
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 窮


Infinite, Endless, Unbound, Boundless, Limitless, Inexhaustible, Interminable

wuˊ qiongˊ

窮 qiongˊ
Exhaust, Poor, Impoverish, Desperate, Extreme, Failure

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 無窮 (wu-yong)

Grouped by first phone

wu, bu, cu, fu, gu, lu, pu

無窮 wuˊ qiongˊ

Infinite, Endless, Unbound, Boundless, Limitless, Inexhaustible, Interminable

無窮無盡 wuˊ qiongˊ wuˊ jinˋ

Limitless, Endless, Infinite, Inexhaustible

wu, bu, cu, fu, gu, lu, pu

不用 buˊ yongˋ

Doesn't need to, Not necessary (to)

不用你幫忙了 buˊ yongˋ niˇ bang¯ mangˊ le˙

Doesn't need your help, Don't need your help

不用動 buˊ yongˋ dongˋ

Without moving

不用動一根汗毛 buˊ yongˋ dongˋ yiˋ gen¯ hanˋ maoˊ

Without moving a single hair, Without doing anything, Without having to actually do anything, Not having to do anything, No need to do anything

不用怕 buˊ yongˋ paˋ

Don't be afraid, Don't worry, Have no fear

不用查看 buˊ yongˋ chaˊ kanˋ

Without bother to check, Without needing to check

不用說 buˊ yongˋ shuo¯

Needless to say

wu, bu, cu, fu, gu, lu, pu

簇擁 cuˋ yongˇ

Attended by a crowd, Surrounded by a crowd

wu, bu, cu, fu, gu, lu, pu

服用 fuˊ yongˋ

Take or use medicine, Clothes and tools

wu, bu, cu, fu, gu, lu, pu

僱傭 guˋ yong¯


僱用 guˋ yongˋ

Employment, Hire, Employ, Engage services of

雇用 guˋ yongˋ

Employ, Hire

雇用人 guˋ yongˋ renˊ

Hire, Hiring

wu, bu, cu, fu, gu, lu, pu

錄用 luˋ yongˋ

Employ, Take on staff

wu, bu, cu, fu, gu, lu, pu

僕傭 pu¯ yong¯


Grouped in tone pairs

22, 11, 24, 41, 43, 44

無窮 wuˊ qiongˊ

Infinite, Endless, Unbound, Boundless, Limitless, Inexhaustible, Interminable

無窮無盡 wuˊ qiongˊ wuˊ jinˋ

Limitless, Endless, Infinite, Inexhaustible

22, 11, 24, 41, 43, 44

僕傭 pu¯ yong¯


22, 11, 24, 41, 43, 44

不用 buˊ yongˋ

Doesn't need to, Not necessary (to)

不用你幫忙了 buˊ yongˋ niˇ bang¯ mangˊ le˙

Doesn't need your help, Don't need your help

不用動 buˊ yongˋ dongˋ

Without moving

不用動一根汗毛 buˊ yongˋ dongˋ yiˋ gen¯ hanˋ maoˊ

Without moving a single hair, Without doing anything, Without having to actually do anything, Not having to do anything, No need to do anything

不用怕 buˊ yongˋ paˋ

Don't be afraid, Don't worry, Have no fear

不用查看 buˊ yongˋ chaˊ kanˋ

Without bother to check, Without needing to check

不用說 buˊ yongˋ shuo¯

Needless to say

服用 fuˊ yongˋ

Take or use medicine, Clothes and tools

22, 11, 24, 41, 43, 44

僱傭 guˋ yong¯


22, 11, 24, 41, 43, 44

簇擁 cuˋ yongˇ

Attended by a crowd, Surrounded by a crowd

22, 11, 24, 41, 43, 44

僱用 guˋ yongˋ

Employment, Hire, Employ, Engage services of

雇用 guˋ yongˋ

Employ, Hire

雇用人 guˋ yongˋ renˊ

Hire, Hiring

錄用 luˋ yongˋ

Employ, Take on staff


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丶-穴 : > : > [窮]-無窮 : > [窮]-無窮 >

無窮 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 窮

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