Special, Distinguished, Unique, Unusual, Extraordinary, Male Animal
Word Links for words containing 特 (sorted via character pairs)
特別 Special, Particular, Especially, Particularly, Specifically
特別設計 Specially designed, Specifically designed
為手上的工作特別設計 Designed specifically for the task at hand
特別標示出 Specially marked, Highlighted
特別捕魚方式 Special method for catching fish
特別用力點頭 Vigorously nodded, Nodded vigorously
穿著特別好的 Particularly well-dressed
沒什麼特別的一點 Nothing special, At no particular point
一家穿著特別好的人 A particularly well-dressed family
為了那一晚特別借了 Had borrowed especially for that evening
你想知道我是不是聽說了什麼特別有料的謠言 You want to know if I've heard any especially juicy rumors, You want to know if I've heard any particularly helpful rumors
特點 Characteristics, Feature, Features, Special features, Notable points
一個特點 A feature or characteristic
最有特點 Most notable point
關鍵特點 Key feature, Key features
特質 Special qualities, Characteristics
憤怒特質 An infuriating trait or characteristic
渴求的特質 Sought-after qualities, Sought-after characteristics
這兩項特質 These two qualities, These two characteristics
特色 Features, Unique features, Special features, Characteristics
值得一提的特色 Noteworthy features
值得注目的特色 Noteworthy features
波特蘭 Portland
亞特蘭堤斯號 Atlantis
亞特蘭大 Atlanta
波特蘭市 Portland
亞特蘭堤斯 Atlantis
新亞特蘭堤斯 New Atlantis
像第一座亞特蘭堤斯 Like the first Atlantis
到波特蘭機場 Portland Airport
搭接駁車到波特蘭機場 Took the shuttle bus to Portland airport
特工 Agent, Agents
女特工 Female agent
臥底特工 Undercover agent(s)
臥底特工的 Undercover agent's, Secret agents
特殊 Special, Notable
如果反應必須在特殊條件下才能進行 If the reaction requires certain conditions in order to proceed
特有 Characteristic, Peculiarity, Peculiar
特有的 Unique, Peculiar, Characteristic
肥皂泡特有的 Soap bubble characteristic
獨特 Unique, Special
一種獨特的做事方式 A unique way of doing something, The only possible way of doing something
在雷達上有獨特的信號調 Has a unique radar signature
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