
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 珠


Pearl, Pearls

zhen¯ zhu¯

珠 zhu¯
Gem, Jewel, Pearl(s), Precious Stone

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 珍珠 (en-wu)

Grouped by first phone

zhen, ben, chen, fen, gen, hen, men, pen, ren, shen

真不是 zhen¯ buˊ shiˋ

Truly isn't, Really isn't

真不好 zhen¯ buˋ haoˇ

Truly bad, Not good

枕骨 zhenˇ guˇ

Occipital Bone

鎮務部門 zhenˋ wuˋ buˋ menˊ

Municipal, Municipal department

珍珠 zhen¯ zhu¯

Pearl, Pearls

珍珠奶茶 zhen¯ zhu¯ naiˇ chaˊ

Bubble milk tea

zhen, ben, chen, fen, gen, hen, men, pen, ren, shen

本部 benˇ buˋ

Headquarters, HQ

奔赴 ben¯ fuˋ

Run to

本書 benˇ shu¯


本土 benˇ tuˇ


zhen, ben, chen, fen, gen, hen, men, pen, ren, shen

襯出 chenˋ chu¯

Bring out, Show off

沈入 chenˊ ruˋ


陳述 chenˊ shuˋ

State, States, Stating, Stated, Relate, Relates, Relating, Related

塵土 chenˊ tuˇ


塵土氣味 chenˊ tuˇ qiˋ weiˋ

Smell of dust, Taste of dust, Dust-scented

zhen, ben, chen, fen, gen, hen, men, pen, ren, shen

分不出來 fen¯ buˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Could not distinguish between, Could not tell them appart

分不出真偽 fen¯ buˋ chu¯ zhen¯ weiˇ

Can't tell which is real and which is fake

分佈 fen¯ buˋ


分布 fen¯ buˋ

Spread, Scatter

分部 fen¯ buˋ


分出高下 fen¯ chu¯ gao¯ xiaˋ

Highest scoring

吩咐 fen¯ fuˋ

Instruct, Give instructions, Give directions

分母 fen¯ muˇ


墳墓 fenˊ muˋ

Grave, Tomb

憤怒 fenˋ nuˋ

Anger, Resentment, Angry, Feeling angry, Feeling resentful

憤怒地 fenˋ nuˋ de˙

Angrily, Furiously

憤怒地瞪視著 fenˋ nuˋ de˙ dengˋ shiˋ zhe˙

Angrily stared, Angrily stared at

憤怒地瞪視著他 fenˋ nuˋ de˙ dengˋ shiˋ zhe˙ ta¯

Angrily stared at him

憤怒特質 fenˋ nuˋ teˋ zhiˊ

An infuriating trait or characteristic

粉撲絨球 fenˇ pu¯ rongˊ qiuˊ


分數 fen¯ shuˋ

Fraction, Percentage, Score

份數 fenˋ shuˋ

Quantity price

分租 fen¯ zu¯


分組 fen¯ zuˇ

Group, Grouping, Category

zhen, ben, chen, fen, gen, hen, men, pen, ren, shen

跟不上 gen¯ bu˙ shangˋ

Can't keep up

跟骨 gen¯ guˇ


zhen, ben, chen, fen, gen, hen, men, pen, ren, shen

很不錯 henˇ buˊ cuoˋ

Nice, Not bad at all, Really nice

很不錯吧 henˇ buˊ cuoˋ ba˙

Not bad

很不可靠 henˇ buˋ keˇ kaoˋ

Not very reliable

很不好 henˇ buˋ haoˇ

Very bad

很不好意思 henˇ buˋ haoˇ yiˋ si¯

Very sorry, Ashamed, Embarrassed

很不想 henˇ buˋ xiangˇ

Did not want, Does not want

很不想嗅到什麼 henˇ buˋ xiangˇ xiuˋ daoˋ shenˊ me˙

Did not want to smell anything, Did not want to smell something, Does not want to smell anything, Does not want to smell anything

很不起眼 henˇ buˋ qiˇ yanˇ

Unexceptional, Unremarkable

恨不得 henˋ buˋ deˊ

Wish to do something impossible or illegal or immoral

很酷吧 henˇ kuˋ ba˙

Cool (eh)

