
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 咖


Hot Coffee, (Cats: Beverage-Coffee next)

reˋ ka¯ fei¯

咖 ka¯, ga¯
Coffee, Curry, Translit for Co, Translit for Cu

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Phone , Tone


咖啡 ka¯ fei¯

Words that rhyme with 熱咖啡 (e-a)

Grouped by first phone

re, ce, che, e, ge, he, ke, le, she, te, ze

熱茶 reˋ chaˊ

Hot tea, Tea

熱咖啡 reˋ ka¯ fei¯

Hot Coffee

re, ce, che, e, ge, he, ke, le, she, te, ze

策馬 ceˋ maˇ

Whip a horse, Spur a horse on

re, ce, che, e, ge, he, ke, le, she, te, ze

車把手 che¯ baˇ shouˇ

Handle bars

re, ce, che, e, ge, he, ke, le, she, te, ze

訛詐 eˊ zhaˋ

Extort, Blackmail, Swindle

re, ce, che, e, ge, he, ke, le, she, te, ze

疙瘩 ge¯ daˊ

Pimple, Wart, Round lump, Knot, Emotional block, Hang up

各大家族 geˋ daˋ jia¯ zuˊ

The Great Families, Each of the Major Families

個大圓圈 ge˙ daˋ yuanˊ quan¯

A big circle

個大塊頭 ge˙ daˋ kuaiˋ touˊ

Big man, A big man

個大斜角 ge˙ daˋ xieˊ jiaoˇ

Large angle

個大迷宮 ge˙ daˋ miˊ gong¯

A large maze, A large labyrinth

格殺 geˊ sha¯

Kill while fighting

re, ce, che, e, ge, he, ke, le, she, te, ze

喝茶 he¯ chaˊ

Drink tea, Drinking tea

合法 heˊ faˇ

Legitimate, Lawful, Legal

合法夫妻 heˊ faˇ fu¯ qi¯

Legitimately husband and wife

合法經營 heˊ faˇ jing¯ yingˊ

Legitimate operation, Legitimately run business

喝咖啡 he¯ ka¯ fei¯

Drink coffee, Drank coffee

賀卡 heˋ kaˇ

Greeting card

河馬 heˊ maˇ


re, ce, che, e, ge, he, ke, le, she, te, ze

可怕 keˇ paˋ

Frightening, Dreadful

可怕的 keˇ paˋ de˙


re, ce, che, e, ge, he, ke, le, she, te, ze

勒馬 leˋ maˇ

Stop a horse, Reign in a horse

re, ce, che, e, ge, he, ke, le, she, te, ze

設法 sheˋ faˇ

Devise a means of, Try to, Attempt to

re, ce, che, e, ge, he, ke, le, she, te, ze

特大 teˋ daˋ

Especially big, Most

特拉古人 teˋ la¯ guˇ renˊ


re, ce, che, e, ge, he, ke, le, she, te, ze

則把 zeˊ baˇ

Put, Placed

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34, 42, 43, 44, 54

熱咖啡 reˋ ka¯ fei¯

Hot Coffee

特拉古人 teˋ la¯ guˇ renˊ


41, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34, 42, 43, 44, 54

喝咖啡 he¯ ka¯ fei¯

Drink coffee, Drank coffee

41, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34, 42, 43, 44, 54

疙瘩 ge¯ daˊ

Pimple, Wart, Round lump, Knot, Emotional block, Hang up

喝茶 he¯ chaˊ

Drink tea, Drinking tea

41, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34, 42, 43, 44, 54

車把手 che¯ baˇ shouˇ

Handle bars

41, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34, 42, 43, 44, 54

格殺 geˊ sha¯

Kill while fighting

41, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34, 42, 43, 44, 54

合法 heˊ faˇ

Legitimate, Lawful, Legal

合法夫妻 heˊ faˇ fu¯ qi¯

Legitimately husband and wife

合法經營 heˊ faˇ jing¯ yingˊ

Legitimate operation, Legitimately run business

河馬 heˊ maˇ


則把 zeˊ baˇ

Put, Placed

41, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34, 42, 43, 44, 54

訛詐 eˊ zhaˋ

Extort, Blackmail, Swindle

41, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34, 42, 43, 44, 54

可怕 keˇ paˋ

Frightening, Dreadful

可怕的 keˇ paˋ de˙


41, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34, 42, 43, 44, 54

熱茶 reˋ chaˊ

Hot tea, Tea

41, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34, 42, 43, 44, 54

策馬 ceˋ maˇ

Whip a horse, Spur a horse on

賀卡 heˋ kaˇ

Greeting card

勒馬 leˋ maˇ

Stop a horse, Reign in a horse

設法 sheˋ faˇ

Devise a means of, Try to, Attempt to

41, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34, 42, 43, 44, 54

各大家族 geˋ daˋ jia¯ zuˊ

The Great Families, Each of the Major Families

特大 teˋ daˋ

Especially big, Most

41, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34, 42, 43, 44, 54

個大圓圈 ge˙ daˋ yuanˊ quan¯

A big circle

個大塊頭 ge˙ daˋ kuaiˋ touˊ

Big man, A big man

個大斜角 ge˙ daˋ xieˊ jiaoˇ

Large angle

個大迷宮 ge˙ daˋ miˊ gong¯

A large maze, A large labyrinth


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口-口 : > : > [咖]-咖啡 : > [咖]-熱咖啡 >

口-口 : > : > [啡]-咖啡 : > [啡]-熱咖啡 >

熱咖啡 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 咖

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