˊ shen¯ xingˊ liˇ

Carry-on baggage

13, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

搥門 chuiˊ menˊ

Beat on the door, Hammered on the door

13, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

鬼針草 guiˇ zhen¯ caoˇ

Type of yellow flowered plant with barbed seeds, Black jack, Beggar ticks, Cobbler's pegs, Farmer's friends

水分 shuiˇ fen¯

Moisture, Water content, Humidity

水分子 shuiˇ fen¯ ziˇ

Water molecule

13, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

悔恨 huiˇ henˋ

Regret, Remorse

水圳 shuiˇ zhenˋ

Irrigation canal, Irrigation canals

13, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

最深 zuiˋ shen¯


最珍貴 zuiˋ zhen¯ guiˋ

Most precious

13, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

對人情沒半點尊重 duiˋ renˊ qingˊ meiˊ banˋ dianˇ zun¯ zhongˋ

No respect for sentiment, No regard for human feeling

會沉澱 huiˋ chenˊ dianˋ

Will settle, Will precipitate

為人 weiˋ renˊ

For the sake of others, Acting in the interests of others, Acting on someone else's behalf

為人著想 weiˋ renˊ zhaoˊ xiangˇ

Thinks about other people

味神經 weiˋ shenˊ jing¯

Nerve for taste sensations

為什麼問題總是接二連三地來呢 weiˋ shenˊ me˙ wenˋ tiˊ zongˇ shiˋ jie¯ erˋ lianˊ san¯ diˋ laiˊ ne˙

Why it is that problems always come together?

為什麼這樣 weiˋ shenˊ me˙ zheˋ yangˋ

Why this?

為什麼那樣 weiˋ shenˊ me˙ naˋ yangˋ

Why that?

醉人 zuiˋ renˊ


13, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

貴很多 guiˋ henˇ duo¯

Much more expensive

繪本 huiˋ benˇ

Picture book, Illustrated

會診 huiˋ zhenˇ


會診商量 huiˋ zhenˇ shang¯ liangˊ

Consult, Medical consultation

13, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

對稱 duiˋ chenˋ

Symmetric, Symmetrical, Symmetry

愧恨 kuiˋ henˋ

Remorse, Remorseful, Feel remorseful


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𠄌-糸 : > : > [紅]-粉紅 : > [紅]-灰粉紅色 >

丿-⺈ : > : > [色]-紅色 : > [色]-灰粉紅色 >

灰粉紅色 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 粉

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