恨入之骨 henˋ ruˋ zhi¯ guˇ

Hate to the bone, Harbored deep felt resentment

zhen, ben, chen, fen, gen, hen, men, pen, ren, shen

悶不吭聲 men¯ buˋ keng¯ sheng¯


門路 menˊ luˋ


zhen, ben, chen, fen, gen, hen, men, pen, ren, shen

噴出 pen¯ chu¯

Spray out, Sprayed out, Disperse, Dispersed

噴出四射八方 pen¯ chu¯ siˋ sheˋ ba¯ fang¯

Spray out in all directions

噴出的 pen¯ chu¯ de˙

Spit out, Shot out

噴出的火焰 pen¯ chu¯ de˙ huoˇ yanˋ

Spat flames, Spurted out flames

噴吐 pen¯ tuˇ

Spit, Spurt, Squirt, Shoot

噴吐火焰的 pen¯ tuˇ huoˇ yanˋ de˙

Flame throwing

zhen, ben, chen, fen, gen, hen, men, pen, ren, shen

人不多 renˊ buˋ duo¯

Not too many people, Only a few people, A small group of people

人部 renˊ buˋ

Radical for person

忍不住 renˇ buˊ zhuˋ

Could not stand, Could no longer take it, Was unable to resist, Cannot help but, Unable to tolerate

