
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 牌


Trump card

wangˊ paiˊ

牌 paiˊ
Trademark, Brand, Placard, Sign, Signboard, Cards, Game Pieces

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 王牌 (wang-ai)

Grouped by first phone

wang, chuang, guang, shuang, zhuang

往來 wangˇ laiˊ

Back and forth, Haggle, Deal with

王牌 wangˊ paiˊ

Trump card

wang, chuang, guang, shuang, zhuang

床麥桿 chuangˊ maiˋ ganˇ

Pallet of straw

窗台 chuang¯ taiˊ

Windowsill, Ledge

窗臺 chuang¯ taiˊ

Window sill

窗臺小盆栽 chuang¯ taiˊ xiaoˇ penˊ zai¯

Window box (for plants)

wang, chuang, guang, shuang, zhuang

光彩 guang¯ caiˇ

Splendid, Grand, Splendor, Radiance

逛買 guangˋ maiˇ

Shop, Shopping

逛買東西 guangˋ maiˇ dong¯ xi¯

Shop, Go shopping, Buy stuff

wang, chuang, guang, shuang, zhuang

霜害 shuang¯ haiˋ

Crop damage due to frost, Frostbite

雙排扣 shuang¯ paiˊ kouˋ


雙排扣西服 shuang¯ paiˊ kouˋ xi¯ fuˊ

Double-breasted western suit

wang, chuang, guang, shuang, zhuang

狀態 zhuangˋ taiˋ

Condition, Situation, Mode, State, Status, Status report

狀態穩定 zhuangˋ taiˋ wenˇ dingˋ

Condition is stable

狀態穩定了 zhuangˋ taiˋ wenˇ dingˋ le˙

Condition has stablized, Condition is stable

狀態良好 zhuangˋ taiˋ liangˊ haoˇ

In good condition, In perfect condition, In useable condition

撞在一起 zhuangˋ zaiˋ yiˋ qiˇ

Crash together, Crashed together

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 32, 43, 44

王牌 wangˊ paiˊ

Trump card

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 32, 43, 44

窗台 chuang¯ taiˊ

Windowsill, Ledge

窗臺 chuang¯ taiˊ

Window sill

窗臺小盆栽 chuang¯ taiˊ xiaoˇ penˊ zai¯

Window box (for plants)

雙排扣 shuang¯ paiˊ kouˋ


雙排扣西服 shuang¯ paiˊ kouˋ xi¯ fuˊ

Double-breasted western suit

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 32, 43, 44

光彩 guang¯ caiˇ

Splendid, Grand, Splendor, Radiance

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 32, 43, 44

霜害 shuang¯ haiˋ

Crop damage due to frost, Frostbite

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 32, 43, 44

床麥桿 chuangˊ maiˋ ganˇ

Pallet of straw

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 32, 43, 44

往來 wangˇ laiˊ

Back and forth, Haggle, Deal with

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 32, 43, 44

逛買 guangˋ maiˇ

Shop, Shopping

逛買東西 guangˋ maiˇ dong¯ xi¯

Shop, Go shopping, Buy stuff

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 32, 43, 44

狀態 zhuangˋ taiˋ

Condition, Situation, Mode, State, Status, Status report

狀態穩定 zhuangˋ taiˋ wenˇ dingˋ

Condition is stable

狀態穩定了 zhuangˋ taiˋ wenˇ dingˋ le˙

Condition has stablized, Condition is stable

狀態良好 zhuangˋ taiˋ liangˊ haoˇ

In good condition, In perfect condition, In useable condition

撞在一起 zhuangˋ zaiˋ yiˋ qiˇ

Crash together, Crashed together


一-王 : > : > [王]-王牌 : > [王]-王牌 >

丿-丿 : > : > [牌]-王牌 : > [牌]-王牌 >

王牌 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 牌

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