忍不住了 renˇ buˊ zhuˋ le˙

Could not stand, Could no longer take it, Was unable to resist, Cannot help

忍不住吃了 renˇ buˊ zhuˋ chi¯ le˙

Could not resist eating

忍不住笑了 renˇ buˊ zhuˋ xiaoˋ le˙

Could not help laughing

忍不住覺得 renˇ buˊ zhuˋ jueˊ de˙

Can't help feeling that

認不出 renˋ buˋ chu¯

Don't recognize

認不得 renˋ buˋ deˊ

Unrecognizable, Unintelligible

認出 renˋ chu¯

Recognize, Recognized

認出了 renˋ chu¯ le˙


認出布上的花樣 renˋ chu¯ buˋ shangˋ de˙ hua¯ yangˋ

Recognized the patterns on the cloth

認讀 renˋ duˊ

Read and recognize, Read and understand

韌度 renˋ duˋ


人數 renˊ shuˋ

Number of people

人物 renˊ wuˋ

Character, Person, Figure

人物主體 renˊ wuˋ zhuˇ tiˇ

Person who is a picture subject, Subject of a portrait

人物的動作 renˊ wuˋ de˙ dongˋ zuoˋ

Person's actions

任務 renˋ wuˋ

Mission, Duty, Responsibility

任務批准 renˋ wuˋ pi¯ zhunˇ

Mission approval, Approval for mission

任務指揮官 renˋ wuˋ zhiˇ hui¯ guan¯

Mission Commander

任務結束後 renˋ wuˋ jieˊ shuˋ houˋ

After mission (tour of duty) had ended

忍住 renˇ zhuˋ

Hold back, Holds back, Holding back, Held back

zhen, ben, chen, fen, gen, hen, men, pen, ren, shen

身不由己 shen¯ buˋ youˊ jiˇ


伸出 shen¯ chu¯

Reach out, Jut out, Reached out, Jutted out, Reaching out, Jutting out

伸出來 shen¯ chu¯ laiˊ

Held out, Brought out, Reached out

伸出手 shen¯ chu¯ shouˇ

Reaching out a hand, Extend a hand, Extended a hand

伸出手了 shen¯ chu¯ shouˇ le˙

Reached out

伸出手來輕輕摸一下 shen¯ chu¯ shouˇ laiˊ qing¯ qing¯ mo¯ yiˊ xiaˋ

Reach out to lightly touch, Reach out to brush

伸出的手 shen¯ chu¯ de˙ shouˇ

Extended hand, Offered hand

伸出雙手 shen¯ chu¯ shuang¯ shouˇ

Reached out with both hands

深處 shen¯ chuˋ


身處 shen¯ chuˋ

Be in, Being in, within

深度 shen¯ duˋ

Depth, Understanding, Profundity, Insight, Sophistication

深度感 shen¯ duˋ ganˇ

Depth perception

深谷 shen¯ guˇ

Deep valley

深呼吸 shen¯ hu¯ xi¯

Take a deep breath, Takes a deep breath

伸入 shen¯ ruˋ

Stick out into, Extend into, Project into, Thrust into

伸入江水 shen¯ ruˋ jiang¯ shuiˇ

Sticking out into the river, Extending out into the river

深入 shen¯ ruˋ

Penetrate, Delve deeply, Reach, Went deep into

深入人心 shen¯ ruˋ renˊ xin¯

Deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

深入虎穴 shen¯ ruˋ huˇ xueˋ

Go crazy

滲入 shenˋ ruˋ

Seeped, Infiltrated

慎勿 shenˋ wuˋ

Careful not to

神助 shenˊ zhuˋ

Divine intervention

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

分出高下 fen¯ chu¯ gao¯ xiaˋ

Highest scoring

分租 fen¯ zu¯


噴出 pen¯ chu¯

Spray out, Sprayed out, Disperse, Dispersed

噴出四射八方 pen¯ chu¯ siˋ sheˋ ba¯ fang¯

Spray out in all directions

噴出的 pen¯ chu¯ de˙

Spit out, Shot out

噴出的火焰 pen¯ chu¯ de˙ huoˇ yanˋ

Spat flames, Spurted out flames

伸出 shen¯ chu¯

Reach out, Jut out, Reached out, Jutted out, Reaching out, Jutting out

伸出來 shen¯ chu¯ laiˊ

Held out, Brought out, Reached out

伸出手 shen¯ chu¯ shouˇ

Reaching out a hand, Extend a hand, Extended a hand

伸出手了 shen¯ chu¯ shouˇ le˙

Reached out

伸出手來輕輕摸一下 shen¯ chu¯ shouˇ laiˊ qing¯ qing¯ mo¯ yiˊ xiaˋ

Reach out to lightly touch, Reach out to brush

伸出的手 shen¯ chu¯ de˙ shouˇ

Extended hand, Offered hand

伸出雙手 shen¯ chu¯ shuang¯ shouˇ

Reached out with both hands

深呼吸 shen¯ hu¯ xi¯

Take a deep breath, Takes a deep breath

珍珠 zhen¯ zhu¯

Pearl, Pearls

珍珠奶茶 zhen¯ zhu¯ naiˇ chaˊ

Bubble milk tea

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

真不是 zhen¯ buˊ shiˋ

Truly isn't, Really isn't

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

分母 fen¯ muˇ


分組 fen¯ zuˇ

Group, Grouping, Category

跟骨 gen¯ guˇ


噴吐 pen¯ tuˇ

Spit, Spurt, Squirt, Shoot

噴吐火焰的 pen¯ tuˇ huoˇ yanˋ de˙

Flame throwing

深谷 shen¯ guˇ

Deep valley

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

奔赴 ben¯ fuˋ

Run to

分不出來 fen¯ buˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Could not distinguish between, Could not tell them appart

分不出真偽 fen¯ buˋ chu¯ zhen¯ weiˇ

Can't tell which is real and which is fake

分佈 fen¯ buˋ


分布 fen¯ buˋ

Spread, Scatter

分部 fen¯ buˋ


吩咐 fen¯ fuˋ

Instruct, Give instructions, Give directions

分數 fen¯ shuˋ

Fraction, Percentage, Score

悶不吭聲 men¯ buˋ keng¯ sheng¯


身不由己 shen¯ buˋ youˊ jiˇ


深處 shen¯ chuˋ


身處 shen¯ chuˋ

Be in, Being in, within

深度 shen¯ duˋ

Depth, Understanding, Profundity, Insight, Sophistication

深度感 shen¯ duˋ ganˇ

Depth perception

伸入 shen¯ ruˋ

Stick out into, Extend into, Project into, Thrust into

伸入江水 shen¯ ruˋ jiang¯ shuiˇ

Sticking out into the river, Extending out into the river

深入 shen¯ ruˋ

Penetrate, Delve deeply, Reach, Went deep into

深入人心 shen¯ ruˋ renˊ xin¯

Deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

深入虎穴 shen¯ ruˋ huˇ xueˋ

Go crazy

真不好 zhen¯ buˋ haoˇ

Truly bad, Not good

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

跟不上 gen¯ bu˙ shangˋ

Can't keep up

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

塵土 chenˊ tuˇ


塵土氣味 chenˊ tuˇ qiˋ weiˋ

Smell of dust, Taste of dust, Dust-scented

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

沈入 chenˊ ruˋ


陳述 chenˊ shuˋ

State, States, Stating, Stated, Relate, Relates, Relating, Related

墳墓 fenˊ muˋ

Grave, Tomb

門路 menˊ luˋ


人不多 renˊ buˋ duo¯

Not too many people, Only a few people, A small group of people

人部 renˊ buˋ

Radical for person

人數 renˊ shuˋ

Number of people

人物 renˊ wuˋ

Character, Person, Figure

人物主體 renˊ wuˋ zhuˇ tiˇ

Person who is a picture subject, Subject of a portrait

人物的動作 renˊ wuˋ de˙ dongˋ zuoˋ

Person's actions

神助 shenˊ zhuˋ

Divine intervention

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

本書 benˇ shu¯


粉撲絨球 fenˇ pu¯ rongˊ qiuˊ


11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

很不錯 henˇ buˊ cuoˋ

Nice, Not bad at all, Really nice

很不錯吧 henˇ buˊ cuoˋ ba˙

Not bad

忍不住 renˇ buˊ zhuˋ

Could not stand, Could no longer take it, Was unable to resist, Cannot help but, Unable to tolerate

忍不住了 renˇ buˊ zhuˋ le˙

Could not stand, Could no longer take it, Was unable to resist, Cannot help

忍不住吃了 renˇ buˊ zhuˋ chi¯ le˙

Could not resist eating

忍不住笑了 renˇ buˊ zhuˋ xiaoˋ le˙

Could not help laughing

忍不住覺得 renˇ buˊ zhuˋ jueˊ de˙

Can't help feeling that

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

本土 benˇ tuˇ


枕骨 zhenˇ guˇ

Occipital Bone

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

本部 benˇ buˋ

Headquarters, HQ

很不可靠 henˇ buˋ keˇ kaoˋ

Not very reliable

很不好 henˇ buˋ haoˇ

Very bad

很不好意思 henˇ buˋ haoˇ yiˋ si¯

Very sorry, Ashamed, Embarrassed

很不想 henˇ buˋ xiangˇ

Did not want, Does not want

很不想嗅到什麼 henˇ buˋ xiangˇ xiuˋ daoˋ shenˊ me˙

Did not want to smell anything, Did not want to smell something, Does not want to smell anything, Does not want to smell anything

很不起眼 henˇ buˋ qiˇ yanˇ

Unexceptional, Unremarkable

很酷吧 henˇ kuˋ ba˙

Cool (eh)

忍住 renˇ zhuˋ

Hold back, Holds back, Holding back, Held back

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

襯出 chenˋ chu¯

Bring out, Show off

認出 renˋ chu¯

Recognize, Recognized

認出了 renˋ chu¯ le˙


認出布上的花樣 renˋ chu¯ buˋ shangˋ de˙ hua¯ yangˋ

Recognized the patterns on the cloth

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

認讀 renˋ duˊ

Read and recognize, Read and understand

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

憤怒 fenˋ nuˋ

Anger, Resentment, Angry, Feeling angry, Feeling resentful

憤怒地 fenˋ nuˋ de˙

Angrily, Furiously

憤怒地瞪視著 fenˋ nuˋ de˙ dengˋ shiˋ zhe˙

Angrily stared, Angrily stared at

憤怒地瞪視著他 fenˋ nuˋ de˙ dengˋ shiˋ zhe˙ ta¯

Angrily stared at him

憤怒特質 fenˋ nuˋ teˋ zhiˊ

An infuriating trait or characteristic

份數 fenˋ shuˋ

Quantity price

恨不得 henˋ buˋ deˊ

Wish to do something impossible or illegal or immoral

恨入之骨 henˋ ruˋ zhi¯ guˇ

Hate to the bone, Harbored deep felt resentment

認不出 renˋ buˋ chu¯

Don't recognize

認不得 renˋ buˋ deˊ

Unrecognizable, Unintelligible

韌度 renˋ duˋ


任務 renˋ wuˋ

Mission, Duty, Responsibility

任務批准 renˋ wuˋ pi¯ zhunˇ

Mission approval, Approval for mission

任務指揮官 renˋ wuˋ zhiˇ hui¯ guan¯

Mission Commander

任務結束後 renˋ wuˋ jieˊ shuˋ houˋ

After mission (tour of duty) had ended

滲入 shenˋ ruˋ

Seeped, Infiltrated

慎勿 shenˋ wuˋ

Careful not to

鎮務部門 zhenˋ wuˋ buˋ menˊ

Municipal, Municipal department


一-王 : > : > [珍]-珍珠 : > [珍]-珍珠 >

一-王 : > : > [珠]-珍珠 : > [珠]-珍珠 >

珍珠 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 珠

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